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Amir Murtaza Feb 10
The love story ends,
The tale is finished,
Their paths now diverge,
Separate ways taken.

Who cares for the other?
Who cherishes the bond?
A fleeting day spent together,
A smiling morning,
A humming evening,
Yet the night falls—
Darkness remains.

Bitterness lingers,
Resentment over trivial things,
Fragments of what once was.

Now, the search begins again—
Another hand to hold,
A new companion to find,
To fill the void,
To start another story.
Amir Murtaza Feb 10
When rights are taken,
people stand alone.
The world moves around them,
but they are outside,
unseen, unheard.

Dignity crumbles.
Inclusion becomes a distant idea,
participation a closed door.
They are left with nothing but silence,
a void where their voice should be.

Education, healthcare, justice—
these are not gifts,
they are foundations.
Without them,
the ground gives way.

Isolation grows,
not just in the mind,
but in the spaces between people.
It spreads,
weakening the ties that hold society together.

They are here,
but they are not.
Their absence is felt,
but not acknowledged.
The system turns,
blind to the cracks it creates.

How long can this last?
How many must stand alone
before the world notices,
before it stops,
and begins to rebuild?
Amir Murtaza Feb 9
Availability of clean water
Is necessary for all of us
It's vital for human health
And, it's development.

Access to clean water
Is everyone's right
Either the live in a metropolitan city
Or in a small village in desert
Rich or poor the same.

This is the obligation of governments
To give clean water to everybody
Bottled water is expensive
Everyone can't buy and drink.

We ought to recall
Consistently a kid passes on
Because of water related malady
The majority of these youngsters
Belong to helpless nations.
Amir Murtaza Feb 9
The house at the corner of the street,
with its striking red and green windows,
stands out.

An old neem tree still stands tall.
A few years ago, the place was filled with plants and flowers,
and I even noticed butterflies fluttering around.
But now, all the plant life has dried up—
there’s no water to sustain them.
Amir Murtaza Feb 7
Questions are vital,
Life thrives on questioning—
Yourself, others, the world.
Without questions, you cannot grow,
You cannot think,
For questions ignite thought,
And thought fuels change.

Yet, there are those in power,
Strong in might but fragile in mind,
Afraid of questions.
They silence voices,
Suppress bright minds,
Youthful minds,
Minds that dare to ask,
"Why?" and "What if?"

Across the epochs of history,
There have always been
The brave who question
And the fearful who evade.

Do not be afraid.
Raise your questions boldly.
For it is through questioning
That you challenge rigid thinking,
That you confront the immovable,
Even the most powerful.

Raise your voice,
And let your questions
Shape a better tomorrow.
Amir Murtaza Feb 5
In my childhood,
This city embraced me—
Open arms, warm and tender,
Like a lover greeting the beloved.

But now, for years,
It has become a dense jungle of people,
A place where no one speaks,
Where gatherings are no more.
Memories are left untouched,
Unspoken, unshared.

The days slip by—
They end as quickly as they begin.
Was there even an afternoon today?
I can’t recall.

Winter barely departed,
And summer rushed in too soon.
The gentle pause of spring,
Its fleeting beauty,
Seems lost to time.

I stand here, puzzled,
Wondering, searching—
Where has the spring of my city gone?

— The End —