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 Jul 2014 thinklef
Misunderstood in a world of the regular

My thoughts stay odd when theirs stay similar
Imaginations with more loops and hoops than a circus

They call me weird some call me crazy
In a world of my own

At least here I'm king with citizens spawned from my twisted thoughts

Loved by few understood by none

Still not as lonely as they think

Not insane yet on the brink
Love has gone so far
She said I am no more for you
But what moves into my heart
That can't sale through online cart

Once I bought a rose by an ode
That faded early on next Sunday
Plucked the petals on my hold
Perched in a page of poem's fold -
@Musfiq us shaleheen
A Sad Love Poem
 Jul 2014 thinklef
 Jul 2014 thinklef
A little black angel with thoughts of the light

With dreams of love and everything bright
seeking shelter from day and waiting for night

To dance with demons and beast in a full moon's shadow

Smiles are elusive and love indecisive

They say my thoughts are damaged o unlucky me

The beauty in Loneliness because the crowd is ugly

A smile is but a veil hiding the pain silk garments for the rich do they hide the shame?
) : )
 May 2014 thinklef
I Am
 May 2014 thinklef
i am
the lion
under your bed

i am
the noise
waking the dead

i am
the boy
banging his head

i am
the trust
reduced to only rust

i am
the struggle
of going completely under

i am
the life
that broke in the night

i am
the monster
in your open closet

i am
the woman
screaming ****** ******

i am
the lie
that infected everything

i am
the secret
you hide from yourself

i am
the demons
swimming through your mind

i am
the honesty
that you left far behind

i am
the dust
on your recorded thoughts

i am
the allegiance
left trampled in the dirt

i am
the power
given to your pain and hurt

i am
the sadness
that defines your person

i am
the reality
that numbed your heart
We are all travelers
Journeying through life
Seeking to visit new places
Destinations, where we stop
Momentarily, and then pursue
We arrive but we do not reach
We travel outside, never within
Are we familiar with the road
Which leads us to our inner self
Hopelessly seeking approval
As we are our approver…Realize
Till now, journeying in wrong direction
Forgetting the familiar alleys
They lead us, to us
For the journey is from inwards
Then moving to the outside world
Seek the destination within
For it will lead you to the right direction
Kindle the light within
And, it will guide you through the darkness
Carry the light within, to seek the path
We are all travelers

© Amitav (Radiance)
 May 2014 thinklef
James Jarrett
It was relegated to the old root cellar
Dropped in haste in  forgotten storage
Where dimmest beam of shafted light
Kept it 'live in yellowed life , weak and twisted
Root and vine, seeking sickly , striving life
But now it's out in planted field
Furrowed in and giving yield
Vine and bud quickly growing
Spreading out and surely choking
All the other crops of life
Air and water , precious light
Strangled , starved , beneath the blight
It feeds upon all below
In rapid spreading nourished growth
Soon to cover , spread to all
Like a **** , all fields will fall
So grows the tyranny imposed on men
Carefully planted and watered in
 May 2014 thinklef
Sarah Michelle
Let the world know that poetry
is great.
There is passion in its rough, gilded grooves
(I've seen it all)
Dance shoes under
(I've tried them on)
And overall, wicked smiles
(they have shown on my face).

I've read the Alice blue tears of a grown man
lined up like a tree so that
each line is a branch.
I've read all the things
that you think don't love each other,
but they simply do.
Poetry loves you--people and poems are
just the perfect
dance partners.
I've seen it all--

I've seen that crazy look
on a poet's face.
It is the best form of every thing
which is only tangible

through a poem.
An English assignment.
 May 2014 thinklef
Dana Shroyer
romance is giving me the last bite of your sandwich even though it's the best part with the cheese running down the sides
romance is holding the door for me when your arms are full of books and papers
romance is playing with my ***** hair when i haven't showered in days because you know i love it
romance is patiently holding water to my lips when i'm too drunk to keep my hand steady
romance is giving me your last cigarette when i've had a long day, even though i know you won't be able to scrape together change for a new pack
romance is asking me to marry you with a key ring because that's all we have the money for because we're young and crazy
romance is sitting in the back of the car laughing at nothing because our eyes get so squinty when we're ******
romance is leaving what you're doing to come pick me up when i called you crying for no reason
romance is holding my hand and my head and my heart in silence when i can't find the words to express the chaos inside my own mind
romance is listening to me ramble about the same old ****, and caring just as much as when i told you the first time
romance is the way you smile when i'm sad, the way you cradle my head in your neck, the way you kiss me on the nose, the way you text me good morning and goodnight every day, the way you tell me you love me and mean it
romance is you, and me, together
i really love that boy
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