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 Sep 2015 Tess Calogaras
the exquisite pain
when I see you holding her
I’ll stay here
because you keep me sane  

She wore mountains round her neck

           (“No, lower.”)

Peaked with scented minarets

           (Softer and sweeter than strawberries,
           grander than a psalm.)

In the gulch between words
I offered you a prayer
and you wounded me with a poem.

I watched you  move
like a summer night
to disrobe the cover
of your collected works
           -a landscape of fire and blood
            that beats a wardrum
            deep in my hungry river.

Your petals pressed against my lips
           to drown , to drown

She wore mountains round her neck,
and I wore her ankles with a smile.
cold into the streets, i found
no salvation inside last night, as
usual: the stone walls were
slick, and, through the tunnel
pack, i turned to the comfort
and disgust of suppressed life,
and decided not to climb. 'it
would be a shame to break
my neck, here', i uttered, in
the haze, to myself. clusters
of meaningless wandering thought.

before, i knew avoidance, like all
gods were lookin' down through
the world, and i could only curl and
hide my fears by inaction and the
movement of my fingertips over
nylon threads. same sad songs i
won't stop singing. think i'm the
thing drags me down, i'm the
only thing that i can't rid myself of,
and consonance comes round more,
these days, but hardly
all of 'em.

so, i spread feet under new and old
known and unknown streetlamps,
stared up at the cloud cover,
screamed at the tatters of the moon
aside stranger's houses,
shedding care.
but, all, and you, will be asleep or awake,
wherever my care's gone, and
it doesn't seem to be

this city drains out of
my open arms.
Shake dreams from your hair
My pretty child, my sweet one.
Choose the day and
choose the sign of your day
The day’s divinity
First thing you see.
A vast radiant beach
in a cool jeweled moon
Couples naked race down by it’s quiet side
And we laugh like soft, mad children
Smug in the woolly cotton brains of infancy
The music and voices are all around us.
Choose, they croon, the Ancient Ones
The time has come again
Choose now, they croon,
Beneath the moon
Beside an ancient lake
Enter again the sweet forest
Enter the hot dream
Come with us
Everything is broken up and dances.
light, you trickle through
my life; bursts of
blooms from all angles.
leaves sit still on
the sky. right pause. waiting
up for
a bit later, each
movement. daydreams
of topologies of sun
patches on your skin.
closer, love, i am
walking, in, through the
columns of this theater.
no actor in the hallway,
just your light, around

just your soft waves,
sometimes unsure just where the
            world spun: sharpness of
                    hour's turn, cardinal
direction. we found footsteps on
coasts, in leaf-litter, amongst
carpet fibre. our collective history
       in flecks; discretised, normal.
ain't so strange, windowlit dust's
      width your warmth felt, even
at metric distance. we were once
but a single heartbeat across:
    wavelet, hangin' in the wash.

   i want to fall asleep in
covers of snow, you and i
as tangled pile of bones. i want
our echoes intertwined in all
great halls. or
          slow morning,
                       fog or no fog.

                                                       the world will spin under dark blankets
                                                             for all of our evers, at least. tumble n
miss you (often)

"and for a change in thought,
i look up at the moon
and don't quite know what i see"
 Aug 2015 Tess Calogaras
You tried to change didn’t you?
closed your mouth more
tried to be softer
less volatile, less awake
but even when sleeping you could feel
him traveling away from you in his dreams
so what did you want to do love
split his head open?
you can’t make homes out of human beings
someone should have already told you that
and if he wants to leave
then let him leave
you are terrifying
and strange and beautiful
something not everyone knows how to love.

Warsan Shire
The most beautiful thing I''ve come across today.
"It is June. I am tired of being brave."
--Anne Sexton, The Truth The Dead Know.
Camp with me
Between the valleys and sunsets.
Watch with me,
The universe's dance the closest.

The sky,
day and night as one.
The stars only know what we've done.

The shadows beneath
Every blade of grass,
As the light breathes,
Time still as glass.

Hope crosses it's heart,
As we see the planets spin.
Life is born apart
From death who is destined to win.

Close your eyes,
So maybe you can see,
The entire world as it was meant to be.

**Carpe Diem
Open your eyes, open your mind.
Dying thoughts of a mind lost in pace,
Stars on a dark night, silent whispers in play,
Embers of a life, all that is left of the chaos, deranged.
Heartless words of a world consumed with hate,
Shadows singing a serenade,
Did the fire burn your soul away?

Hiding behind the lie of life's enduring "honor",
Pride and dignity, a mask of ignorance, a veil for the society ,
Listen to the song, the children, they sing.
Protect your honor, but have you lost all sense of humanity?
Sacrifice morality, much prized possession lies in wait,
What about brotherhood, has the greed, yet, consumed your honesty?

Listen to the song, the children, they sing,
Hear it fade with the sound of the world outside,
Hear it no more, lost to the noise of our souls enslaved.
©Meenu Syriac
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