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yes, your dreams come true..
when you sleep!

no, your dreams don't come true...
when you sleep!
@Copyright Kaitlyn marie
Shards cascade down
As the momentum of now
shatters through.
Life tends to teach lessons no one wants to learn
It kills when you lose someone who meant the world to you even though you meant nothing to them but then again the fact that they let you go so easily says a lot.
Maybe you’re better off without them, maybe it’s a sign.
I drip the way condensation does
down ice cold beer in a TV commercial
when she looks at me.
I'm soaking up cardboard coasters,
sweating labels off bottles
until she wraps her hands around me again,
kissing me with those flower petal like lips,
drinking me all in.

I know I'm not what she needs
but right now I'm what she wants.
Not to stroke my own ego
but I am a good time,
I'll get you to undo that top button
even make you laugh
and maybe, just maybe
I'll even get you to dance
but no matter what I promise
or what I deliver,
I know at the end of the day
when the fun is done
and the headaches fade,
I am poison.
And when she's had too much of me
I'll make her sick.
***** spit in bathroom sinks
because she's too beautiful
to have her head in the toilet.

I'm the answer to feeling sad,
I'm the easy late night phone call
that never goes unanswered
but I am not the man
she marries, no not at all
because as sweet as I taste
or as gently as she may kiss my face
I am going to disappoint her.
The way I have disappointed
all the others before her.
Your eyes shine brighter than the stars,
That's why you keep me awake at night.
Your words run through my mind at a hundred miles an hour,
That's why you keep me awake at night.
I can still feel your hands lingering on my body,
That's why you keep me awake at night.
Your fake apologies still soothe my heart,
Just enough for me to sleep at night.
When your life is measured in years and miles,
It is easy to bring yourself to spar with reality.

A brand new car will last you your entire life
If it is taken care of
And well-maintained.
A used one will net you ten years, tops.

This is why I am jealous of those
Who bide their time and
Make things used.

This is why I am ashamed that I am used.
Not saying I love you
this morning felt like
forgetting to take my
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