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Phia Aug 2016
I just want it all
To go away.

How do I make it
All go away?
Phia Aug 2016
I find it interesting
That I write almost nothing
But goodbye poems on
A website called
HELLO Poetry.
Phia Aug 2016
They say scared keeps you
Maybe that's why I feel so alive
When I'm with you
Phia Aug 2016
Roses are red Violets are blue
I don't know if I can make it through
Because the roses are wilting the violets are dead
And nothing will silence the thoughts in my head
The sky isn't clear, the sun no longer shines
The blood in my veins is no longer mine
The days are long and as dark as the night
The thoughts in my head no longer happy and bright.
The tears stream down my face and off of my nose
as I cry in the places no one ever goes.
I want it to stop, I want it to end
I don't think I can go through this again.
I can't help but feel that I'd be better off dead
The roses have wilted the violets are dead.
Phia Jul 2016
I'm spiraling so fast
That I can't grab onto
Phia Jul 2016
My life is a game
Of jenga.
The blocks are everything I love
But the tower is falling
So fast.
And the pieces bounce off
Of my hands as I try to catch them.
At the end of the day
I have nothing.
Phia Jul 2016
If I had a dollar
For all the times I
Cried myself to sleep
This month.
I'd buy a movie ticket
To the movie we were
Supposed to see together.
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