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 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Blade Maiden
Lighthouse shine a light for me
in these dark times it is hard to see
will you shine a light so I might be
(some day)

Meaning got lost in the rubble
trust has only brought me trouble
People hiding inside their bubble
(seems like we are all)

Fires would you burn
I got lost after taking the last turn
what is there to find, what is to learn
(we feel like being, being)

Please, show me a way
it is hard to go, so much harder to stay
I walk, I halt, I run, I stray
(everything's loud but I make no)

Lighthouse, my castle of warmth
how I miss your steady arms
and your happy, glowing charms
(how is seeing you in the distance so)

Like ancient kings and queens
of a wisdom that redeems
though never knowing what it all really means
(in uncertainty, lonely, in melancholy once again)
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
The Non-Poet
i feel myself awaken
from this syrup-like slumber
i rub my eyes and look around
sighing that there's another day ahead

i remember feeling your presence in my dreams
but i don't remember you speaking
or trying to get close to me
i don't even remember you being there at all
but nonetheless, i still felt you there

and that's the saddest thing of all, i think
because you no longer think of me
let alone dream
how long will you
haunt me in my dreams?
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
grumpy thumb
Smudge of light
dim on pavement
made damp by drizzle.
Morning haze softening colours,
smoothing harshness
to pastels unobtrusive,
Extending the awakening dawn
void of witness to the rising sun.
Muted chorus of lark and blackbird
sensing the absence,
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Brent Kincaid
You brought gossamer ribbons
To hang down into our lives
And scented candles, all around
Dancing, flickering before our eyes.
You sang lovely melodies to us
That I never had heard before.
Somehow just being yourself seemed
That you were a master’s painting
Done by some ancient admired guy.
Sometimes you left me almost fainting.

You urged us to explore and seek
New vistas and scenes near our home
And celebrate the people and places
We would discover when we roamed.
You caused this old stick in the mud
To become a wider wandering soul.
I’m fairly certain that was your plan,
Your vision, your wish and your goal.

It worked, I changed and became
A new and different kind of person.
I dance and celebrate life today
Dancing in life's gossamer ribbons.
It’s almost like watching a movie
That has won all the best acclaim.
You’re gone now, but I still dance
But I admit it’s just not the same.
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Where in pastures sunflowers flourish and grow
And herds of cattle can be heard deep and low
Where once natives lived and hunted with pride
There's still a prairie stretching far and wide

Partly filled with suburbs by those in high places
hiding behind masks and fake smiles on faces
Upon this land our nearest star shines so bright
And this forever night has changed with light

And those natives once in possession of this land
Some fought bravely with tomahawk in hand
Many were slain like slaying wild beasts of field
Cause they love the land and wouldn't yield

Now all their survivors were quickly led faraway
Traveling for many a full moon and a sad day
As some became deathly ill, laid down and died
Snowflakes continued to fall as many cried
 Oct 2018 Gidgette
Vanessa Gatley
My mentality
On over drive
I will have to just
Use my tongue to direct
My course in life
To get it right
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