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 Apr 2019 Vera Anne Wolf
Ray Dunn
Write me.
Scribble me into
your existence.

Craft me the way
I know you’ve
always wanted to.

I can be a commander!
Building up your world
around your feet.

I’ll be your manuscript!
As long as it means
you’ll still read me.

just warp me at your leisure,
if it means you’ll stay.
Napowrimo day 1, I think the prompt was an instruction manual or like a recipe or sum it’s on sorry I don’t know more haha! We’re gonna ignore that it’s april second haha
From beneath the Horizen's wing, the crown of Dawn rises in spendor.
Revealing in the light all that laid in the slumber of Dusk's watch;
Upon the hill do the birds sing, in the wake of the of heights does the ode arise.

The elohim spread their wings, and dance in flight. As Adam is ready to plow the land.
Creation amidst the melody does stir, for a land of sorrow this plain is not.

As Dawn's crown rises, it's splendor does shine.
It shines a relent for the prince Dusk, permissing his watch to end.
A new ode has been sung, the new day is ordained afresh.
A melodious echo resounds anew for the pioneers on frontier's edge.
 Apr 2019 Vera Anne Wolf
Hot tin roof rain dance
Mile long waves crashing in
Water rocks me asleep
if life was a game of chess
i would make you play the white pieces
because i am terrified to move first.

if your bed was an ocean
i would drown in my emotions while lying there
because i never learned how to swim.

if life was a playground
i would leave blood and skin on the pavement
because i fell for you.

if your bed was a graveyard
i would have my epitaph engraved on your headboard.
i dread the day you learn
for the first time that
you can't just love all
the darkness in me away

and no matter how much
you care i will still toss
and turn at night and scars
might still appear on my skin

i dread the day you realize
that you can't cure me
and sometimes all you can do
is stand next to me and
hold my hand through fog
pouring out of my ears so black
and thick we can't even see
each other's faces

i dread the days i can't
get out of bed
the days you want to
take me out and all
i can manage is a prettified
shell of myself

i dread the day you learn
that sometimes no matter
how hard i try i still can't
pull myself together

the day you learn that
there isn't an answer
you can give that will
save me from my fears

you aren't the first person
who has tried to love the
darkness inside away
my family and friends
have given it their all
but someday you too will learn
that if love could
cure mental illness
the world would be
a much better place
copyright 8/6/18 b. e. mccomb
I thought if I could swallow the stars
I’d be as beautiful as the evening sky
I tried one night    with fireflies
They burned my throat
Their legs striking at soft flesh
But my skin did not glow
No moon crawled from my eye sockets
I was left with corpses in my stomach
I soon learned I would only ever be
A cemetery
 Apr 2019 Vera Anne Wolf
M H John
i spent my life trying to please
someone with a twisted disease
i broke myself down
and tucked my feelings away
to become the person
they wanted me to be
i let myself be watched
through the glass of a two sided mirror
of a sociopath
i wallowed my spirit away
and begged for acceptance
but there’s nothing in the world
that i could do
to let the narcissist know
that i am human too
the only thing that can please a narcissist is being miserable
 Apr 2019 Vera Anne Wolf
did i ever need you?
there are days
i can't remember
the feeling
of your touch
there are days
i wish
i hadn't known it

you never needed me.
your gaze
never quite held
the same weight
as mine
your words
never quite
broke the surface

did you forget me?
do her
hands heal
the pain
mine caused
does her
love put mine
to shame

i never forgot you.
i still
stew alone
in my room
at night
i still
mourn a love
never born
another raw piece.
hopefully, i'll be out of my slump soon.
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