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 Mar 2015 AFJ
samantha neal
 Mar 2015 AFJ
samantha neal
I crave to stain your lips with my name
Easing every syllable, vowel, and consonant across your tongue
Excavating into the base of your throat
Edging through your lungs
Becoming your every breath and sigh alike.

I desire to drip my mind down your back
Lacing every thought I can through the notches of your spine
Allowing ideas to glide across tranquil shoulder blades
Enable my intellect to become your most sumptuous support system.

I necessitate tracing my soul across your collarbone
Purr my subconscious into the deepest crevices of your chest
Inspire my pneuma up and down your incomparable neck.

I can make you feel meaningful again,
Touch me so I don't feel so empty anymore.
there was a draft of this published under the same title (now titled empty first draft) and I said I would edit it but I never did then someone I adore challenged me to edit it so here we are with a considerably beautiful final to an unfinished thought.
 Mar 2015 AFJ
Poetic Artiste
Maybe I expected too much,
A kiss with such passion it’d make me fall in love,
It would sweep me off my feet with its dialogue in tongue,
It would be every and anything I had thought it was.

It would be perfect.
Tilted head, parted lips,
Lusciousness and sweet glances,

A stroke to my cheek,
A gaze into my eyes,
Only to reach disappointment,
I slowly died inside.
When your first kiss with someone is not all you thought it would be...
 Mar 2015 AFJ
Emily Rene
Do not love me yet, for I
     am still a teenager
          A scimitar about the heart,
                too sharp to touch too soon
                      Before I'm touched, I need to grow
                more full in golden light;
          I need to smile upon my life
     & rule some path of the night
          I need to know what roads & fields
                lie in my domain
                      & dull my brand new ecstasies
                              with sophomoric pain
                                     I need the love of some clueless boy
                              as smart & wicked as me,
                      that we might ***** in ignorance
                             & fear of what might be
                                    & then when I'm all grown up,
                                           & know what I can hold,
                                     Then, perhaps, we could try love,
                               if you're not too old
 Mar 2015 AFJ
Lottie Charman
Rise my dear friends,
Stand up and fight.
Not for yourself,
But for what makes things right.
We endured the pain,
For far too long.
Letting them win,
For only their gain.
I had enough,
And so have you.
I will fight,
And so should you.
One cannot,
Do alone.
But fight together,
We'll own the throne.
So let us rise,
And start healin'.
We need to start,
Our own rebellion.
Not my poem , but I thought this was so good (>*^*<)
 Mar 2015 AFJ
Sara Teasdale
 Mar 2015 AFJ
Sara Teasdale
I am the still rain falling,
Too tired for singing mirth—
Oh, be the green fields calling,
Oh, be for me the earth!

I am the brown bird pining
To leave the nest and fly—
Oh, be the fresh cloud shining,
Oh, be for me the sky!
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