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Shounak Jun 2020
Sit with them, laugh with them
enjoy with them, smile with them
you don't know what their mind's racing on
looking so calm
yet fighting a thousand battles within
the last person you expect
to disappear,
might lose the battle and even the war
for you might be the first one to
wake up tomorrow
and long to see them
just once, just once.
Shounak Jun 2020
imagine if we didn't have eyes
imagine if no one could see
racism isn't inherited
it wouldn't be seen and picked up
i wouldn't see the color
break a white egg or brown
the yolk is the same
Shounak May 2020
You walk into a room
But as soon as you enter
the room is shuttered
all exits sealed
it's been years and you're still stuck
to the point that you've made it your home
there's music coming from the back
he is playing the same part of a song
the whole day, he keeps going on in a loop
you meet someone new everyday, all dazed and confused
but also the one who've been there years
you wouldn't know what's happening
for you are a memory and my mind is the room.
Shounak May 2020
they say pain isn't good
it only brings harm
but then how would his poem glow?
if it wasn't there
who would bring out the depth, the meaning
hidden deep beneath
his song needs the lyrics
the lyrics to make me say
how does he know how i feel
Shounak Apr 2020
The roads, deserted
everything's come to a standstill
people are still leaving
leaving common sense at home
value for life? none
the only thing hitting the road
should be rays of the sun
new levels of disregard
it's my nails, i have to get them done
sitting thousands of miles away,
i clenched my fist
Shounak Apr 2020
you'll be here one day
I'll learn to live again
Ever had that discomfort?
A thirst no water could quench
oh how it's gone in a second,
even the sky will sing
the wait for this moment
amounted to forever
it was like an hourglass
only the sand never stopped falling
a part in me was done for
it will recover,
i never thought it could
i wasn't a fish out of water
not anymore, not anymore
Shounak Apr 2020
Some things i would love to forget among some regrets
Try to run away but alas, my mind's a steel cage
all these thoughts popping up like it's popcorn
and that is why the earphones are always in
awake at night because it's so hushed
so quiet that my own thoughts can be heard
not afraid of being alone in the dark, afraid of being alone with them
subconsciously there is no control, they are  running wild and rampant
i want to wake up but i am engulfed by that dream
Can't some noise wake me up? why can't someone drop a plate
I want to be woken up, otherwise there is no escape
It's so quiet in the night
that to get in,
even the sun tiptoes
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