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 May 2014 The voice
the Wall
 May 2014 The voice
This wall that you built
between us,

laid down in solid indifference
and mortared with silence,

was it built to protect you
or me?
in her loneliness
she sought warm consolation
beneath the sun's kiss
 May 2014 The voice
As I pop these ***** little pills,
my soul is unaware it's becoming quite ill.
The doctor said I'd be fine, but instead I'm slowly losing my time.
Sitting, thinking, my heart in hopeless decline.
Laying, reminiscing, wanting to rewind.
My thoughts less frequent,
the more pills I take.
I wouldn't have started to take them
if I knew what was at stake.
My soul slowly taking the bate,
Maybe this was really my fate?
My mind is being beckoned from dark shadows to light gray.
What about the bright sun shining day?
Why is it becoming more and more gray?
What exactly am I feeling?
For with what feelings am I dealing?
You lied and said pills were the solution.
You started this ***** revolution!
It was you who gave my mind this illusion,
my brain becoming more and more in confusion.
Don't ever say pills will help again!
For this could very well be the end....
Men in denim
Built this land
For us to love and grow

Men in suits
Destroyed the land
So that man no longer stands
I am scared that I am going to become the runaway girl.
Close enough to touch but, not here long enough to hold on to.
I’m scared that I won’t be able to sit still for steady hands.
Its like coffee and cigarettes
Why take in chaos when you will always need the calm?
I need both
The calm the chaos
The real the fantasy.
I am scared that I will get normal and it won’t be enough for me,
That I will get every silver lining I’ve ever wanted and it still won’t be enough
I’ll always want more
I’ll always want the sun, the moon, the stars, the forest…
Nature is so much more beautiful than anything man made
Maybe that’s why man scares me…
They empty beautiful things
And tarnish gold.
But, I want to be touched by a man
Who sees the Queen in me
The chocolate
The Gold
And loves the stutter in my nervous
The weird in my beautiful
The good in my crazy.
I one day, want this
But I don’t know how to share me
Keep me
Love him
Not run
Not run
Stop running
From a man…
I’m Cinderella at 12 am
Hoping that he doesn't discover I’m not beautiful.
 May 2014 The voice
I didn't know what tulips looked like when they bloomed
until the day I held some in my vase
and when they bloomed, to me they became a whole new flower
and as they became a new flower I did too

I had never laid in bed to hear the raindrops
because in years past I would run to the safety of my parents bedroom
until the day I decided to stay and watch and listen with my father
in silence that became comfortable like never before

I had never thought that I was beautiful
until I sat in silence doing nothing
and my sister turned and told me I was pretty
and my mother told me I had a beautiful mind
and boys started talking to me more than before

I had never walked barefoot in the grass
because of the bugs that crawled and worms that swarmed
until the night we laid out in the grass in the dark
and exited my comfort zone
as I kicked off my shoes like I kicked off my burdens
and I ran up and down the hill, oozing with laughter and happiness
and I watched a beautiful boy roll down the hill with no care in the world

these are the moments I live for
not the moments of buying new things
or getting a successful grade
or impressing my parents.

I lived for the beauty of nature
for the blooming of tulips
for the crying of the clouds
for the beauty in the mind
for the comfort of grass
and careless, beautiful people.
 May 2014 The voice
I came to a bend in the road just the other day.
In a dusty forlorn desert at the edge of town.
A narrow one way street with no room for cars to meet.
And I must make the choice whether to skip town or stick around.
It only goes one way, this lonely barren path.
So I guess I must decide on the direction I will take.
The fear of losing what lies behind is all that holds me back.
But human nature fears change, and I am one to defy humanity.
To find satisfaction, I am afraid
there is to be one choice.
Because to live a caring reckless life.
The one way street knows best.
So goodbye my sweet safety net town
I must put my acrobat skills to the ultimate test.
It makes me think of Robert Frost
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