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  Jul 2014 Shanijua
all i want is to live in the skins universe
where everything is in a hazy summer filter
with every glance charged with meaning and energy
and getting ****** on drugs is a legitimate pastime
and everyone's wardrobe is so individualistic
who would give a **** about society?
we're too busy having *** and getting trashed and laughing
we're too busy living the life we wished we could live
Shanijua Jul 2014
How can we get so attached to someone who isn't
Even real? Why do we cry when something tragic
Happens to our favorite characters? I find myself
Not being able to get over Freddie McClair's death even though
I constantly remind myself that it was only fiction. Even
Now I am saddened by the memory. Freddie was only
A character.. Why must I feel so upset?
Shanijua Jul 2014
I don’t fancy going to sleep because I hate what I see when I close my eyes and I loathe staying up late because I am afraid of what my imagination can come up with.
Shanijua Jul 2014
Don't get me wrong, I'd ******* in 0.02 seconds, but I'm gad you're happy with her.
Shanijua Jul 2014
I wanted you to never let me go
I wanted to have the privilege of waking up and your eyes being the first thing I saw. Remember when you would hold me after I'd been crying? I miss the fragrance of your sweater as my head fit perfectly on your shoulder. I miss the way your gentle hands rubbed against my arm, my side, my thigh.. You were always so much more open with your feelings than I was. Isn't that weird? I took those sweet little moments we had for granted, but if I had the chance to get them back, I would.
  Jul 2014 Shanijua
They say we die a thousand times before our hearts stop beating
I agree

One is the sigh of a person giving up on you
Another is the grasp of a loved one fading away
When you walk away and no one calls your name
You die again when you hear the goodbye of a person
you thought would stay
You die the minute you realized you wasted your life
on someone or something that isn't even going to happen
When someone you thought cares forgets your birthday,
You die a little bit but live on anyway
You die when someone you knew so well becomes a stranger
& when someone you love doesn't even bother to know you
You die when you feel you're never good enough
You die again when there's no hope
after all that's said and all that's done
You die every time someone leaves
and when someone dies, you die with them

You die a thousand times before your heart stops
And even after that, when one by one people start to forget you,
**you die again
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