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 Jul 2017 Dawn
Anne Molony
that look
 Jul 2017 Dawn
Anne Molony
you know the look
the look
when you feel eyes on the side of your face
but you're not completely sure
so you turn
instantly catching them
their addictive
ice blue eyes
and then quickly they're gone
looking somewhere else
like the floor or  
out the window or
pretending to be deep in thought
you know that they've been looking
because you've caught them twice before
 Jul 2017 Dawn
 Jul 2017 Dawn
Are you a gangster or
a thief seeking attention

Are you an artist or
a  voyager painting words

Are you a poet or
a plagiarist seeking love

Are you a Saint or
a sinner searching for salvation

Are you my heart or
a tattooed scar stuck on my chest

Are you a fisherman or
a sailor giving life a second chance

Are you the moon or
a lonely sun ravaging through your days

Are you moving forward or
dragging through tormenting memories
 Jul 2017 Dawn
Caroline Grace
Concealed depression is
Buying water proof mascara
So you won't have to reapply makeup
after each daily breakdown.

Concealed depression is
Laughing at everything
so they won't question
why your eyes always water.

Concealed depression is
staying up until 4 a.m
because it's the only time
you can ignore the world
and no one will notice.

...Or concealed depression is
taking three melatonins
in hopes you'll sleep deep
enough to keep the terrors at bay.

Concealed depression is
Staying consistently busy
So your mind will be too exhausted
at the end of the day to fight you.

Concealed depression is
the impatient selfish monster
that burns bridges as you cross them.

Concealed depression is
feeding yourself lies like
"I'm fine" or "I won't cry".

Concealed depression is
the uphill battle that you don't get to win once;
it's a mountain you're forced to climb every single day.

Concealed depression is
silently screaming, hoping someone
will have super sonic hearing,
swoop in like a bat,
and carry you under their wings.

Concealed depression is
never hugging too tightly
or meeting a gaze too intensely
in case your guts may slip
out before you can catch them.

So when they accuse you of changing,
when they accuse you of rage and indifference,
of violence and apathy,
when they ask why you never called,
when they ask why you never told them,
all you can say is that concealed depression
is like an overbooked hotel and there's only room for one.
All you can say is that you were afraid
Your darkness would drown them too
and then there would be no one left to save you.
 Jul 2017 Dawn
 Jul 2017 Dawn
demons rarely come dressed
in a red cape and horns.
they come dressed as
everything you've ever wanted.
 Jul 2017 Dawn
Savannah Charlish
I don't pay that much attention to who is holding me
As long as there's someone to keep the pieces together for a night
Whoever's arms they are doesn't really matter
I'm not looking to fall in love
I'm trying not to fall apart
 Jul 2017 Dawn
high hopes
 Jul 2017 Dawn
i got a message
i knew it was from you

**i should've known better
 Jul 2017 Dawn
 Jul 2017 Dawn
"Amber, you're ugly."
"I know, Mom."
Please stop reminding me.

"Amber, you're fat."
"I know, Dad."
Can't you see I'm trying to be skinny?

"Amber, what is that on your wrist?"
"Nothing, Mom."
You wouldn't care even if I told you the truth.

"Amber, you only hurt yourself to get attention."
"I'm sorry, Dad."
No, I'm not trying to get anyone's attention.

"Amber, you are so pathetic and lazy."
"I know, Mom. I'm sorry."
I'm trying to please you by doing what you want me to.

"Your only here becuase your mother ***** me."
"You have already told me that, Dad."
I'm sorry I'm here.

"Don't call me your mother."
"Yes, Ma'am."
I always knew you hated me, but don't worry, I hate myself too.

"Why are you even here?"
"Becuase of Mother."
I honestly don't know becuase I should be dead.
 Jul 2017 Dawn
r m
at the back of fresh, faded or even others' receipts
in front your pack of cigs and your floral, feminine taste on place mats,
were snippets of your poetry.

(none were about me, obviously)
"you in less than fifty words" is a series of one-sided poetic snippets.
 Jul 2017 Dawn
just a dream
 Jul 2017 Dawn
i hope someday i can love you enough that you forget the names of all the girls before me
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