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This thing , that thing
We're never satisfied
When shall we ever let it go?

More this, more that
We never get enough
Why can't we ever let it go?

You've got just one life
Learn to enjoy it
Worry about nothing

I just have one wish
Just one wish
Knowing what you have is more than gold

Jealousy and envy
Choking our daily lives
Why give it the way to be so?

Want what your friend have
Neglecting what you have
Why don't you value what's your own?

We all have something
Be content with yours
And worry about nothing

I just have one wish
Just one wish
That you know what you have is more than gold

Be content with what you have
Am not sure when again to soar,
but to soar again, definitely am sure.
A wound to the chest but not enough to prevent my best.
The heart I still have, I shall again chest the open air and pull up my best cos my best yet is to step its foot on the last stair.
Though the wound is living behind a scar, the ground I won't stay because I am a star.
Deriving motivation from the vibration in and around, I'll have to put luggage of the past in the thrash very fast.
Yes, It is impossible to wash away the leopards spots, yet it has nothing to do with its hunting course.
This is staying around for long
but am assuring the world am strong.
Am still the eagle,
refusing to be depressed and forever remain single.
If a story is to be told of a broken person, it wont be of me, cos mine is going to be a courageous lesson.
I know only one person very well
One person I can describe very well
So I write mostly about him

I write my own story
Put the emotions where they need to be
Take a break when things get too fast
And stop where I believe I should

I paint my own portrait
Place the dark colours where I deem fit
Brightening where the need be
Living the brush strokes in desired directions

I give not my canvas to any other
No matter how good they may be
Cos they may never present the true me
For this is what remains when am gone.
Listen to advice and learn but you are who you are. Never live the life as someone desires.
She is gone again
Gone living him all alone
Alone with his thoughts and pain

She gave convincing reasons to leave
But he has convincing doubts
Doubts many enough not to believe

But he cannot keep her
He cannot
Because be has not enough to feed her

On a cold breezy night
With misses of her warmth
He has nothing else but his bottle of liquor to hold on tight

Thoughts of her kills him inside
He can only have her in his mind
But not by his side

Who is she with this time
That is the question seesawing on his mind
And he wonders if loving her is a crime

Why can't he leave her for another
Another one maybe better
But only he knows how hard it was to find him a lover
Poverty! Hmmm
Lashing out at the rage,
The cause of the breakup but it is too late to wake up
Because she is already a goner breath.
The bid for resurrecting a carcass united with the sand to feed on a plant is a ruin.
So let it be.
Let it be.
Someway somehow when the inner waters begins to boil in any season
This shall be the soil to visit for lesson in history.
Let not the rings of its trees remind you years spent cooking stones because of your urge to boil.
Let this be awakening, wounded lion.
Control your temper and let it nor ruin your beautiful relationship.
Touch my heart
Let me melt into your arms
Am a singerbird waiting for someone to listen to my sweet melodies
Chirp chirp chirp my lyrics go
And sweet they sound in the ears of the one who loves me
Soften your hands
Then I can feel your touch better
Allow me in
Then enjoy my rhythm
The sweetness which is reserved for you
For you and you alone
Let not rage relieve peace off her duty
That is the mood of a woman when another takes away her beauty
For what is left a shine on the face of iron when it gets rusty
So don't see someone's honouring event as your party
Don't especially with impunity
That's no pay for a person's ingenuity
It's evil coveting someone else's ideas your property
Plagiarism destroys creativity
It is honour stripping activity
Dip your mind into the well of creation and draw out the complexity
Then understand how it is to create
And appreciate how plagiarism makes creativity emaciate
Like a mother hurts when her child is in pain
A creator feels when his efforts are being rendered a vain
Credit he who credit is due
And earn honour for your own efforts too
Written by Wise Makafui Afun

Plagiarism is killing creativity. It is sad how hard efforts are rendered useless because of plagiarists.
It is just appropriate to honour the efforts of people by not converting their works or copying portions of it without permission and acknowledgement.

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