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Stop living your life like you're in some kind of a movie.  
Stop trying to cast your true love instead of just meeting them.
Love isn't always a lightning bolt, maybe sometimes it's just a choice.
Maybe true love is a decision.
A decision to take a chance with somebody.  
To give to somebody without worrying whether they'll give anything back or if they're going to hurt you or if they really are the one.
Maybe love isn't something that happens to you, maybe it's something you have to choose.

**True love is a process, not an event.
This is a paraphrased monologue by Britney Murpheys character "Jacks" in the movie Love and Other Disasters.  I'm trying to give credit where is due, it's not quoted because it's not all exactly as it was said but for the most part its lines from the movie. Hope you like it, I thought it was quite inspiring.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Mike lowe
You Are.
 Feb 2015 Anon
Mike lowe
You're someones beautiful disaster. You're something that someone has been looking for all their life.

You're the reason why symphonies are played with such emotion. You're the reason poetry is made. You're the reason people smile in the morning.

You're the reason for people to have a reason. You're someones one and only. Someones first thought when they wake up and last thought when they fall asleep.

You're something amazing. Everyday you show it, even if you don't notice it. You're something no words can explain.

Someday you'll meet someone who will try to put it into words but won't need to because they show it everyday. Just give it time.

You're someones, someone!
 Feb 2015 Anon
Joseph Schneider
If you blame the imperfect aspects
of your life on someone else,
change will not follow.

-Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
How can we change something about our life if what we wish to change we blame on something out of our control?
 Feb 2015 Anon
 Feb 2015 Anon
the flowers you have given me,
they slowly wilted
like the way you told me
you loved me
l o v e d
l o v e
l o v
l o

but still, they grew back as

 Feb 2015 Anon
wish you were here
in the void between stars
slowly floating in spaces
left between fingers and the night sky
away from hot splashes
of bitter sun

wish you were here
keeping me company on a long winding road
where tree shadows hold each others hands
till the end of nothingness
where birds forget their nests
and are forever lost in blissful amnesia

wish you were here
draped in colours of autumn
fragrances of spring and gusts of rain
in silent chills of winter whiff
hunting like an arctic fox
the no good prey of meekness

wish you were here
on the attic walking on a crazy rainbow
shamelessly fragile
like the love of a baby for a new toy
so pure, honest...  yet so

stuck in a fishbowl
ensnared by smiles of the moon
alluring me with chants of professed freedom
life throws darts on a balloon heart
wish you were here
to rid me of fears and lies i tell myself
and you

in times when diamonds doubt their worth
boundaries of satisfaction orphaned by loneliness
wish you were here
with a wingspan of monsoon clouds
to soar over and flood the parched earth
preceded by rhythms of thunder

but here you are
hiding in pillars of laughter
swaying to music of freshness
meant for my hazy eyes to seek
and I dare not dance on orange flower-beds
left behind in your footprints
etched on my imagination

I dare not lead this dance
I will not change the music
and let delirium echo in air surrounding us
for too much of a dream bewitches the sleep

but somewhere in the spaces
left between my fingers and the night sky
draped in colours of autumn
carrying smile of a baby who found his toy
with footprints on which spring grows
just for tonight...

could you walk my rainbow
 Feb 2015 Anon
Untitled (2)
 Feb 2015 Anon
Never chase success
Chase excellence
Success will chase after you
- not mine, but very relevant.
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