Tomorrow will be a new day,
A day you can start again,
Or continue as you are,
A process of improvement with yourself,
Tomorrow will always give you another opportunity:
To live
To grow
To learn
To achieve,
To smile
To experience
To give
To accept,
To feel pain
To feel hurt
To feel sadness
To be strong,
To listen
To watch
To be kind
To bring joy to others.
To smile again
To love
To feel love again
To be loved,
Tomorrow will arrive again,
For you to get one step closer;
To your goals,
To your vision/direction,
To your dreams.
Tomorrow is your future,
Tomorrow is a mystery,
Tomorrow is a surprise,
Tomorrow is………….
Good night my friends,
Let’s dream of what tomorrow will bring for us.
© By HF-Whisper
#-Let’s dream of a better tomorrow.