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For 47 years, yes 47 years
I've been writing poetry
At times I feel I'm in control
At other times I feel it's controlling me

It has taken me up the mountain
It has hung me off the ledge
If you ask me, something ain't right
Perhaps it's all in this poets head

With poetry being an emotional thing
It pushes as it pulls
I take up it's bell and let it ring
That's about all I know how to do

I slap it left as it slaps me right
Right upside the head
Smack dab in the middle of tomorrow night
Where poetry has made up my bed

Because for 47 years, yes 47 years
I've been writing poetry
At times I feel I'm in control
While at other times I feel it's controlling me



         The Power

               To Change The

                    World With Words

Leafs are gonna change into 3
                     Orange ,
                  Crispy cold nights
        & I sleep good with u maybe in the dreams
                     The sun makes me smile
            When it's @ the right point in the sky
                              Fall has perfect settings of the sun too
Too much power
Bestowed on the unworthy
Left power powerless
Going berserk within
And causing havoc outside
Ridiculing the essence of power
An autumn 
sunbeam on
the edge of my
childhood bed,
curled up with my
softly purring cat
nestled by my side. 
Two unlike creatures,
brought together in warmth.
 Sep 2014 Sammie wells
Paula Lee
Let me lay my head
upon your shoulder

Lend me your strength
for awhile,

Let me lay down this burden
in exchange for your Smile,

Hold me in your loving arms
your kiss upon my brow,

I need you so much baby
Never more so than now,

In your strength I find promise
that things will be alright,

But tonight, I am weary
I lay down the fight

So I lay my head
upon your shoulder

Knowing I'll be safe
til mornings light!
I go to school on foot,
Head down,
Under my black,

My eyes are covered,
By my hair,
So no one sees me,
No one sees me.

I don't wear lipgloss,
I don't want to try too hard.
But really,
I don't try at all.

I don't care.

I walk to class,
And some people smirk at me.
They push me,
Causing my books,
To fall.

Most ignore me,
Bash into me,
But don't apologize,
As if I were a ghost.

My black rimmed glasses,
Match my soul.
I leave them alone,
They leave me.

At home,
I don't eat with my family,
I sit in my room,
And dream of the possibilities.

I'm scared,
That if I stand out,
People will blame me,
Blame me for trying so much.

My friends,
Don't exist.
But at least they love me,
At least I imagine them to.

But one thing,
That keeps people from ignoring me,
Is where my nickname comes from.

I might hide everything else,
But at least people know,
That I am real,

By my Red Sparkling Jeans.
They make me shine.
I can smell him on my sheets
      I can taste him in my dreams
             I can still feel every inch where he's touched me
I hear his laughter echoing in the walls
             I can still see him in all these pictures I saved for

But this bed is bare
My dream's a nightmare
       I can't hear
             His laughter
       He's not near
             Enough to touch
My eyes are blinded by tears
He's killed my senses,  
      I'm no longer aware

Everything around me,  slowly fading away
His face, his scent, his laughter,  his touch
Maybe I'll just pop a few pills and sleep away the day
At least he's in my nightmares, the pain of reality is too much
He's gone...  He's in her arms now... I'm dying and crying and it's all just too much..
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