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  Aug 6 Traveler
Jeremy Betts
Time is funny thing
We miss the past
And dream of the future
While paying little mind to a today
That is the dream we will later miss

  Aug 6 Traveler
Anais Vionet
Vintage Chanel lives rent free in my mind
the colors are deep, subtle and magical.
Over time, the originally soft textures,
become luscious, like a lover's caressing touch.

In college, you dress down,
you want to blend in, not stand out
gods forbid you flag entitlement
and draw envy's barbed compliments.

The simple styles bear the twin burdens
of camouflage and practicality.

In Paris, fashion can be capricious,
but elegance is a silent conversation,
with its own intricate vocabulary in drape,
line, fabric and in painstaking choice.

In places where fashion matters - Paris, Manhattan, the Hamptons,
it can signal position, the way uniforms signal authority everywhere.

A splash of fashion can not only have a fabulous effect
on how its wearer feels, it can tell important stories.

I’m told that, in back rooms, where fortunes are awarded or lost,
fashion can announce arrival, rank, and intent.
It can whisper new wealth, in upstart display
or a threadbare, silent duel with mounting debt
Songs for this:
The Way It Is by Bruce Hornsby & The Range
Read Between the Lines by The Bingtones
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 08.05: Capricious: something impulsive or unpredictable.
She is speaking to us
Warning us
Advising us
Comforting us
Helping us
We just have to listen
We are all her children

She’s been telling us about the planet
Warning what will come
Showing us
With storms
Extreme heat
We just have to listen
We must listen

She’s been crying for us
For all the creatures that live here
For the forests
She’s been begging us
To change
To stop
To respect what’s here
The planet
The boundaries between us
And them
All we have to do is listen
Then change our ways
Mother knows best
  Aug 6 Traveler
Anthony Pierre
The sea has its own
Even winds batter
my vacillating thoughts
between comfort
ashore and adrift
I am drenched
beneath your
magnanimous waves
of emotion. Yet
I toss my ashes
We all love to love, to be loved
To make love.

Love can be all about passion and chemistry
But there also has to be
peace and quiet
to be everlasting.

Shell ✨🐚
Life with love for each other and all living things or for whatever moves us , is essential.
  Aug 6 Traveler
Sophia L
Nothing implies,
I write to feel alive.

Every day,
I walk by,
Imagination flies.

In the twinkling of an eye,
Seize it,
and will be mine.
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