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Aug 2021 · 181
Ray Aug 2021
He bought me the strokes album, the one I didn't have which
well, that means he looked through all my vinyl and saw the missing part in my collection.

I stopped collecting after you handed me random vinyl you acquired on your Cambridge day trips
**** your lackluster
**** your candor
Aug 2021 · 162
Ive had enough
Ray Aug 2021
I just want to feel whole again

strong again

Some semblance of what my parents once thought of me

some semblance of anything before they touched me
and tore me shred by shred

there are things that I wish we could change about our daily
but here I am chugging wine and telling you things are

Jul 2021 · 255
My meds help me forget you
Ray Jul 2021
Nothing good ever happened after 3 am

So I got pills to knock me out before then
May 2020 · 173
The Next Step
Ray May 2020
I guess I'm all moved in,
I can't tell where he ends and I begin
May 2019 · 245
Ray May 2019
He says I worry too much
I’ll stop worrying when I stop being wrong;
9/10 times is too high to disregard.
Jun 2018 · 404
We Shouldn't Talk Anymore
Ray Jun 2018
Sometimes I think I'm too much to handle,
most days.
Mind the skeletons when you come back to my place;
It's been a long year,
or two.

And when things don't go the way I planned,
I burn bridges instead of staying sad.
I suppose I'm a little too much to handle,
most days;
Some days are better than the rest.

I thought I'd changed since we last left,
I thought you'd have changed at least a bit.
I suppose its a little too much to handle,
most days,
but I can't say without you is better than the rest.
May 2018 · 676
Low Standards
Ray May 2018
It’s been a long time coming
Three years on, two years gone
Yet we still manage to collide
Headfirst back into each other’s lives
With manic conversations catching up and singing verses
They always lead to heated meetings
at the bar at the show where you said you’d never be
Back to my place for a beer or 3
but nothing good ever happens after 2am
And you know that as well as me.

Im sorry I’m not good enough for you always,
But for now I’ll be good enough for this week
Until you meet the girl of your dreams,
I’ll keep you company.
I’ll keep you company.
Mar 2018 · 312
PBR Blues
Ray Mar 2018
Nothing good ever happened after three am except you,
toxic whirlwind of bad decisions landing me in a
half wired half lit static stasis
half dressed, half mess, covered in ******* and pabst;
Maybe you're the bad thing after three
Maybe if we stay up a little longer it'll cancel out the last few years.
Feb 2018 · 305
Ray Feb 2018
You're the one who turned to me,
disappointed with where things left off.
Look where we are now.
Oct 2017 · 538
I've been ghosting alone
Ray Oct 2017
To you I'm mans folly yet
You're my melancholy ;
Who wins at what's worse
Jul 2017 · 447
You're an Asshole John Snow
Ray Jul 2017
I'm in permanent hangover stasis;
A walking bruise with low expectations .
Jun 2017 · 449
What's next
Ray Jun 2017
When you have your heart shattered into a million pieces not once but twice by a dude you gave your all, your everything plus some more too, you never really get it all back.

At first you're completely hollow to the point that you can hear your organs echo up your esophagus at night and no matter how much you wanna cry your tank has been running on empty for weeks no sleep no food just beer and that gets you no where at least no where near to what today was supposed to be but you find your rattling echo bellow for you to walk and start stumbling into bars looking for anything to make you feel something inside. Cheap thrills, cheap drinks cheap men or girls well below your standard sub par notion of what you think your self worth is really worth. Nothing. Empty. Hollow. Fill me up sweetie for the night I'll wake up and repeat rinse wash and repeat another hollow week.

Then you gain a little self worth you start doing your makeup for you and you've lost all this weight from the lack of eating and sleeping and the boys that are a little above sub par self deprecating standards start to ask you things but you're still in limbo and drink a little too heavily and you make poor choices and fall right back into bad habits of falling for boys that don't give a ****. You find that one boy, the first boy that makes you feel a little something and you realize after one night you can't stand to be around comfort for more than a few hours because you're not comfortable; you're timid and scared and don't want people to touch you or kiss you or look you in the eyes that way, the way he did, and when they give you compliments you laugh it off because your self worth is still nothing. You're still empty. But the rattling stopped so that's something.

Then one day you pick yourself out of bed and are suddenly faced with the daunting task of dating again. You drink but not that heavily. You go to shows by yourself and have met new friends and feel like your head is finally back on your shoulders. You rock that skirt you thought you couldn't and revel in the far from straight guys throwing compliments at you on the streets and finally you feel full. But you still can't hold a boys hand for too long without feeling guilt or I guess just out of place. When they ask to sleepover you let them pass out and sneak onto the couch because you can't bring yourself to be that vulnerable with a kind boy with kind eyes who might lie and let you down not once but twice like he did. Not that they're all the same its just you can't shake the wall you subconsciously built up after he left. You can't be that hopeless romantic with the rose coloured glasses waiting for Prince Charming to save you from single suburbia and waltz you away to your dream life. People ****. People always ****. And that's the part of myself I miss the most. The carefree carelessness skipping down the streets, ready to rip open my chest and share my darkest secrets after our eyes meet and we have that spark and everything feels right on track.

That I will probably never get back.
May 2017 · 556
Ray May 2017
One day you'll wake up
With a text goodbye
And I'll be in the tub
Bleeding out
Wrists jarred open
With a can opener
Because really at this point
Who am I to disappoint
May 2017 · 453
Don't drink rum
Ray May 2017
Is there really a difference
Post op pre op?
I liked to hold and touch and now
Not so much.
But the sadness was fuelled
in a contained manor.
I was still suicidal but I had purpose.
I gave myself purpose,
He was my purpose,
destructive purpose that made me smile
But it seeped out with alcohol;
I'm miserable to the core
No man can fix that
No friend can fix that
I don't even think I can fix that
May 2017 · 379
3:30 5:30 6:00 7:00
Ray May 2017
I knew you were trouble from day one
Day dreamer;
Never grounded on what was here,
Always 10 steps ahead like chess.
Calling check mate before the plays are made,
I'm calling your bluff wether you hear me or not.
Day dreamer,
You've taken that away from me
and now I'm getting letters at
3am detailing your obscure reasoning
And list of regrets.
Let me sleep night walker,
And stay out of my life.
May 2017 · 419
Ray May 2017
what am I other than drugs
burn marks
deep scars
cigarette smoke
and lengthy bar tabs.
Would you even like me
beside the fact;
do I even like me
beside the fact.
May 2017 · 1.1k
Heart in a Cage
Ray May 2017
Do you ever miss me
I wonder strung out on
whatever it is I've done;
Do you see me in crowds,
in the moshpits at shows
only for her to turn around
and let you down
just a little bit.
Apr 2017 · 594
Pent Up Testosterone
Ray Apr 2017
***** and shucks aside
We roll this way and that
Your hand never leaves my side;
Wrapped around my waist line or
******* in my "adorable" red *******.
Your fingers never moved an inch
Away from me that night
Even at 3 when you realized you hogged
The whole blanket you wrapped it
Right back around me.
And you never left.
Never turned your back.
Hippy haired boy
Youre gonna destroy me.
Post ******* punker
With a heart so big I don't know how
To feel.
Mar 2017 · 813
Photographs are Forever
Ray Mar 2017
Old soul, your old eyes
those crows feet I used to sit and count
1, 2, 3, how many were there again?
I'm starting to forget;
The laugh, the voice,
the smell of your day old hair.
The desperation in your feet at night.
But that smile, I'll never forget.
The way you smiled at me,
one day, someday
I hope your smile fades like the rest.
Feb 2017 · 510
Ray Feb 2017
Happy drunk stumbles on downtown streets
back to your place.
Eat me whole, leave me bare;
Is what I expected at least.
Your eyes looked at me and gleamed,
big arms pulling me in,
and slowly Gambino's jazz tunes turn to
soft snores of defeat.
Dec 2016 · 1.2k
Breakups are the worst
Ray Dec 2016
I thought I found it.
I thought I had it in my hands
I thought ;
I thought.
It was never there.
It could never be there.
Out from the belly of her gut
And onto the street,
I am here,
I am here;
And that is all I've ever had.

Bile in the curb,
Word ***** has never done me in worse;
Ray Aug 2016
"You look so tired"
I mean I guess
I've been drinking enough caffeine
To fuel a crack head or three
But I'm fine I'm really fine
Minus the breakdowns on the busrides
But I'm fine I'm really fine
I mean my dead dad talks to me now so I guess
Maybe I'm not alright in the head a little
But it's ok right now I swear
It's okay right now I swear
Jun 2016 · 573
Ray Jun 2016
"You have old eyes
Eyes older than twenty two, simply based upon
the depth of those crow's feet criss crossed around your eyes;"
You old alien soul, how you found me I'll never know
Mar 2016 · 800
You're No Longer Invincible
Ray Mar 2016
You don't think about death until
The first classmate from high school dies
Of a ******* stupid cause
Lung infection turned collapsed lung
Turned septic shock turned morgue
Since when do you have to worry about that
At twenty one
Ray Feb 2016
Drugstore trips for constant drips
we pull up to your parents driveway
and hesitate to leave;
Idle cars for idle minds
on where I'll be sleeping in a year.
Ray Jan 2016
Music drowning out the int rusivethoughts
He brings me my medicine with an open hand
To take it or n ot; to feel better or not
Shove it down my throat with a smile
*** I'll feel better in a while,
I'll be better
Maybe later
Jan 2016 · 356
Full Time
Ray Jan 2016
Monday to Friday nine to five
Twelve fifty an hour plus commission
Monday to Friday nine to five
Twelve fifty an hour plus commission
Monday to Friday nine to five
Twelve fifty an hour plus commission
Utter under your breathe
It'll only make the mundane worse
Ray Nov 2015
Would you be proud of me
Or have I forsaken you;
Abandoning the family I promised to save;
Am I selfish? To want better?
To have better in my hands and leave them to rot;
Is this something I brought upon myself?
Did I cause them to curdle and rot?
Am I the only sane one around or maybe I'm just sour milk as well.
Way past overdue, in a crowded fridge
God forgot me like the rest of them.
Jul 2015 · 881
Near Death Dreams
Ray Jul 2015
One bedroom apartment, run down
Hasn't been cleaned for months
Leaning back on a three legged couch
Chain smoking at 7PM with the sun setting
Through the black out curtains pinned to the wall
With some edgy alt-pop ******* on shuffle.
Dagger in hand questioning what is real and what is fake.
What makes a person? Their name? Their past, their presence?
Who will I be known as when I pass
Will they mourn the sulking writer who drank and smoked her life away?
Will they lay to rest the prepubescent drama queen and avid book enthusiast?
Or will they bury the dreams of this girl possibly pulling herself together to make something great.
Jun 2015 · 1.5k
Ray Jun 2015
The one bedroom apartment;
where your drinking habits only scare your cat.
Jun 2015 · 502
Ray Jun 2015
basically to be frank I feel like I’m in a constant state of limbo

not happy nor sad somewhere bouncing in the in between

fooling myself with other prospects who drop a hint or two

laughing at the state of things, myself and you

At this point its hard not to deny we were better off back then on both sides.

I smile at the thought of that.

I smile.
Ray Jun 2015
Strangers stare and question her sanity
although she pleads her case on something else
the bags under her eyes everyday remind you of yourself;
Sunrises were your reluctant goodnight
to a drug fueled night alone again.
Back when your forehead was too big so you cut your bangs yourself.
Back when Bloc Party, no matter the song, brought you to your knees
to plead
and facebook stalking was reasonable considering;
Tell them the honest to goodness truth
it hurts for a while but then you'll love again.
That special someones right under you nose
even as we speak.
Something they never wanted isn't worth the blood sweat and tears,
so breathe babygirl because your second coming is now.
Ray Jun 2015
.I can fake it but for only so long.
I'm inebriated constantly, or sleeping
Mainly sleeping.
. I want to sleep for good.
I want to dance.
I want to cry.
I want to be held.
I want to end it all.
Jun 2015 · 1.2k
Ray Jun 2015
manic episodes
social phobia
generalized anxiety disorder
hyperactive ****** desire disorder
bulimia nervosa
body dysmorphic disorder

Thanks doc for the diagnosis
Jun 2015 · 718
Olivia Addams
Ray Jun 2015
I'd like to applaud the dickwads who found the need
to stomp on my toes and bring me to my knees
only moments after the emotionally crippled girl
superglued the final pieces of shattered knee cap bones,
Bravo to you former close friends,
for setting off the final fuse of complete self destruction in t minus ten.

Mental snap, Olivia Addams is back
May 2015 · 515
Durden Has Nothing On Me
Ray May 2015
Widen those chubby thighs and let him get a little
too close for comfort

Expose those torn up sides once you flick off the lights so you can
avoid direct eye contact.

You're so convincing when he tries to get emotionally close and you
take those fake mental notes

A girl is only as strong as her crutch
May 2015 · 394
Ray May 2015
You can do better
**** that
I had better
I had him
May 2015 · 495
Goodbye Jake
Ray May 2015
They keep asking me would you take him back
would you take him back if he did change his mind
Reluctantly I respond yes
reluctantly I know I'd forgive him in a millisecond
if given the chance
which I know will never come because of my
drinking habits
and reluctance to be alone for more than a couple nights;
I still can't eat
I still can't sleep
will this ever change or will I forever regret
letting him slip away
May 2015 · 382
No means what again?
Ray May 2015

     no                 no
                    no                       no              no

no                                    no
                  no                                 no



May 2015 · 685
Living is a Bitch
Ray May 2015
When we were knee high we couldn't wait to be where we are now
high school didn't matter but god did we ever
stress about the little things that weren't so little in our eyes.
School was just a thing we couldn't wait to be rid of
our friends were gonna last forever no matter what our parents said
we had our lives all figured out.

Now we're college drop outs paying bills in apartments
you picked out with that person you thought was the one
left at square one wishing for your youth back
so you can shake your ******* teenage shoulders
and scream to smarten up cause they were right.
They were right.
Apr 2015 · 567
Ray Apr 2015
He isnt cheating
He isnt doing anything wrong
He's your man
He's your love
He's your life
And everythings ok
Apr 2015 · 420
Suh Sigh
Ray Apr 2015
The drugs have made it through my body
(both prescribed and not)
and the last bits have been swept out
through sweaty pores
Reality, the daunting thing
is now here before my eyes
bills to pay, life to conquer
how to conquer I ask, I ask
with desperate thoughts bouncing around
amplified by sobriety
my dearest self stay strong
for this is only half the battle
Jan 2015 · 563
Stop Drinking Maybe
Ray Jan 2015
No one makes me feel so small except for you
The little ticking time bomb ready to burst
Medication just makes it worse
he's upstairs with his friends
and you're about to burst
about to burst
Jan 2015 · 508
Ray Jan 2015
My mind is maddening
stuck in daydreams so vivid
I'm in a room full of people but I'm
headed for the kitchen
grabbing a knife and rope
to sink my boat

While kids stare on no one the wiser
that this girls no longer afloat
legal meds lock me in this box
Jan 2015 · 487
Apartment Viewings
Ray Jan 2015
Your side profile makes me think
Of better days or worse
I cant explain it other than
Your eyes are my fire
Your lips are my verse
Jan 2015 · 340
Ray Jan 2015
For a month I had a home, our home away from home
neither mine nor his but we had our place
our little niche
our own space.

As the month drew near darker days came more frequent
I'd prefer to stay in bed, I'd let you tuck me in
but not even *** could make me forget
that the inevitable was quickly approaching.

Now that I'm here?
with no prospect of a home in sight
a place to call my own without
throwing myself to the dogs in the process.
The woman and her fangs sink deeper and deeper
the harder I try to run.
As each day passes I grow wearier
as to whether or not I'll even make it.
Dec 2014 · 662
Side effects may include
Ray Dec 2014
Pop three whenever you notice
The oozing and bubbling skin
On your arms in the morning
From being too close to hell
In one evening
Side effects may include
Yawning every 5 seconds
Not due to boredom or tiredness
Light headedness
From the lack of food you now realize you have yet to eat
May result in abuse of medication
Due to not wanting to feel numb constantly
Nov 2014 · 477
Years End Revelations
Ray Nov 2014
Blitzed out of reality when the ball dropped
and he was there
good intentions turned sour as each day passed
but it was good for her
for what I thought was good, it was
when good finally came around though
that is when the fog cleared
Everything before September was a cloudy haze
and will stay that way
A year I partially forgot for good reasons.
Ray Nov 2014
Walls are melting
your ceilings third eye criss-crosses for eons before my eyes
and somewhere through the Nag Champa haze
I found your pulsating soul calling my name
without words our bodies meld into one another
My soul vibrating with your touch
my dead weight body coming alive with your kiss
our serpent tongues desperate for flesh
our ripened fruit ready for one another to grab a bite
My soul is whole
My flesh is flushed
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