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 Feb 2016 ahmo
Alaina Hammond
With the thought of him she can escape the meaningless life she lives.
But really, she doesn't feel like she is living at all.
As you see the stars twinkle in her eyes, you can tell she doesn't belong here.
Yet here he is making her beleive that she not only belongs here, but she belongs here to be with him.
Every simple touch, is filled with compassion, intimacy she can't resist.
It tends to drive her mad in the sanest of ways.
His remarkable brown eyes look at her tenderly with such love in them.
Gazing back at him, she can see her future just infront of her.
This feeling is scary, adventurous.
She is the girl always stuck in her own mind.
Daydreaming, running from reality itself.
As he is the boy that sees everything for what it truely is, but has so much hope all at once.
She was losing her mind before he came along, and now she's losing herself in him.
He saved her from herself.
The truth lies in between her lips.
She is so incredibly in love with him.
 Feb 2016 ahmo
 Feb 2016 ahmo
if i just collected all my tears..

starting from the day i felt everything
but decided to act like it's nothing

i assure you
i will drown someone

because i probably made an ocean..
a sea...
or any body of water...
that you didn't know exists
 Feb 2016 ahmo
Brigette Beck
 Feb 2016 ahmo
Brigette Beck
just a
shadow of
a somebody.
And lacking a heart,
only the memories
of the somebody remain.
Residing in neither the light
nor the darkness, only in nothing.
A shell of the somebody’s final stand.
 Feb 2016 ahmo
 Feb 2016 ahmo
I much enjoyed the way
she did not look right through me
she did not pierce me with soul
******* ball shrivelling contempt

or grab my buddy's *** as soon
as I turned around or his girlfriend's, also
I liked how she drank as much as me
but didn't slam her drink on the bar

or challenge me to arm wrestle her
and spit her chaw right womanly like
on the floor, and how she braided her
underarm hairs

She walked gently like a model
in her pointy cowboy boots
and her big knife in a sheath along
her right hip complimented nicely

the 45 colt on her left.
 Feb 2016 ahmo
any word
she sent her roots into my spring
it took sweat and days of work
to cut her down

for me to ***** out
of her limbs
take her naked winter

to the side of the river
overlooking the valley below
many days of toiling sweat
to work and tame her

split her hew and splice her
into my roof my walls my shelter
place her pieces as rafters to hold the
cold out the rain at bay

she never cried, nor protested
I felt like I was ****** nature.
She made me home.
 Feb 2016 ahmo
my life
 Feb 2016 ahmo
won't ever be empty now
my days may cry rain the wind may blow
the sun may never shine again the warmth
may be forever cold
but I had one day in the sun
one warm embrace once a wet kiss on
my cheek
once a hand to hold
then eyes to discover another heart
close to me to reveal
one true love
and my life
will never be empty again.
 Feb 2016 ahmo
of a whisper wild falling provocatively
across her cheek of wondering
when her hand will push aside the strand
look me in my eyes at the same time
I glance to see if she is looking
back at me
 Feb 2016 ahmo
Put me in a dungeon black
Put me in a jail
Keep me there with hunger, lack,
Hold me without bail
Stack the warrants, make 'em high
So tall you cannot see
You can pile 'em to the sky
But, brother, I'm still FREE.

I don't care about this life
This body, wrapped in chains
I expected pain & strife
Don't care for my remains
You can burn me at the stake
Break out the guillotine
I will die for Jesus' sake
Upon The Lord I'll lean
You may think this strange behavior
But ponder it... you'll see
I won't forsake my Savior
Because He died for ME

He died in greatest suffering
His pain was SO much WORSE
Vinegar the soldier's offering
When His lips were cracked with thirst
He was scourged 39 times
With whips with metal tails
They made Him drag a heavy cross
They pierced His wrists with nails
He died by crucifixion
The most painful death, they say



(C) 2/8/2016
Fear not the one who can destroy the body;
But fear the One who can destroy
both body and soul in hell
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