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Tharuki Jul 2018
The sound of rain hits my ears
As we drive through the wind
The drops of water crowding the windscreen
And a sad song is playing on the radio
And all I can think about is you
But you aren’t hear anymore
You were taken away
And now you are an angel
And the rain could be
All of earths angels crying
And the clouds
Show all the emotions
That cant be expressed
And a tear rolled down my cheek
Because I miss you
And I blended right in with the rain
And I wondered what you were thinking about
Do you miss me too?
Do I cross your mind?
Memories surround me
Rain is so sentimental
Just staring of into the distance
Gets you thinking
About the past
Every raindrop is filled with memories
And pain
And hurt
And they covered the windsheild
And started to fall really hard
And they all just hit me at once
And I buried each raindrop
Deep in my heart
Where I could hold you close
Until we meet again
But for now
I’ll always be thinking of you
Especially in those long rainy drives.
Tharuki Jul 2018
Ghosts are real
They live within us
Haunting our past mistakes
Having us live in fear
Of the future
Tharuki Jul 2018
Her mind
Was her biggest weapon
And her weakest fear
It held the extraordinary
The secrets
The lies
The untold truths
But it held the pain
And the hurt
And the suffering
And it kept everything hidden
Yet so exposed
Her mind
Was strong
But weak
Her thoughts hurt her
But hiding it took more strength
But life kept going
And so did she
Even though her life wasn’t
What she wanted it to be
Her mind
Kept her safe
But put her in danger
And with every thought
She was a step closer to death
But closer to being alive
And her thoughts
Sustained her
They made time obsolete
But still made life so fast
Her mind was her biggest weapon
And her weakest fear.
Tharuki Jul 2018
Shes a mirror
People only see
what the want to
Tharuki Jul 2018
I am a house
without a "welcome mat"
I have a broken door
It's always open
for you to come in and
destroy me
come and rip out more of
my walls
and shatter the glass
of my broken windows
and break my tiles
so I can fall right onto
the cold, hard ground
you have ripped me
and destroyed me
until i came crashing down
I was a house
without a "welcome mat"
so who invited you..
Tharuki Jul 2018
The lightbulb shone
very brightly
even in the dark
then one night
the energy stopped
and so did all the sparks
the lightbulb broke
and everything went
pitch black
and all light was lost
Tharuki Jul 2018
the old tree
stood there all the time
watching the children
passing by
the old tree stood
obsolete in time
slowly withering
and as time passed
the old tree was slowly forgotten
less people were around
everything changed
and then one day
the old tree was cut down
like it was worthless
like it was nothing

— The End —