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some doors shouldn't be opened, but humans have such a violent need to be loved,
so we break the locks and let the demons in
There is no greater betrayal
Than to believe yourself
Of the love and happiness,
The acceptance,
That so discreetly powers our souls...

But even so,
I am a traitor unto myself
 Oct 2015 Amber Williams
 Oct 2015 Amber Williams
Mummy said I was a disappointment,
and forbade me from the phone,
but maybe with this razor blade
I won't feel so alone.
June 29, 2013 /itsjusterin
 Oct 2015 Amber Williams
No, that’s not how it goes.
Start again.
Do you remember the tree on the lake?
It was a forest.
No, it was black, like tar. It tasted like broken glass.
I remember the incense on the drapes.
Yes. It clung to our clothes.
You cried.
No, I smiled.
You cried smiling.
I hate it when this happens.
What happens?
You know?
Um. Sometimes it feels like the world is too crowded with words. Like it's too dense to speak.
Like there’s something in the air that pushes against my throat.
There was a black dog, just then.
Outside. It’s gone now. Sorry. Start again.
Do you remember the tree on the lake?
There was a raven.
It was black like tar.
It caught a worm once.
Ravens don’t eat worms.
Yeah. It just sat there, with the worm in its beak. The worm squirmed, wrapping itself round the beak, over and over.
Is that why you were crying?
It wouldn’t stop. It kept going, digging its flesh deeper into the edges.
What was your father doing?
He’d filed for a divorce earlier.
Right. I wasn’t there.
No, you weren’t.
Do you regret locking the doors?
Sometimes I can taste the rain before it comes. It’s a skill I’ve had for as long as I can remember.
I’m lost. So your father was smiling?
No, he was crying.
Sorry. I swear I just--nevermind. Start again.
There was a storm in these parts when we were young. The worst storm in a hundred years.
I don’t remember.
You slept through it. I held your hand all night.
Because I was alone.
You still are.
I hate it when this happens.
What happens?
You know?
Where have you been?
Everywhere but here.
And where will you go?
Sometimes when I look at you, it’s like looking through static. It’s like I’m looking at an impression of a person.
I get that a lot.
It’s like all my memories of you have blurred together. Vague feelings rise out of the haze. Feelings I recognise, yet cannot describe. I cannot connect them with who you are, what we were, or where we’ve been. It’s--
Like exiting a dream.
Yes. Exactly.
You feel a gap in your soul. One that has always been.
Always been. You held my hand, once.
During the worst storm in a hundred years.
When was that?
Every night.
2:34am, October 12th 2015

We're all just playing a language game.
 Oct 2015 Amber Williams
 Oct 2015 Amber Williams
As I straddle your legs, I tickle you with delightful intentions and you respond with mirth. Little dots that adorn your body shimmer in the sunlight and whisper lovely promises. I lean down and taste your sweet lips with a gentle kiss. I gaze into your eyes and I see all of the answers to my questions that I have been looking for. I think to myself and wonder how I got so lucky. Then sadly, I wake up. As the lingering touches fade, the ghost of you haunts me with what could be.
Saturday morning were spent swallowed up in books,
Instead of surfing channels,
searching for a show to try and satisfy my thirst for adventure,
Yet each one was a satisfactory and savor-less as the last.

Instead, I lost myself in novels,
Books filled by dauntless tales
Of daring heroes and damsels in distress,
Of dreams who dared to dreams,
Of champions decided their own destiny,
Not deterred by the disheartened and the disturbed.

But these glory days faded away
because  apparently growing up meant
Giving up my golden dreams
To gluttonous people who tried to play god.

I sank low into my self pity,
Sadness slowly swept over my thoughts
Sorrow spat upon my sorry face
As I slowly submitted to the cold surrender of solitude.

Soon all music became mediocre,
Each melody, meaningless.
Mirrors became mortifying, for I could see the merciless monster inside me
turn me into a mental mausoleum;
It's mocking hammered through my malleable mind,
And bombard me with a myriad of maddening thoughts.

And so I isolated myself on a insomniac island,
alone with the insidious thoughts,
Inventing an imaginary monster to
inspire my icy heart.

Alas, there crept a creature, created in the cobwebbed corners of my mind,
cold and cryptic -
A creature I couldn't control.

It began setting siege against me,
Attacking the architecture of my mental mind mansion,
Tearing through my train of thought
Creating chaos that completely corrupted and  corroded my consciousness.

And the beast's name is Anxiety.
If you read this poem carefully, you can see that I wrote this poem as a continuous alliteration, with words with the same first letter mostly the same in most of the stanzas. Enjoy!

— The End —