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 Oct 2017 Sand
I think more than anything I'm in love with his smile
The way his laughter could carry on for miles

The way his eyes shine
They could stop time

The way his nose wrinkles
With every giggle

The way his touch gives me tingles
When our lips blissfully mingle

I think more than anything I'm in love with his smile
That no one but me could see it for miles
 Oct 2017 Sand
Kathleen M
Do I take a clonazepam
Do I take a seroquel
Do I take the new antipsychotic
Tight skin
Tight skin
Tight skin
If i smoke **** do I long term fertilize my paranoia
Is there a way to live without sedation
Tight skin
Tight skin
Tight skin
The collective static of the tension spots

Internal screaming
Waiting for the clonazepam to kick in
 Oct 2017 Sand
Lora Lee

**** my soul
        with poetry
           scream out my gracious name
             slay me with words
               that peel my layers
                and simultaneously
                                   drive me

finger me slowly, hotly
with just the right rhythm and rhyme
    push me past my
                 tender limits
                       into tongues of syntax,

a­lliterate my senses
   (in swift stac
until my mind is but blank verse
    mess up my stressed
              and unstressed syllables
in unsung language, versed

I will speak to you in vowels
(the only sound
       I will be able to make)
as you stroke
   my iambic pentameter
             in the heat of frothed-up

we are this heroic couplet, you see
        even if the meaning seems veiled
           no need for simile or metaphor
               as I feel your chest rise
                              in deep inhale

we are a natural paradox
       so many ironies abound
         discordant harmony
is our synaesthesia
     in visible darkness found

and I love this delicious enjambment
as your aura invisibly slips
                               into mine
our lines have no beginning,
                                 no end
    as we undo
          the boundaries
                      of time
synaesthesia-The production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body.

(in verse) the continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line, couplet, or stanza.
 Sep 2017 Sand
~ depression ~
 Sep 2017 Sand
Depression is not a phase

This is a point i want to raise

Sufferers, do not seek attention

As the stigma likes to mention

Its a mental condition

Just as harmful as an addiction


And take it serious

*Depression is not a phase
~ my generation have degraded depression from being a mental illness to a way of seeking attention and the seriousness of the condition seems to have been lost an them (myself being part of this group)

Id like to re establish the seriousness that it actaully holds
 Sep 2017 Sand
helena alexis
i hear your
voice in the
sky at night
miss you dad
 Sep 2017 Sand
Kobayashi Issa
A cuckoo sings
to me, to the mountain,
    to me, to the mountain.
 Sep 2017 Sand
 Sep 2017 Sand
I find the best way to hurt
is to inhale this precious air and dunk my head in a bathtub
still filling up.
and I can hear the waterfall
I wish to be under
as my ears go under as well,
as my tears dissipate.
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