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 Feb 2015 Anon
You are the light
That hides below the horizon
I await humbly for your rays
To illuminate this darkened season

You are the beacon
That would build me anew
Equip me with newfound notions
When dreams and hopes are far and few

You are the air
Of a fresh new start
Allowing this body another chance
At retrieving a brand new heart

You are the opportunity
Held my breath for far too long
Soon be granted to live again
And choose the right from the wrong

You are the day
Like many have too often said
Due to arrive after tonight
And embrace me as I laid in bed

You are the tomorrow
The promise of my brand new day
But there have been many tomorrows
That have come and gone away

You are my tomorrow
My future, bearing much needed balm
Maybe tomorrow I may finally realise
**That you would never ever come
 Feb 2015 Anon
bed river
 Feb 2015 Anon
Let's say that life is like a river today,
You're one of many ripples that causes the movement in its waters.
(You're the one who caught the sunlight)
And I'm a little stone in the sand who gets tugged along from time to time.
So life is this little river and we all make our different movements to keep it alive,
And together, when you stand on the bank and take a look, we're all moving at this similar kind of pace.

So life is a river;
We all contribute a little and things keep moving that way,

But if you could just skip work today
and come sleep in my bed with me
that would be great.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Kim Denise
 Feb 2015 Anon
Kim Denise
Poems are making me sad.

Every word pierces me,
and every sentence
rearranges itself
and spells your name.

Poems are making me sad,
but you are making me sadder.
i don't know why i'm doing this and why i'm feeling this way :(
 Feb 2015 Anon
I do
 Feb 2015 Anon
It'd be a lie to say I don't care,
When I do.
I do.

It'd be a lie to say it doesn't hurt,
When it does.
I do.

It'd be a lie to pretend I am not looking,
When I am.
I do.

It'd be a lie to pretend I don't love you,
When I do.
I do.

And I know you know it.
But still we live to please others,
To protect ourselves.
And we still stand strong-
Whilst we wish to exist without them,
We can't. Because part of me and you lies with everyone we've met.
That makes us who we are.
And I love every bit of you for it.
*I do.
 Feb 2015 Anon
 Feb 2015 Anon
I am a grass.
Even if someone stepped on me,
Tried to crush my hopes,
Or wished to burn me in misery;
I just grow back
Even stronger
And greener.
There are people who will try to drag us down. There will be tough times in our life. But we must not let anything or anyone stop us from reaching our dreams. We must fight back. Get up immediately when we fall down. And show to the world how strong we had been :)
 Feb 2015 Anon
Nadine Swain
 Feb 2015 Anon
Nadine Swain
she does everything
the same way
every single
******* day

waiting for the time
when she has
enough power
enough love
just enough
to make a difference
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