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theres nothing like a dog when your feeling down
he will do his best to take away your frown
hand you up his paw to   shake hands with you
make you smile again take away the blue

the best friend in the world you will ever see
always there for you he will always be
right there by yourside he will always stay
with his love so true  he will give to you each day
  Oct 13 Traveler
Falling Awake
In just one split of an instant
Life force entirely withdrew
With your vitality vanished
I find myself severed in two

As heavens expand between us
I fear I’ll recall less each day…
So, I think back through the senses
To keep time’s forgetting away

I’ll always smell you as diesel
From the truck you tried to repair
And later, the antiseptic
Congealing the hospital air

I can still taste the cheap cigars
We inhaled as an attempt to cope
The blandness of the Psych Ward’s meals
where you hid your disorder’s scope

I almost still hear your singing
Of single half-melodic lines
Always found it quite endearing
How you’d repeat them so many times

And, while your laughter still cuts me
It’s Your voice I try to repress
The sound of its damage haunting
Scarred, by the life support process

I still see the flash of brilliance
Intensely piercing through your eyes
But yet, with a sense of softness
When returning silent replies

And I still feel your energy
In brief moments I feel in tune
So, I remember through senses
Until we will meet again soon
  Oct 11 Traveler
I will rise now and go to the forest by the stream, like a bowing willow
And an ocean of flowers scented like sweet, sweet honey
A mother land that brings the feeling of comfort and safety.
With the smell of wet soil after a rainy night

I hear the wind brushing the leaves making a soothing sound
birds flying and chirping with a happy high pitch
and fresh air that fills  your lungs with new life
The quietness of the forest takes  my mind of a tormented life
peace that soothes anxiety and stress
The wind sweeps the tears falling down my face
falling off as if my body was made out of wax
Life is like a broken-winged bird, unable to fly
But hope is a thing with feathers
repairing my soul so i can fly through the forest

Where can i find my place to hide,
So no one can see me cry
or see my broken life.
where can i hide, where can I  go,
so that my soul can see the beauty of mother land
She embraces me with her warm arms, the sun

Her safety surrounds me, like the streams of water
where i sit, overthinking of what i become
She is my hiding place, my safe place
The place to whom i can give my tears and sorrow
That's the place to hide
  Oct 11 Traveler
words are just things
things that hurt the heart
they leave scars on everyone
that wont go away
and never forgotten

what can heal my scars
love perhaps, but
that is another word that will hurt me
another word that will leave a scar
  Oct 11 Traveler
I cough words
onto a page,
and hold it up to the world.
They call it art, they call it poetry.
  Oct 11 Traveler
tired old ripped up rope,
shedding shredding,
interwoven from
worn~warnings, that
do not hint!
but volume speak,

of a lifetime well used,
the two ends, no longer straightforward,
now stretched, misshapen, countless uses,
left squiggly serpentine, from knots left tied
for~far too long, till they cannot be returned,
to a youthful vigor

them my lifelines;

that stretch from the Atlantic to Pacific
upon my new york hands, right & left,
end to nearing endings, do not hint at
stories untold, geezers, happy to reveal
their tiredness’s are denied a golden oldie
status, just a wind-ed wind-up doll winding
down, coiled-springs uncurling, decoiling…
tensions releasing…

this is the way of the poet,
the words no longer
streaming on demand,
they blip, scurry, a side dent,
glancing, like a windshield hit,
here and gone,
before a napkin secured,
a nearly dried out Bic
secured to scratch remnants
of a phrase spectacular,
end up crumpled, buried,
predeceased in a pocket of an-old fav, a Harris Tweed sport jacket, nurtured
over the years, the faint haze odor
stink of when he
smoked, a couple of
decades long ago…

he rambles,
like that rope end unraveling,
he is was a poet of the way,
for this the way of signing off,
intermittent coughing fits,
the nervous glances of strangers
as he pretends to sashay across Broadway when the light is flash down ten seconds to cross the width of Eighty Feet,
on that old American Indian path
that stretches from the tip of Manhattan Isle
to the Capitol of corruption, Albany, 150 miles…

you see,
poets garner knowledge,
then drip
drops drabs in simile and
metaphors, for this  poem
is just the unraveling of a poet
who has,
worn out his welcome,
and smirks/winces
notionally, a long way
to say, the poets has
lost his own way,
now untied, untitled,
and that’s a
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