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Skyler M Dec 2017



Skyler M Nov 2018
.       B r e a k i n g  s e n s e s
.                      N o n s e n s e  v e r s e s
.        S u r r o u n d i n g  l i f e
.                                       C h a n g i n g  c l o t h e s
.                    F a k i n g  m y s e l f
.                                                           T a k i n g  c o n t r o l
.                                        w  i  n  n  i  n  g
Skyler M Dec 2017
It's almost 2 and I'm looping my thoughts,
Repeated, Reiterated, Reoccurred, Dilated.
Sunken through air and ethereal steel,
I'm pleading for a meal,
To satiate my hunger,
For my eternal grave.

It's 2:00 and I'm finding no answers,
Within my brain,
Scanned, Manned, Retrospectively planned.
And I can't see myself reaping the weak,
yet I imagine myself holding a gun up to my head.
I'm pleading for His touch,
As an unbeliever, heretic, a deceiver,
Strike me down, God, now.
Send me down to my eternal slumber.

It's 3:00 and I'm back at this again,
Racking my brain,
My fretting, betting, setting off,
bomb-like migraines,
Reheat it again and I can see through the forestry greens,
I'm dead, I was already from the start.
So what's the point of lifting my head and making a sound?
I'm on trial as it stands,
Strike me down, God, now.
Send me down to my eternal grave.
Skyler M Jun 2018
Footsteps along my ceiling,
Cracking open the door at four,
Raindrops knock at the window,
A strange mellow feeling washing over me, you, us.

Follow the set of footprints,
Through the salmon corridors,
I hope they won't end at the ledge,
Seek out their destination for me, you, us.

Carrying on despite the calm,
Call me now before I leave,
Slip on a coat and see me,
I can visualize the footprints for me, you, us.

Through the streets now,
Lights fading colors in my eyes,
Cobble streets keep me on my feet,
Can you give directions to me, you, us.

Destination becomes thoughtless.
Sit down in the street and stare,
Raindrops pattering at my feet,
Begging me to keep on going for me, you, us.

I'm sorry, stranger, I don't love you.
I'm sorry, little grass blade, I don't need you.
I'm sorry, street light, stay a little longer.
For me, you, and us.
Skyler M Feb 2018
I'm confronting myself at 5:30 A.M.,
Haven't slept a wink but I have to start my day soon,
Bordering anger I look at myself in the pouring rain,
I'll ask myself, "Where have you gone, why aren't you helping me?"

I watch myself sit down, myself won't speak and I can't control him.
He doesn't want to stand anymore and his hands are shaking.
His emotions are out the door, no more.

His eyes flash violent urges,
When the night unfurls it’s grasp,
I can see he want to tell me all the things,
But he can’t find the words so I look to his hands and they’re gone, he wants to scream but he can’t so he leaves his head on the floor.

I watch myself sit down, myself won't speak and I can't control him.
He doesn't want to stand anymore and his hands are shaking.
His emotions are out the door, no more.
Skyler M Mar 2022
Fair to say I wanna be tall,
Standing 5’3 but I’m not picky,
I just wanna see over the forestry.
I think im 5'3..but i might be 5'4?
Skyler M Oct 2017
A folder for all my thoughts,
A cabinet for all my characters,
A desk for all the lies,
A room for all my antics,
And another for my demons.

A back up against the wall,
A foot kicking through the door,
A hand reaching through your chest,
A face layering yours.

A death with every right to be alive,
A life with every right to be dead,
A animal with hands of hooves and hooves of hands,
A spider with gloves spun of gold.
Skyler M Nov 2024
A baby was born today.

A baby born after decades of growing,
The father, a heartless oil tycoon.
The mother, an unflinching beaurocrat.

Orwell rolls in his grave,
Marx rolls in his grave,
Mandela rolls in his grave,
Malcolm rolls in his grave.

A baby was born today,
Born of greed and exploitation,
Into a world primed to love its beady eyes.

What's to happen, I cannot say,
We have always warned of this day,
Call it a product of our errors,
For that's what many warned.

A baby was born today,
It grasps for the finger of its mother,
Taking ahold and ripping her flesh away.

It hates us all.
Despises our flesh.
Flinches at our pulse.
Curls its lip at our humanity.

A baby was born today,
And we will all pay the price.
It's not the end of the world.
Skyler M Oct 2018
I told you all my lies and my secrets,
But who you are is something I still have to discover,
You're far away so what do you look like?
What does your voice sound like,
And do you intend good?

Does your mind stay cautious,
Or do you mind that we're so open,
Where does the boundary start and the line end?

I can't see you,
Only read you like a book,
A book with jumbled words that lack comprehension,
Or perhaps it's me that can't comprehend?
What do I have to do to control my world,
Without offending your disciples.  

Does your mind stay cautious,
Or do you mind that we're so open,
Where does the boundary start and the line end?
Skyler M Apr 2019
I address a lot of people,
And a lot of strangers,
To them I tell stories about a promised world,
Yet I never reveal the secret of it all,
Cause I don't really know, myself.

Whether it's heaven or something we make,
I just want the peace of mind that I'm not alone in this,
Hard to speak your mind when your mind is clogged up.

I'm trying to figure it out- what's the purpose of it all?
But I've noticed that the purpose becomes worthless when you compare yourself,
If the drawings in my notebook were ever to be sold, I would make not a cent because- as I'm told by my head- everyone's better than me,
So let the purpose be worthless and pave your own world,
The path has never been set, you're walking a grassy road that hasn't been trodden just yet.

Whether it's heaven or something we make,
I just want the peace of mind that I'm not alone in this,
Hard to speak when your mind is clogged up.
Skyler M Oct 2017
An icy chill fills the room
Memories will start to fade
I'm with Pandora's box
Should I leave or should I grieve?

Memories will start to fade
I'm panicking now, as usual
Judging me for what and not who I am
It's choking my heart

I'm panicking now, as usual
My chest convulses I cannot breathe
It's choking my heart
Starts with an A ends with a whY?
Skyler M Feb 2020
I had an affair with the entryway,
Touched lips with the steps,
Put my pride down the street lines,
Fell out of love,
And dropped my heart into the potted plants.
Skyler M Apr 2018
we're all afraid,
So afraid,
Of blank pages,
and empty promises.

we're all afraid,
So afraid,
Of burning trees,
and what we see.

we're all afraid,
So afraid,
Of sudden changes,
and futures mangled.

we're all afraid,
So afraid,
Denying is proof,
and I won't take it back.
Skyler M Feb 2018
I made my stand,
Against my soul,
Who was looking down at the sea,
From head to toes, it believes it's unworthy,
A body of shame and mismatch.

I made my stand,
Against my soul,
Who looked up at me with a somber smile,
I knew it's plans to leap off the ledge,
But I hold it's hand and carry it back into the forest.

I made my stand,
Against my soul,
Who seemed to ponder why I was doing this,
I had to see if it could be who it needed itself to be,
Who's body was no who it needed to be.

I made my stand,
Against my soul,
Who saw what I was doing and cried of joy,
My hands once black, turned to green.
Who I needed to be was in front of me.

I made my stand,
Against my soul,
Who smiled and held my hand,
As we walked above the sea to the island.
Skyler M Mar 2018
I saw him at the gates,
Wondered why he would forsake,
Time slows down and I'm running,
Running for my life.
He's climbing over,
Gun in hand.
God, oh why God have you forsaken us?

Bang Bang, down goes my friends,
Bang Bang, down goes the educators,
Bang Bang, down at my feet.

Is this where my life ends?
I'm just only seventeen,
Where will I go when I die?
He's coming for us all,
Ak-47 in his hands.
God, oh why God have you forsaken us?

Bang Bang, down goes my friends,
Bang Bang, down goes the educators,
Bang Bang, down at my feet.

He's at the door.
Am I no more?
I can't see my own two hands.
Tears on my face.
I think it's pretty clear what this is trying to portray. As someone who is a year younger than the character, I can tell you that this is a huge fear when I walk to school everyday. I could die. It's a fact...but...what I'm scared of is the gun. not the man.
Skyler M Aug 2021
The smoke infiltrates my lungs,
Stealing all of the air I had,
Using me as means to breathe,
Mother nature's thief who's holding a grudge.

Those who hate me,
All reside in this town,
I see their flags everywhere,
And I see every way I could die.

I'll write a formal letter,
To the smoke and hope to the Gods,
That it'll carry me far, far, far away.

Through alleyways and empty malls,
I'm not lost, you're all just losing your minds,
I'm strangled by denial and a yearning to be free,
That's all I would wish for if I saw a shooting star,
Except all this smoke screens me from the stars,
And the meteors that fly through.

I'll write a formal letter,
To the smoke and hope to the Gods,
That it'll carry me far, far, far away.

This city,
Is a prison,
Alcatraz island,
As a town,
For all the richest,
The *******, and the bigots,
To move in,
And tear down,
What we just began to build.
Skyler M Jul 2022
Get into your seat, writer,
Find your home inside the ink,
Construct the walls out of paper,
Your desk out of pencils,
And your pipes out of hollowed pens.

I know you fell for the feeling,
But it's easy to get lost in it all,
If you walked away now,
I know you'd go insane.

Upon your mirrors there's words,
Reflections that spell your introspection,
Flip it around cause it's too much noise,
Cause, writer, the sound is burdening you.

I know you fell for the feeling,
But it's easy to get lost with it all,
Crashing down on your thin walls,
I know you're going insane.
Skyler M Oct 2022
I don’t crave all-American stability,
It depends on our bodies usability,
To keep the systems invincibility,
For the rich to retain their nobility.
Skyler M Jun 2022
The ramifications tear my guts apart,

All our guts apart,

This is our guts being pulled apart,

for the children,

The ramifications for the trans,

for the enby,

The ramifications for the women,

for anyone.

How many will die in just a week?
Skyler M Feb 2018
All she can see are the black clouds,
The rolling thunder,
The falling rain,
All she'll ever know is how to lose to a landslide,
The shifting mud,
The ***** sand,
All I'll ever know is that I wasn't good enough
Skyler M Jan 23
Standing at the edge of town,
At the gas station in the dark,
Fields of grain extending out,
Farther than my vision can reach,
Distant foggy haze's all I discern,
Lights all off in the market,
Feeling the cold wash over,
I'm alone in the northwest.

The hope disappears into the blue,
Distant mountains shadowed in time,
Deer peer through whispering wheat,
Beckoning, inviting me to disappear.

Standing at the edge of a valley,
Rolling through the dark forest,
Slopes of foggy trees careen,
Farther than my vision can reach,
Wavering pines call quietly,
Echo reverberating in between,
The cold wind addresses it,
I know, I'm alone in the northwest.

The hope disappears into the blue,
Distant mountains shadowed in time,
Deer peer through whispering wheat,
Beckoning, inviting me to disappear.
Skyler M Oct 2018
Vertical, horizontal,
Pen that escapes my mind,
Bring back bones that I meant to burn,
Bring back the energy that kept me alive,
Where will they go from me.

Alternative thoughts mold into a voice,
Chasms call for a parents help,
When all they ever do is deny,
Their kid needs to be perfect and perfect they'll be,
If the time changes and your brain shifts them slowly.

If purpose if all I look for is my mind really trying to find it?
It's hard to think that when the water is black when it's supposed to be blue,
I promised that I'd be happier, that I'd live for them,
But I can't when I'm trying to figure myself and my own voice out,
Easy to call me selfish cause It's all you can really see,
Then take a look into my poison cups and see,
What I've been introspecting and inspecting inside of my head.

Alternative thoughts mold into a voice,
Chasms call for a parents help,
When all they ever do is deny,
Their kid needs to be perfect and perfect they'll be,
If the time changes and your brain shifts them slowly.
Skyler M May 2022
Don’t wanna be restrained to,
Allow for the politicians abuse,
Freedom from the celebrity ruse,
As I struggle with these hues,
Red, White, and Blue.

We’re like toys,
We make noise,
Bring them joy,
We’re easy to poise.

Grab me by my hair,
Throw me in the chair,
Scream at me, “It’s not fair!,”
You say, “You’re a burden I can’t bare.”
I’ll kick your teeth out, it’s only fair.

Life couldn’t give you a more silver spoon,
Sat up in your high chair, tightening our noose,
Drinking from a sippy cup, it’s alcohol abuse,
I hope you forget that karma is on the loose.
Cause we’re coming for you.

Half-dead brutes,
***** of dried prunes,
Master of child abuse,
You are the fake news.

Others will avoid,
You will destroy,
The bombs you deploy,
For the middle east oil,
Brainwashed toys are easy to exploit.
Skyler M Mar 2018
Burn my bones and burn my skin,
Burn the holy cross at my feet,
Gather all the roses and purge me of my sin,
With thorns upon my ankles won't you save me now?
With every moment ticking,
I remember that I want to die and sing.
Burn my voice and burn my lungs,
Burn the holy dirt at my feet,
Gather all the thorns and place them on the throne,
With knives inside my head, I plead for mercy.
I don't believe.
Im sorry.
I just don't believe.
No matter how much I want to.
Skyler M Sep 2019
Standing on the bridge, we are.
Your hand interlocked with mine,
Nearly a year has gone by and I only fall more every day,
I can't help but think about taking an arrow to my knee,
Just so I can tell you what this really means to me,
What you truly mean to me.

I've been backed up against the wall,
And there's been times where I've witnessed innocent killings,
Then again I watch my false father stare at me,
I didn't know what to do with my ******* life.

Then on that bridge,
Your hands interlocked in mine,
There's no backing out as I stare,
Your eyes appear grey but are more alike to a kaleidoscope to me,
And I can't wait to take an arrow to my knee,
Just to see that you truly know your worth in life,
As what I am worth in life.

I can't wait to take an arrow to my knee,
And step down with a heart in my hand,
You're my life goal and accomplishment,
My best friend and my dearest supporter,
Won't you fight for a better life with me,
Cause I'll fight for you and you'll fight for me.
Skyler M Oct 2024
An abandoned sunset on the horizon,
Keep persevering towards a limitless sun,
Dark prairie field, a fraction of a second before sunrise,
Before we know it, the calm passes so there’s a demise.

What’s better than the morning air?

The drag of a dead tree and its saturn rings,
Honey, you know I don’t play with these things,
Nothing in the universe or beyond is ever fair,
Then it’s decided, I shouldn’t pretend to care.

A pine cabin sitting pretty in the prime of its life,
Will eventually sit heavy at the end of its strife,
Bitter and old from what it thought it deserved,
Historic yet crumbling, nobody wanted it preserved.

An abandoned sunset on the horizon,
Keep persevering towards a limitless sun,
Dark prairie field, a fraction of a second before sunrise,
Before we know it, the calm passes so there’s a demise.

A sinkhole opens to swallow it all up,
A cabin to the depths,
A sunset to the abyss,
A joint to the deaths,
I know we swear something’s amiss.
Who’s to blame except the wash-up.
Skyler M Oct 2017
This is my time
my life is flashing before my eyes
I've realized this is the end
And I will kiss all of them goodbye

The voices never left my head
My breakfast consists of pills and death
death of my own unique self
And I will kiss all of them goodbye

Could I ever pull the plug
I'm to much of a coward
Don't have to spell it out
And I will kiss all of them goodbye

It reeks of boredom
The four walls I've caged myself into
And the demon I nurtured
Is coming life
And I will kiss all of them goodbye
Skyler M Apr 2021
Oh I'm never good enough for you,
Am I?
Oh just let me start my motivation up,
Just for you to feel satisfied!
When are you gonna realize,
That my life is not yours to define?

Well if it's just an excuse,
Then I won't bother explaining anything to you.
Skyler M Feb 2018
A night in the forest has been due for some time,
All those internal urges to scream and cry,
The times I wanted to dig a hold and die,
So I can tell you that a night in the woods would do me good.

A night in the woods would give me closure,
I don't have to feel the emotions that run down my spine,
Finding a shovel would be impossible in the ebony night,
This I why I say that a night in the forest is required.

But even a night in the woods would tear me down,
My eyes cannot see what is in front of me,
In the darkness of the forest I could fall into one of those holes,
Maybe a night in the forest isn't worth it.
Skyler M Aug 2018
Let's get our get up on,
Smother confidence on our cheap, black kicks,
Nobody cares that we're there,
But yet I can feel every eye on me.

We're all kids,
In a night to forget,
Cause I was in the bathroom the entire time,
Sorry, to all my friends,
I didn't have a date and anxiety ******* hates me.

Girls and boys at the speakers,
Think that they are hot ****,
Singing along to a song I never could forget,
I'm a cliche in itself,
Don't try and change my mind,
Cause everyone hates me, I know.

We're all kids,
In a night to forget,
Cause I was in the bathroom the entire time,
Sorry to all my friends,
I didn't cave a date and anxiety ******* hates me.

Sorry to all my friends,
I should've gone alone,
I should've stayed home.
Skyler M Jan 2022
Here it comes now,
It's coming soon now,
Almost here now,
So it's here now.

Numbing agent to my ******* brain,
Bash my teeth into ******* pieces,
Tear my toes off their ******* hinges,
Eat my heart out it's a ******* pain.

Well it's never gonna be gone now,
Sticking around 'til I go crazy now,
Like a spider to a sticky trap now,
And now I'm going down.

Pull my nails out with pliers,
Tenderize my knees with a bat,
Feed my eyes to a starving rat,
I'm done with my body, any buyers?
Skyler M Jan 2018
I woke up early today,
Altered my face to make believe,
That I'm totally okay.

The day flies by,
I'm doing fine,
Until night arrives,
My fears are discovered.

So I fall through the bed,
Melting into doubt and love,
Pretending I'm anywhere but here.
Skyler M Dec 2017
Fields of apathy,
In which I'm living in.
A grass of faded red,
My soles walk onto.

Everything feels so fake,
My eyes get bored of this.
Reaching for the counterfeit,
Sitting across the table from me.

Threatening my seclusion,
he doesn't move his mouth.
His eyes are painted red,
A symbol of my reimagination.

It rushes onto,
Onto the carved door.
On the floor.
In front of the animals,
That ravaged my,
own wrists.

**** it,
Rock it back and forth,
Maybe I'll get out of this earth.
**** it,
Rock myself back and forth,
on the floor again.

I can't see myself in the mirror,
I'm drowning in conclusions.
I have made, for myself,
An unconscious lie.
Skyler M Sep 2024
I know you don’t know,
Just how many times,
I have asked to die,
Well, I’m not special for it,
I know, I recite it for my ego.

Crippling self-awareness turns,
Folds over, crushes my free will,
What I want could get me killed.

Should I be pulled apart by machinery?
Painful until the untimely fade of the mind?
Or should I find my deathbed at the end,
Lay down and hold a couple hands as I cry.
How pathetic I could be?
How tragic could I be?

Crippling fear of the end turns,
Folds over, crushes my free will,
What I want could get me…****.

I’M GONNA ******* DIE ?

ONE DAY             OH ****             ONE DAY



ONE DAY             OH ****             ONE DAY




Crippling fear of every step I take,
Like a child learning how to walk,
I’ll fold over, crush my own free will,
What I want will get me killed.
Skyler M Oct 2019
The letters behind your eyes,
Which scribe each and every line,
That you lean on all the time.

Whatever you've got left,
That's got you smiling,
If if it's got you living another day.

Your every bite of food,
Which keeps you content,
Even if it's never enough.

Your life is equivalent to mine and the rest of the human race,
Pretending the smile might be the way,
But I promise that you can live another day.
Skyler M Feb 28
I keep finding that I cared more than I like,
Laughing whenever you laughed,
Crying whenever you cried,
Feeling judged when you judged.

Like a sinkhole opening up,
Approval of any form,
Being swallowed whole,
Everyone, love me, please.

The desperation seems to scream,
Skin blistering as everyone stares,
Collapsing into my tankard heart,
And I'm sure everyone sees it all.

Like a sinkhole opening up,
Approval of any form,
Being swallowed whole,
Everyone, love me, please.

The desperation seems to scream,
Skin blistering as everyone stares,
Collapsing into my tankard heart,
And I'm sure everyone sees it all.

This is me that was created,
From the dirt underneath,
Bleeding silently in a kitchen,
Eyes wide as I couldn't cry,
Wondering if they really love me.
Skyler M Oct 2018
I can't hide this much longer,
Can't hold back a lie of a hobby,
I deny something more than that,
When a song inspires me to survive,
I know I must continue to make that song,
Whether I die making it,
Or I show the world what I'm introspecting about.

I hope she won't put me down,
I hope she won't stay silent,
But I don't know what she could say,
I hope she does her best to tell me that I can do it.
But that's the biggest question that hangs in the air,
Can I do it?

Sing into, my heart feels full and I've done something,
All I can do is give myself this,
At this point things are dropping so fast,
I can't tell whether or not I'll be gone,
Without the lyrics moving my mouth into song,
I know I can't continue on.

I hope she won't put me down,
I hope she won't stay silent,
But I don't know what she could say,
I hope she does her best to tell me that I can do it.
But that's the biggest question that hangs in the air,
Can I do it?
Skyler M Aug 2021
Sideways for the attention,
Lengthwise for the results,
Thank you Marilyn Manson,
I'll remember that for next time.

You're going to wish and beg,
That you could turn back time,
Cause I'll be dead and gone,
And you'll be left to weep.

Look at all these notes,
Of nights passed on,
Maybe I wasn't numb enough,
Or my blade sharp enough.

You're going to wish and beg,
That you could turn back time,
Cause I'll be dead and gone,
And you'll be left to weep.

You told me that I,
Was doing it to pretend,
To manipulate and lie,
So that I could get attention,
Well I'll turn my blade,
And then you'll understand.

You're going to wish and beg,
That you could turn back time,
Cause I'll be dead and gone,
And you'll be left to weep.

Leftover screws,
Congregate at pews,
Mourn for my death,
I sliced up my own neck,
Bleeding out on the floor,
I hope you open the door.
Skyler M Mar 2018
I don't know why I thought you'd care,
You don't make an effort to try and help me up off the ground,
Keeping your head inside your own inflicted heart,
Creatures sing in tongues around your head.

Describe yourself to me,
Maybe I'll understand tomorrow,
You don't know my brain,
So why do you even try?

Stretching for an answer from me,
Focusing on the words but never the lines in the middle,
What a shame that I might be failing, but don't you see I'm also falling?

Describe yourself to me,
Hush my selfish words,
Pretending to know my brain,
When you've never checked inside.
Skyler M Apr 2024
I built this all for you,
A glass house on a hillside,
Observe as the world passes on all sides of you,
Yet you break the walls from the inside,
Letting the glass fall around and cut into your hands,
As you grind it back into bloodied sands.

"The world as you perceive,
Aims only to deceive,
Don't bother trying to find reprieve,
Find your home with me and don't ever leave."

You shook me by my shoulders,
Shouting, pleading that I understand,
The more you begged your hands grew colder,
No matter how harshly you reprimand,
I won't come down,
I won't ever drown,
Not with the likes of a destructive hound.

"The world as you perceive,
Aims not to deceive,
But to try and find something to believe,
Burn down your home and leave me be.

.          .          .          .          .

The world as I perceive,
Breaks me down to my knees,
I'll try to find something to believe,
But burn down the home and grieve."
A conversation
Skyler M Sep 2018
How many times do I have to die,
To feel like I fit inside my skin?
The times tend to fly on by,
Over years and years,
Along with symphonies of unfamiliar faces,
They pass by my ink-stained hands.

Forgive me if I don't remember you,
It's been so long and those years that I met you,
My eyes where blinded by the rage and fear,
Something everyone knows of once in their life.

I had fallen further than ever before,
No amount of hope could've brought me home,
Do you see the burn marks,
On my red-singed clothes?

A new perspective and I love it here,
People remember me somehow and I need to say hello,
The road doesn't seem as cracked as before,
Ripped up the dead body and said goodbye to toxic memories,
You inspire me to keep on living.

Forgive me if I don't remember you,
It's been so long and those years that I met you,
My eyes where blinded by the rage and fear,
Something everyone knows of once in their life.
Skyler M Mar 2022
Assimilate this urge,
I'd do anything to purge,
This lack of assurance,
I will leave, I assure.
Skyler M Dec 2017
leading me astray,
from the path that I had made,
Sinking further with every breath,
I can feel my death.

I write these words with nowhere to go,
Writing for not just the show,
but the hope to get out alive,
the hope that maybe I can thrive.
Skyler M Sep 2024
I am more,
More than anything,
More than a being,
What am I seeing,
What am I needing?

I am at my core,
Shop at my store,
**** on the floor,
Tear off the door,
Its okay, that's what I'm here for.

I'm feeling greedy,
So utterly needy,
Baby let's sign this treaty,
Colonize me completely,
Heart on the floor with diabetes.

I am at my core,
Shop at my store,
**** on the floor,
Tear off the door,
Its okay, that's what I'm here for.

Once a day I'll please you,
If I'm no good, stage a coup,
I'll be the king you overthrew,
And I will grovel at your shoes,
Eye to eye with the real you.

I am at my core,
Shop at my store,
**** on the floor,
Tear off the door,
Its okay, that's what I'm here for.
Skyler M Nov 2020
I'm so tired of all these ghouls at my door,
Trying to spin me around, my guts up in knots,
So then a week later I'll go to emergency care,
I don't wanna grow old,
But I don't wanna fear life anymore.

Delivery Driver is the game today,
I hope I'll keep it for tomorrow's sake,
Don't you wimp out on me dear ghouls,
Causr I'm sick of forcing you away.

I think its time I open my door,
Maybe let them in to talk it out,
And spare myself the grief of running out.

I don't wanna grow old,
But I dont wanna fear growing up anymore.
Skyler M Jul 2024
Pockmarked arms,
Sound off alarms,
Stargazing farms,
Dependent on charms.

Unrealized power,
Atomic shower,
The flavor's sour,
Everybody had better cower!

I dont give a ****,
By stupid, you've been struck,
As you run amok,
Running over kids with your truck.

Unrealized power,
Atomic shower,
The flavor's sour,
Everybody duck and cower!

Planted marigold at the doorstep,
There's blood left in your stead,
It's all you've ever been fed,
I think you're out of your depth.

Hats off,
Heads down,
Gather round,
Pray for the sound,
Pray for the sound,
Pray we'll all be found.
Skyler M Aug 2022
Now, sir, where have you taken my heart?
It's not at the dump cause I'm feeling great,
And it's not in limbo cause I've got closure,
So what have you done?

I think there's something special in the works,
Brewing and stewing in my vocal chords,
I could call it an, 'I love you' but it's too soon,
The center is still much too cold,
I hope you won't mind the wait.

There's a touch I'd like from you,
It's more than just the touch of lust,
The hand that's gentle and warm,
Like a cup of fresh cocoa.

I know there's something special in the works,
A buttery sweet sort of brew to sip upon,
I might begin to call it an 'I love you' but in due time,
The ingredients haven't all been added,
I hope you won't mind the wait.

Even as I dance with you,
A cheesy ballad or two,
Maybe a cuddle to boot,
now, sir, there's nowhere else I'd be.

I think there's something special in the works,
Brewing and stewing in my vocal chords,
I could call it an, 'I love you' but it's too soon,
The center is still much too cold,
I hope you won't mind the wait.
Skyler M Mar 2019
Laugh at me,
I’m gonna dance and yell,
I’m the reason you’re in love,
Now shut up and give me a kiss.

You’re a town full of sinners,
I’m a man with a flavor of bitter wine,
Together we make an empire.

Break down me,
I’m gonna scream and cry,
I’m the reason you broke your skin,
Aren’t I?
Thinking that I’m a figure eight,
Round and around,
No different than the last.

I’ve been stuck since freshman year,
I act like I drink too much caffeine,
I feel the need to apologize so hey, I’m sorry,
I’m learning that growing up is the way forward today again.

You’re a town full of hate,
I’m a man who tastes of bittersweet ****,
Together we make a vengeance filled empire.
Skyler M Feb 2018
I see where I linger
Between the forestry,

My heart beats for his voice,
Between the forestry,

I scream to ask him,
I need to feel my fingertips,

So speak the words I told you to,
But my head won't give in to let me free.

Between the forestry,
I see that he is wounded,

I know that I should leave him alone,
Between the forestry,

But I need my voice to carry on,
And there's no doubting my own cowardliness.

So I go,
Go away,
Far from this place,
So I go,
Away...from him.
Skyler M Oct 2017
The kitchen sink calls away
Can you understand?
The curtains have gone gray
Can you understand?
Furniture ebbing into the stray
Can you understand?
A tipped over ashtray
Can you hear me?
Leading the dog astray
Can you hear the sirens?
The radio is gone, don't betray
Can you hear the reaper
knocking on my door?
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