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May 2017 · 526
Alvaro May 2017
lo simple que es quererte

lo simple que es verte
y sentir tranquilidad

lo simple que es escucharte
y sonreir de mas

lo simple que es
lo que vale la pena
y tu lo disfrazas
de dificultad
May 2017 · 276
Alvaro May 2017
you jumped in the water
but the fire's inside
May 2017 · 990
Alvaro May 2017
it's only in dreams
where our eyes meet

it's only in dreams
where our fingers interlock

it's only in dreams
where I don't miss you

but it's every night
where insomnia keeps me up
keeps me from you
keeps me from one
Mar 2017 · 648
your arsenal
Alvaro Mar 2017
more than wings,
you gave me the sky

knowing too well
you had thunder and lighting
at your disposal

knowing too well
that you could set fire to my intentions
Feb 2017 · 346
Alvaro Feb 2017
and there I was,
hoping your heart of gold
would be our silver lining*

- a g
Jan 2017 · 302
Alvaro Jan 2017
actions speak louder than words
and your worst contradiction
is the way you rest your head
on my shoulder
Oct 2016 · 294
Alvaro Oct 2016
si el tiempo se detiene,*
*que estes a la vista
Sep 2016 · 685
Alvaro Sep 2016
Parece que fue a propósito nombrarla con rima de 'mañana'

Porque no es el sol, aquel que hace jardines florecer

Ni la luz que da y penetra la persiana

Si no el abrir de sus ojos cafés, lo que declara el amanecer.*

- a. g.
Aug 2016 · 431
my co-pilot
Alvaro Aug 2016
every red light asks me on repeat
where is she?
shouldn't she be on the passenger seat?

Aug 2016 · 498
tied or tugged
Alvaro Aug 2016
there are worse things
than having a knot
in your throat

having a pull
on your chest

you see
I can undo the knot

I know, however
the pull is you
at the other end
of the string
Jul 2016 · 821
they don't know
Alvaro Jul 2016
they say you shouldn't hold on to the past

the thing is, you were always the future
Jul 2016 · 556
shining infinite
Alvaro Jul 2016
the sun rises
     you rise
the moon rises
     you rise

you are a constant light
Jul 2016 · 565
at night I can't hide
Alvaro Jul 2016
the sun sets
and with it, my defenses

the night makes me vulnerable
to you

the stars come out
and I look up

I replace each of their names
with a memory of you

and when I piece them together
you become a constellation
Jul 2016 · 454
Alvaro Jul 2016
I let you see the storm that flooded me in

you decided to leave and let it pour on me

the clouds have parted

the sun is finally shining

and despite your leaving

I find myself waiting

waiting for the person who would not even hand me an umbrella
Jul 2016 · 306
"Filling up on #3"
Alvaro Jul 2016
I've got a flame within my chest

and you are the fuel my heart is seeking

now, if only,

would you please douse me in gasoline
Jun 2016 · 527
Imaginacion / Imagination
Alvaro Jun 2016
Hay noches cuando mi imaginación hace lo imposible; a través de versos y rimas te conjura a mi lado y te siento aquí. A través de recuerdos me aplaca y me soba la espalda. Me dice que todo estará bien.

Pero también hay noches cuando mi imaginación no me quita la sed de ti. Cuando ninguna metáfora o línea bonita me bastan. Cuando no es suficiente encontrarte en cualquier renglón o canción.

Hay noches donde lo único que necesito, es a ti entre mis brazos.
There are nights where my imagination achieves the impossible. Through verses and rhymes, it summons you next to me.
I can feel you.
Through memories it soothes me and rubs my back.
It tells me everything will be ok.

But there are nights when my imagination cannot quench my thirst for you.
Nights when no metaphor or pretty line are enough.
Nights when finding you in sheets of paper or in a song won't suffice.

There are nights when the only thing I need, is to hold you in my arms.
Alvaro Jun 2016
¿como le haces?
¿como le haces para despertar tan facil y bajar los dos pies de la cama?
¿como le haces para cerrar los ojos cada noche, sabiendo que despertaras sin mi?
¿como le hacess para no detenerte durante el dia y pensar en nosotros?
¿como le haces para que nada te recuerde a mi, cuando yo con cada respiro inhalo tu ausencia?
Dime como le haces, porque yo ya no se que hacer.
how do you manage?
how do you manage to wake up so easily
and bring both feet down from your bed?
how do you manage to close your eyes each night
knowing you'll wake up without me?
how do you manage to not halt during the day
and think about us?
how do you manage to not be reminded of me
when every time I breathe I inhale your absence?
tell me how you do it, because I don't know what to do
Alvaro Jun 2016
Ella es una maga
Bajo cualquier techo que nos encontremos se convierte en su escenario
Y yo,
en un voluntario del publico
No usa varitas ni sombreros ni trucos de humo
Y con una sola mirada
me desaparece
She's a magician
Anytime we share a room, it becomes her stage
And I, a volunteer from the audience
She doesn't use wands, or hats, or smoke tricks
With a single gaze, she makes me disappear
Jun 2016 · 572
Look Up
Alvaro Jun 2016
There's a full moon tonight.
I hope you look up and gaze at it.

That way, I can say we've done something

— The End —