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Patrick Jul 2022
Vivid memories of you: just a word or phrase.
Hiding meaning like a yolk in an egg.
A "Hello kitten",
A cheeky laugh,
The brightest smile,
I miss our past.
Patrick Jul 2022
This life: a single drop.
My soul: An ocean unbound.
The source of ripples through the well of my existence:
A moment in time,
An ocean of grey:
Infinite, timeless, vast;
Unyielding to change.
All transformed,
Drop by drop,
Unbound cascade.

The time we met:
Changed infinite fates.
Patrick Apr 2022
First one death,
The Old destroyed.
Reborn anew,
Unto two,
Those two combined,
And with it life.

He has read the holy scriptures,
He's learned the myths abroad.
He's lived and breathed among every star,
Yet still He felt so lost.

He's seen the Cosmic Maw,
He's wandered the Abyss,
He's looked under every grain of sand,
But even still,
Somehow He missed.

Until that night?
A blinding light?
This lady?
This Heavenly Light?

She extended her hand,
Her smile like a sun,
and embraced this lost creature,
Who had been born on the run.

She was human and more, Broken and healed.
She was a beautiful unknown in a world of guilt.
She was a treasured sunrise over a blossoming world,
She was the most amazing thing I have ever felt, held or heard.

My philosopher's fire,
My alchemical catalyst.

As if suddenly articulate,
I could embrace those around.
I learned of more than survive and drown;
I learned more of myself.

The groundwork finally laid,
With equal parts Her help,
He finally was here to stay.
I could finally live and play.

First one death,
The Old destroyed.
Reborn anew,
Unto two,
Those two combined,
And with it my life.
Patrick Jul 2022
When I was but a shadow,
You saw through my disguise.
You saw my mind,
Looked past the blight,
You held me close,
Untied this rope,
And retied into a neat red bow:
Uniting mind, body and soul.
Patrick Feb 2023
Your love is oxygen in a flooding mind.
Life support denied,
Yet still we try.
A breath of life taken a bit too far,
A breath of might as we fight the world.
The water recedes as love does grow,
Pressures exceed anything I'd come to known,
Encompass me,
Breaking bone,
And as I heal,
I heal surrounded by my home.
Patrick Dec 2020
Alone you sit,
Right here with me.
But do you see?

I hope you see.

Do you see?
Darkness surround.
Do you see?
Am I at last found?

Do I see?

I do not know.
Creeping in; No ember glows.
The fire fades,
The shadows creep.
Is it just me?
For eternity?
Patrick Oct 2018
The sky is filled with beautiful stars,
But I would rather stare at you.
The Sun will rise day after day,
But I would rather rise with you.

I look at you and see my future;
As cheesy as the moon after a night filled with liquor.
I would sell my soul to keep yours intact.
I want you to be happy,
I want it to last.

I'd sing you a symphony if you wanted a song.
I'd climb Mount Everest to build you a home.

I love you more than I can explain.
You're The One person who can always stop the rain.
Written then understood
Patrick Mar 2018
I am a ghost.
For I exist but do not live.
We take these bodies as if some host,
That is not us; Not even close.

I continue moving through the waves of contempt, battering against my soul like waves against some ancient ship.

This old vessel is coming close to a breach; What it needs is to find some beach. The rough waters of life are tearing it apart, turning brilliant blue to as black as my heart.

Poisoning every drop that washes against the body of a man who cannot ever win. If he does nothing he will surely drown, but any effort will also bring those around down.

So this ghost haunts the vessel, and at least for a time, he watches the world slowly fade to black; as he exists in a life upon which he turned his back.
Patrick Jan 2023
I had been just good,
For goodness sake and none else,
Until I met you.
Goodness lacks a cut. Or does it?
Patrick Aug 2021
You chipped the mask away at night,
And together we rebuilt the face inside.
You healed the wounds carved so deep;
You and I; Ever so softly.
But now you've left; You are so far gone.
Here I still sit: Half masked; Half wrong.
Patrick Apr 2018
I once thought my goal in life was to remain golden and pure.
And for so long everything I saw only made me more sure.
But now Im alone.

Loneliness enters me like a poisonous mist.
With each breath I take, it amplifies how much I missed.
Missed memories, feelings, people, and more.
How much have I missed while I tried to remain "pure"?

This heart of mine now feels only pain.
Anguish fuels my thoughts, as if my mark of cain.
What I once thought divine only brings more devilish praise.
My heaven turned hell, these intentions set ablaze.

I cannot continue this inner conflict alone.
No man is an island,
No matter how pure.
Patrick Jun 2022
You provide me kindling to burn through despair.
In my darkest moments, you become a torch to bear.
Under crushing weights, a Herculean belt.
Under bright stars, a sublime presence felt.
In my mind, a voice with no doubt.
In my soul, a light that never goes out.
Patrick Jul 2018
I hear a knock upon my door.
Or was it there inside my head, where only ever dread for the things in life I can't obtain remains; No matter how hard I may in one form or another train?

And so I'll sell a piece of my soul yet again; My price of admission to taste love's glory for but a momentary grin.

With you it was so much different.
My heart is still broke, but my real loss is more than conviction.
I lost my heart, my soul, my vision.
A future bleaker than a demonic prediction.

My mind is racing as I try to relax but thoughts of you come rushing back.

I try to close my eyes to snore but there's always a monster lurking behind memory's door.

And as I recalled I saw my cursed fate,
Always here to be here but never to stay.
I'm airport luggage thrown and lost,
Maybe sought another day.
But I'll still love you through any amount of pain.

I've loved before you but never loved in this way: So full of passion and love for who we both are and could be. I'd marry you now and yet I've never stopped you to say that you're such an invaluable friend, and I'm sorry I can't be okay and pretend that he's not the pefect man to heal your heart and share your pain.

I hate that I'm not only jealous but hurt when I shouldn't feel so deeply burnt by the girl that stole my heart; She's so far beyond my worth.

But she came at night and without a knife she took my heart off it's throne in life, and put it kneeling like she had the key. As if some Divine being that, before we had even met, had my heart beat.

Your love for him is clear even from afar,
And so my heart will beat forever subpar.

So confusing are you truly to me.
The one thing I know is you are the one to whom my soul and heart chose to leave me to be. 

Maybe heartless and soul-less should go hand in hand? Ripped from the body by something far greater than man. 
Something unknowingly more than human, yet divined by human hands.

Ill be content that while I'm still so broke, She can be healed and her love will help her float: And she can finally forgive herself for the wrongs He wrote.

She'll shoulder the pain and strife of life, 
With love beside her every night.
I can be okay but never better,
So I write to myself and you all this letter.

I'm high as a kite,
And just as exposed,
I will never not hear the call of my soul.

Depart away so you can hate me,
And close the chapter of my life called meaning.
I want only for you to be whole.
Regardless of cost, repercussion or role.

My love for you will live until dawn rises untouched by Earth's rock.

Yet ever haunting as a ghost who only ever knocks.
Patrick May 2020
My soul is the tune-up to my autopilot life.

Shining through bright Windows of clarity
I manage to change just one or two things,
But this drag-on stage drives me
slowly insane.

So infuriating and insidious,
When I realize I'm the fool,

Unable to change, for I've but time sensitive tools.

So I search for panes scattered throughout strife;
Use my pain to grow,
Till I'm worthy of you gracing my life.
Patrick Apr 2019
He was an asteroid, she was a moon.
She was spectacular, and he was just passing through.
His leave was inevitable, surely they both knew. . .

The gravity of two intertwined,
And thus did their lives for a time.
But soon the gravity was not enough,
The leave came too soon, but she'd always remember his bluff.

"Close your eyes my dearest moon,
And sleep while the Sun is rising at high noon.
Think of me when you shine so bright;
For I'll be with you:
The darkness surrounding your light."

If I could wish, my wish would be:
Just one more day,
Just you and me.
Patrick Apr 2018
I wish I could look you in the eyes and spill this heart through parted lips.
I wish I could hold you tight and heal your wounds, even if it took a thousand of the Sun's dips.
But these thoughts are not allowed to breath,
So I slowly suffocate them beneath this mask, deeper than any sea.

I call to you from beneath the waves,
I try to hold on alone and to be brave.
But this heart feels love, until it goes dark.
And that is what has scared me from the start.

If I lose this feeling we call love
Who will I become?
Love defines my every thought,
But painful corruption stops me abrupt.

My one goal, again, just to be clear. . .
Was to one day hold you, call you, "My dear."
But love is not universal,
Some feelings will never survive love's extraordinary traversal.

So now I sit alone, beneath the weight of these feelings.
Till my body collapses with this heart done bleeding.

I've no more emotion to spew from this hollow life,
I'm a broken bottle in water,
A message that will never reach the one I hoped to call "Wife".
Patrick May 2021
Monkey's Paw,
So tried and true.

My own flaw,
Not so new.

Love is fleeting;
Beauty rests.

Hate is flowing;
Demon's nest.

Down below;
Up above;
All around as we all fall.

Monkey's Paw,
Romantic Truth.
Patrick Aug 2021
When I think back to that moment in time.
It is as if my breath has been ripped up my spine.
I am frozen and trapped beneath the waves
Of thoughtless words and catch-less phrase.

It's easier now, as time moves on
Maybe time moves more slowly where the thoughts respond.
Maybe with time,
I'll be able to breath more.
And slowly I'll walk through this memory's door.
And slowly I'll work through all the anger and hate.
And slowly I'll heal, maybe at some later date?

That's my hope,
My ability to breath,
As I suffocate beneath this
Patrick Jul 2021
It's strange.
I've always lived for love.
But you taught me to live for me.
And I only want to do that with you.
Patrick Jan 2022
Life was all just theory,
Until you flowed into my life.
Life is now more practical,
Thanks to that shining light.

We parted ways so soon,
But still I see your light.
More radiant than a Sun,
Always brightening my life.

My life is now all practice;
No more theory, fear, or spite.
My life is all the better,
Thanks to that girl:
My Light.
Patrick Sep 2018
I knew I was ******, when I took an experiment of thought. I wondered what I'd really wish for if somehow a genie lamp wound up at my door?

And when the first words out of my mouth,
Contained no mention of wealth; No peace for the world, or Godhood, or such.
But,  maybe asking for her is asking too much.
Patrick May 2021
If tomorrow I lost the wisdom I've gathered,
Yet still I kept my instincts unscabbarded,
Would I still be me?
Patrick Mar 2022
A bunker above,
Nothing below.
Through these thick walls,
Only echoes flow.

This bunker above,
I built it myself.
Down here alone,
The only threat is yourself.

I built it so thick,
As to never hear again.
Nothing but solitude,
Maybe a cocktail or gin.

But even down here,
So far below the Earth,
Your voice still reached me,
So I best get to work.

— The End —