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Time stopped
insides ripped apart
hearts twisting
I feel numb
Empty and depressed
hush don't tell
keep it a secret
hush don't tell
they'll be there just for the kicks
hush let it burn
hush they don't have to know
hush keep it all inside
hush let it burn
hush let it burn
hush let it burn
hush lights out
You can't recycle wasted time
You can't fix mistakes
You can only make amends
Mistakes come with time
Mistakes come with love
You write your future
Mistakes rewrite your future
You can make amends over time
Mistakes will last
Time will not
Time is limited
But there are infinite possibilities on how you use it.
Just something
You marked me as Yours
In love I was
Awoken was this desire
To be only Yours
The fire that that was nourished
Extinguished by your coldness
The flickering light of this fire
dwindling into a portion of the heat that kept me warm
The hollowness eating my life away
Playing with my heart was your game
Dying out was my game
I was burned out pathetic isn’t it?
I tried to hide the love,
I tried to hide my feelings,
I tried to hide the truth,
My lies unveiled themselves,

Under the stars,
The truth revealed,
The feelings released,
Now I just have to wait,
Wait for the hurt,
Wait for the pain,
Wait for the inevitable,
Wait for death,
Alone, I will be,
Till time has ended me,

I just want you to know I tried.
I tried
The pain in my head,
The pain in my heart,
The pain that ruins my pleasant day,
The pain that brings the dreaded rain,
I cannot bear it any longer,
Forever broken,
Never to be fixed,
Love is the destroyer of man,
Man is the destroyer of love,
Created by accident,
Destroyed on purpose,
My heart,
Never to be repaired.
I dont think it's very good.
Tell me what you think about it.
just another month
cold and crisp
the flowers that once bloomed
are all gone
the fire that shined bright
let it freeze and die out
let the wind extinguish the fire that was once alive
october can **** of my hope
october hurry up and **** my delight
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