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 May 2015 Q
It's not poetry
 May 2015 Q

I don't write
I write little pieces
of my heart,
they will
*touch yours
 May 2015 Q
Andrew Switzer
Save Me
 May 2015 Q
Andrew Switzer
Turn up the silence and block out the sun,
Alone in my room, a bottle and a gun.
It goes click twice, I'll see another day,
Tears start to fall, can't carry on this way.
 May 2015 Q
My Weakness
 May 2015 Q
The scars on my body,
are my stories.
My memories.
My weakness.
My strength.
Mine only for me to know and tell.
I have one visible to you,
the one you struck upon my heart.
Its deep and ragged.
It’s fresh and ******.
It finally scabs over.
I pick at it once again,
wanting you to see my heart.
Waiting for you to fix me.
But as you told me,
You can’t fix something,
that’s been broken,
far to many times.
 Mar 2015 Q
Austin Heath
Spent years learning how to scream
with your mouth closed.

American liberalism;
How to explode on nuclear levels
without burning a single calorie,

and we're all just
painted blue.
 Feb 2015 Q
Austin Heath
**** it, why not make nothing off limits,
why not break everything with
something soft and velvety
or a sledgehammer made of
executing murders at breakneck speeds.

So maybe nobody gives a ****,
and it's whatever, you're whatever
being lonely is whatever, this life
is so ******* whatever,
banal, passe.

Eyed like a tiger and donated blood to
the vampires, and used like a ******
but only ****** like ****** over;
****** like a father.
Lonely and sad and
contemplating if the bar in the closet

can support my weight at the end of a belt.

Contemplating if the liquor at the bar
tastes sweeter than the people.
Or maybe I should just move on.
Maybe I should pack all my bags
and just run 'till Satan can't collect
and no one knows my name,
so I'll make a new one.

I resent everybody here anyways.
Casual spite. I hope you all die,
so you can't see how much I truly
don't give a **** about any of you.

I'm just tired some more maybe.
 Jan 2015 Q
You're right.
 Jan 2015 Q
I am not a boy
I am a tumor
I am an angler in the deep darkness waiting
I am enclosed, claustrophobic, and suffocating
extrapolating, because
I am a calculator and I want all the solutions to your infinity
I am a sine function perfectly predictable
I am a cancer
I am a twig in your forest, and the words in your thesaurus
that bore us because
I am a scholar
I am a hunter
I am an architect through the desert sands that demands
and understands because
I am a boy.
And I am not a boy, because
I am a tumor.
 Jan 2015 Q
Lunar Eclipsed
 Jan 2015 Q
one impeccable beam of moonlight
on the floor. I stoop,
aiming to grasp, and fall through
your mind
Cerulean thoughts and your umber veins
Dark fire and coldest metal
no love lost here; no,
no love at all
and shuddering I ran past iron and onyx and somehow,
lost in this waxing labyrinth, I wane
and all my love of the skies
could never again convince me to go to the moon in your eyes.
shoot for the moon. even if you miss, at least you won't be here.
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