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The conquest notch on the heart,
a symbol of success and achievement.
But another year closer to the grave
reflects the sadness of old bereavement.
The love of life has long driven passed,
a life of love into the darkness been cast.
The symbol has slipped so far away,
the notch has healed and had its day.
So now the heart is as cold solid stone,
and I climb the stairs to bed alone.

© Pagan Paul (01/01/18)
A man and his child were
gunned down In my
neighborhood today.
My community did nothing -
leaving the blood-soaked street
as the only reminder of
mankind’s capacity for violence.
l did nothing except
gnash my teeth at the
****** of a small child and
wonder if l lived in the
wrong neighborhood.
l look at myself-
the silence in the mirror
reflects my face
but not my
hypocrisy nor the
agony of my
screaming heart.
There was a creek
Down in a hidden island
Called ******* Creek
Those who went down
And stood in it's waters
Were said to have drowned,
Crippled by the waters
Crippled by the stream
Crippled by the cold

So, I wander down to the creek
With hope that the waters
Might drown out my feelings
That they might sweep away the pain

So, I wander down to the ******* Creek
Hoping for it to take me
And one day I'll return
Anew, refreshed
The refreshing waters changed my life. Maybe they can change yours <3
 Jan 2018 Pranav Mahajan
From that very moment, I just wanted to die
However, I saw your smile
It radiated through my lonely heart.
I was warmed, I was delighted
You became my reason to live,
My child.
Teenage pregnancy, it's hard. But don't give up! It is a blessing!
 Jan 2018 Pranav Mahajan
candied greetings
topped with syrupy

sugar coated hugs
coated with the sweetness
of memories long

long lost aunts
tossed into the mix
of relatives
eagerly awaiting

     the holidays...

a forceful insurgence
of family
that normally
would be
 Jan 2018 Pranav Mahajan
 Jan 2018 Pranav Mahajan
think of yourself
like a
if you
go out,
your scent
for a
long time.
inspired by a lingering candle scent.
My mound is wet
Probably due to the weather
Lots of rain

It hurts to be a gopher
Small and furry
Yet sublime

The combo of cuteness and evil
Is damning
Leads to bleeding

Getting stuck in L.A. tubs
Fleeing from Sheba the cat
Fighting for grannies' vegetables

There is nothing here
No noteworthy existence
Just all the disturbances
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