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R T Dawn Nov 2018
“**** me”
she said

As I twirled a finger;
down her cheek
to her lips
her collarbone
her *******
and more.

Slower and slower
I moved.
Lower and lower


Sheets gripped with talons,
lip bit with malice,
a dangerous game I played.

To grip a bull by the horns
means to eventually have to let go.
And the longer you hold on,
the wilder the ride will go.

I whispered,
she begged...
R T Dawn Nov 2018
My phone vibrates in my pocket as I pull into her driveway.

“I can feel your hand on my thigh.”

I smile,
stiffly getting out of the car
as I think to myself;

“We’ll never make it to the bedroom.”
We didn’t...
R T Dawn Nov 2018
I know
that I cannot.

But If I could,
fight her battles...

then even the gods
would tremble
at the thought of crossing her.
R T Dawn Nov 2018
I want you.
Mind, body & soul.

I want you;
on early mornings with the sun on your face.
on cloudy nights accompanied by the pitter patter of rain.

I want you;
with your smoldering kisses,
setting off fireworks in my mouth.
with your soothing smile,
dousing the fires within.

I want you;
with your calm level headed talks,
the voice of reason when I lose my way.
with your special blend of crazy,
flowing into my own.

I want you;
with a runny nose and a sore throat, mewing to be taken care of.
with a flash of anger and unpredictability in your eyes
commanding to be fed.

I want you;
in love and lust and hangry.
in the best of times
the worst.

Although I run the risk of sounding
like a lovestruck teenage fool,

I want you.
R T Dawn Nov 2018
She dances in her garden
thinking that I am Adam.
Yet I am the serpent,
the storm that gathers.
R T Dawn Nov 2018
“No matter what I do, it’s never enough.”

Can you imagine?
Hearing those words whispered, a whimpering puff of air.
So meek and fragile.

Those same words piercing your chest like a lance, causing the pressure to build and build and build until it feels like the whole universe must be collapsing within you.

How do you argue the point?
How do you tell them that they are everything you could’ve asked for.
Everything you never dared to hope for.

How do you get them to feel what you feel?

How can I
get you to see yourself
the way I do?
R T Dawn Nov 2018
She hops out of bed
landing gracefully,
as her cat watches in awe.

and covers
and sheets
and toys,
lay strewn around.

A just loved wetness between her legs,
she trembles at the first hit of her cigarette.

She is life
and it is death.

Together they dance,
a lovely silhouette.

And in the background
I cannot help,
but hold my breath.
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