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We pick up where we left off
Those deep brown eyes
And that side slide smile
My heart offsets its rhythm
Your arms wrapped around me
And it feels like perfection
A completed puzzle
Of lust and safety
Never-ending summer evenings
It feels like home
And I think you feel it too
I don’t care what other people think of me
Their opinions don’t matter
I don’t know them
I don’t care when some one I’ve never met stops me to call me ugly or fat
They’re just strangers that don’t see my effort
Heck you’d be lucky if I’d care and did know you
But when it comes from you
And only from you
When you’ve reduced me down to only my aesthetic
When I’ve shown you everything I am as a human
As a person of more than my looks
When I’ve shown nothing but support for you
Nothing but kindness
I care, and it hurts
You missed my personality
And replaced it with a number on a scale
I care, because it’s you
I find myself going about my days as I did before you,
The tears you drew from my eyes
The flutters of laughter
My echoed heartbeat,
Just memories
I don’t think about you anymore
Or wonder how you’re doing
If you think of me
If you miss me
I, don’t miss you.
I have forgotten your face
Your voice
Your smile
You are just a stranger now,
A somebody I used to know.
Who do you think you are!
You clawed your way between my breast
Picked away through my rib cage
Grabbed my heart with both hands
Occupied every inch of it
Claimed me as your own to everyone but me
Guarded away the interest of others

Who do you think you are!
You didn’t even attempt to close the wound
Abandoned my love on a shelf
Left to gather dust
Left to find it’s own way back
So I ask

Who do you think you are?
Cause you’re not the “big” man you’ve fooled everyone else into believing.
For a moment it went back to normal
Chatting about nothing
Laughing about stupid little things
But that moment was brief
I know why you’ve dropped me
You’re covering up your girlfriend with
“Sorry girl... I’ve been busy lately”
I hope you’re happy and I wish you well
But I’ve noticed I’m not the only friend you threw
I suspect the decision was more hers than yours
I wonder how long it can truly last being with someone who doesn’t trust you
I hope she doesn’t hurt you
I hope you know I’ll always be a friend to you
Carafes of blood red wine decorate the table
The crowed softly mingle
Candle light delicately flickers
As you pass, you brush your hand along my thigh to lower back
A brief moment of eye contact
A mischievous smile
A bottom lip bite
Excitement extrudes
I’ve lost track of the people talking at me
I make my excuses
I follow
Into a dimly lit room
The heavy door shuts
Just us
A place where fireworks fly
You see what’s happened is
I’ve become the last resort
The one who asks if you wanna hang out
Response always met with, let’s see
The one who has to wait so you can find something better
I spend so much of my time alone now
And I’m so tired from always trying
I’m seen as the tough one
The one that’s always okay
So no one asks if I am okay
If I mentioned that, hey things are pretty tough
The subject is quickly changed
Because how dare I show any other emotion than fine
I am not like that unbreakable marble surface you brag about getting installed
Nor will I just wait and see
I’m as fragile as fractured glass
Already broken but ready to damage
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