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Alexandra Maule Jul 2014
Delicately, I drop onto the canvas
With the grip of a barbed cactus
The sand shifts amidst my toes
And the sweet quiver as the air arose
As the night fades into pitch black
I feel a sensation to unpack
The time has arrived to release
All that has come without great peace
Taking my first step
I enter full dept
Breathing in the warm breeze
Just for the taste of bittersweet ease.
"Open your eyes,
And look at the skies,
For the past makes you willingly wise.
There is no time to run around,
You have done enough,
It's time to be crowned.
Take this hour,
You have earned great power,
To overcome the one last growler."
This is what I have to say,
To make my world no longer gray.
I hope you too, will take the time
For their will be so much to climb.
Dear friend, why are you so blue?
Are you all alone because everyone left you?
Did you and your loved one part ways?
Did a friend move away?
Did life let you down?
Is that why you've got a frown?
Is everything falling apart?
Is it raining in your heart?

I have something to say
That'll take the pain away:
You are loved and you're alive,
Everything will be alright.
Face today with a smile,
Don't let your sorrows pile.
You can defeat the pain,
Go out and sing in the rain.
I rarely write rhyming poems...not very good at them! But I felt like you needed some cheering up, so here is some sunshine for you! Face today with a brave face, and sing in the rain!
  Jun 2014 Alexandra Maule
Count me in, when you are at your highest
When happiness follows close behind you
And you seem to lose all your worries and fears
Even though you may forget me in your presence
I still get the chance to see you so elated
When you light up the whole room
And everyone sees you the way I see you

Count me in, when you are at your peak
When depression follows close behind you
And you seem to lose all your good memories and feelings
Even though you forget that I'm still hear
I still get the chance to see you, even like this
When you sit alone in your mind
And no one sees you the way I see you
Your still so beautiful

Count me in, when you are in the middle
When you can't remember what followed behind you
And if it was happy or sad
Even though you have forgotten that I exist
I still get the chance to see you, erase me
When you sleep hours at a time
And no one sees you at all
You are still so beautiful in my eyes
Count me in
  Jun 2014 Alexandra Maule
When I think about it, darkness scares me
Maybe it's because I know somewhere in the back of my mind
Darkness goes in a never ending circle
It's really black and white
And at night the sky has no light
Besides the moon and the stars
I guess the moon is a Gemini
Because it always has two sides,
Even if we don't see the light or dark side
Think about the stars,
The stars never have a dark side
They still burn out though
Leaving it darker than it was before
Darkness scares me
Because even the greatest lights during darkness die out
And so do people
  Jun 2014 Alexandra Maule
Hah! Do you have any clue that your not in control?
You think you know everything, don't you love?
Well don't believe it!
It's just a lie now.
There is something more great than you.
And don't take it for granted
Here's why,
You know exactly what your doing!
But you don't like to admit it's wrong
You want to always be right, right?
You need to work on that, cause,
Well I'll just say it's gonna come around to kick you in the ****
The funny thing, over and over until you get some sence knocked into you.
Listen to me,
Your not invincible,

— The End —