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Jan 2019 · 280
The truth
alex Jan 2019
Call me a hypocrite but i hate it when he's around
because he never does  anything for free this time round
I  just want him to stay away until I  need his help
I guess I have to play  the hand I was dealt
It hurts seeing someone you care about get used
I can see the way you were bruised
I want to mad at you for letting him do this to you
why cant he leave , I hope he catches a clue
He is not welcome here
this hurt I  wish would just disappear
Aug 2018 · 357
alex Aug 2018
I hate keeping everything inside .
All these emotions are  eating me alive.
I'm just looking for a way to release this hurt .I'm just looking for some advice.
The worst part of it all you are not aware of the damage you're inciting .
The pain I'm feeling is hard describing  .
seeing you hurt is hurting me.
Never thought it would have affected me .
I'm learning to trust people but this is quite difficult .
Everything I've been thought is making me cynical
opening up to others is a harder task .
sometime s being open is too much to ask .
Apr 2018 · 311
alex Apr 2018
I hate keeping everything inside .
All these emotions are eating me  alive .
I'm just looking for a way to release this hurt , I just need some advice .
The worst part of it all you have no idea of the damage your inciting .
The pain I'm feeling is hard describing . Seeing you hurt is hurting me .
Never thought it would have affected me .
I'm learning to trust people but this is quite difficult .
Everything I've been through is  making me cynical .
Jan 2018 · 466
alex Jan 2018
Self- confidence is not something so easily obtained .
These negative remarks , opinions  and thoughts remain.
Stabbing at my self-esteem.
Its original state would never be redeemed .
Self-confidence seem only like a dream.
Society and these unrealistic expectations work together as a team.
Bringing my Self-Confidence to its knees .
Trying hard to win against societies'  high  expectations.
But it is a battle I cannot win, just need  a little demonstration .
That shows your skincolor , bodyshape doesn't define you.
That thinner or whiter is better isn't true.
Just give us a clue .
Aug 2017 · 632
alex Aug 2017
Have someone ever made you feel inferior because of your skin color
Do we not bleed the same color
I long for a world without racism
I am drowning in your insults , results of your  hate and prejudice
our ignorance we must  sacrifice
to make a difference
Aug 2017 · 289
fear of failure
alex Aug 2017
fear of failure is what holds me back
every failure leaves a crack
in my self-confidence
making me feel incompetent
Jul 2017 · 1.8k
without purpose
alex Jul 2017
I feel without purpose
is there something I'm suppose to do
I feel hollow
like darkness is swallowing me whole
sometimes I don't know what is worst ,feeling too much
or feeling nothing at all
I wish I was better at expressing how I feel
but writing seem like my only way to deal
Jun 2017 · 418
alex Jun 2017
my mistakes are like a thousands little voices in the back of my mind
haunting me , slowly driving me insane . tranquility I cannot find
their telling me I will not amount to anything
because I destroy  everything
I am drowning in their appraisal
making me feel incapable.
May 2017 · 586
perfect the way you are
alex May 2017
hey you, feeling unpretty , insecure are you
your beauty ,I only wish you knew
don't worry about what they say , you are you
your perfect the way you are
hey you scrolling , just want to stay your perfect the way you are
May 2017 · 349
alex May 2017
Try to be kind even when it isn't returned
because  kindness shouldn't have to be earned
kindness helps the heart grow , is what I've learnt
Apr 2017 · 418
Make a difference
alex Apr 2017
have you ever witness something and think their is no hope in humanity
seen so many cruel things that it is hard to keep your sanity
then just when you think  all hope is gone , someone does something charitable
and you think maybe their is still hope for society
I want to make a difference , I want to be the one to alleviate society
I try to kind to everyone even if the favor isn't returned
because kindness shouldn't be earned ,it is what I have learned
Apr 2017 · 1.7k
Afraid to love
alex Apr 2017
I am afraid to love from what I have seen
true love seems like a dream
a fairy tale , fiction, a fantasy
afraid to broken so I become cynical
letting my guard down is difficult
refuse to be played like an instrument for someone else's amusement
all the victims of heartbreak will be my determent
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
you are a diamond
alex Apr 2017
you are a diamond unique  and rare
your beauty is  beyond compare
but you are unaware
so let me declare
your beauty is like no other
you will never find another
let no one tell you otherwise
so take off your disguise
your imperfections is what makes you unique .
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
alex Apr 2017
I hate you but I need you
I hate that I need you
I loved you but you hurt me
you hurt me and I loved you
you were suppose to protect me  instead you inflict pain
my trust you will never regain
now I trust no one
Even when I need someone
now I am guarded
and wish you would disappeared
no one hears me cry
my thoughts you occupy
you deny your the reason
oh why were you my chosen
Apr 2017 · 498
alex Apr 2017
why do we pretend
pretend we are not broken
hurt by the words spoken
why do we pretend
is the pain too much to comprehend
are we afraid of being vulnerable
being so open ,defenseless
is it the fear of being hurt like the countless times before
why do we pretend
Mar 2017 · 708
alex Mar 2017
When you feel like the world is  crashing only to realize it is just your world
It  finally dawns on you ,reality behold.
Masking how you feel just to avoid the most common lie “l am fine”
When you really just mean help me ,should be a sign .
Knowing you should just confine .
So you put on a fake pretence of some kind.
hoping one day you will wake from the illusion you have created .
Mar 2017 · 1.3k
alex Mar 2017
perfection is overrated
should be outdated
A misconception that
leads in the wrong direction
A selection  of  delusions
based on opinions
A reflection of a society
full of illusions
A collection of deception
that leads to self destruction
A thought that should be
rejected instead accepted

— The End —