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Kayla Nov 2017
she sees the light
she sees the world as it is
fire burning at the bottom of her heart
that fire ignited by the very touch
the whisper leaving the hint of a whisper
the flare of her skin as the hands run down her side
she’s fighting the urge to scream out loud
this isn’t happening
not to her
she sees the light
she sees the world as it is
she sees his eyes that are lies
the story of love he told her
the night the wind howled in her ear
the first night the I love you left her lips
Kayla Nov 2017
She was just a girl
A girl who made a mistake
It came up negative
She thought she was fine
Forgetting about the mistake she made
2 weeks went on and it still hadn’t come
Worrying the negative should have been a positive.
She thought to herself what have I done
One appointment later she found out it was wrong
It was a positive what has she done
He told he used
He told her it was on
She trusted him but that lasted as long
if the life growing in her stomach
was just a mistake
mistakes can be erased
but erased it she did not
the life living inside her
was worth more than this
this life living inside her fixed her
more than he did
This is about my friend. She is dealing with the decision of keeping a life inside her, o r getting rid of her baby.
  Nov 2017 Kayla
Why am I nostalgic,
For something that hasn't even occurred?
Why am I worried I'll lose you
But yet I won't even say a word.

Am I Caesar, and you my Brute?
Will you, whom I love
Deliver to me that devastating blow?
That ultimate betrayal of a stab in attack

"Es tu, Brute?"
As I begin to waver, quake, and fall.
I breath heavily, but I will not bawl.
I will hold my head high and collapse when I can no longer stand tall.
Knowing it is you who has made that call.

If you asked
I would never leave your side
Forever following,
By only your command, would I abide
Your faithful servant, your loyal slave
Your obedient puppy, whose path you pave
Whose life you save

Ask whatever you wish
I will hold no secrets from you
My solemn flower whose life blossoms by pale light of the darkened moon.
In your solitude, I offer up my servitude
I bask in your backwards beauty
and exquisitely aromatic scent

If you said
"Devote your life solely to me"
I would silently agree with no alternative pleas.
"Stand by my side through the Dark in the Night,
And stay by my side through the Light in the Sky."
I would gladly abide.

Who am I to go against your every Will, Whim, and Wish?
You, whose very whimsical whisper and sweetened shout I longingly miss.
I will blindly follow any and all commands
For you who delicately intertwines fingers or desperately grasps hands.
Lightly gracing me with your attention or violently demanding my affection.

Regardless of which path you travel down
I love it all
With you I feel safe and sound
I will gladly take and give

It is after all my job to obey
No matter what it is you say.

"Get me food."
"Be my shade."
"Help me with work."
"Stop hanging out with them."
"Tell me you love me."
"Fight them for me."
"Hurt yourself for me."
"**** for me."
"Live for me."
. . .
  Nov 2017 Kayla
poems in the clouds
i remember all the times
i made you say goodbye
to me a little longer
just in case i never
got to say goodbye again.
i didn't know the last time
we said goodbye,
was going to be the last
time i would ever see you.
i didn't know this until you
ended our relationship
over the phone the next day.
i've just about come to terms
with it all now that it's
been months.
but i still wonder if all the
extra minutes i made you
stay and hold me
until you left
accounted for the time
i never actually got to
say goodbye to you.
Kayla Nov 2017
She’s a girl
A girl with hopes and dreams
A girl who has put forth everything
Everything she has
Her hopes and dreams
Are all she wants
Until a man
Dressed in black white approached her
He asks what she wants the most
She told him all her hopes and dreams
Looking her in the eye
He tells her hopes and dreams are for fools
Fools who think their dreams and hope will become reality
With those words she loses
Loses all her hopes and dreams
To what this ugly man said
This ugly man that was only a ghost
A ghost in her own mind

— The End —