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NuurSeraph Oct 2014
What is it like on that Otherside~
that place where time slows to a still...?

What can you recall in those precious moments of deeper contemplation~
acceptance of destination...?

with peaceful mind~
Soft and Knowing.
Reflecting on transitory moments~
what steps in our life make for graceful movement at those moments??
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
jeffrey robin
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Sunshine peeking thru rainy sky

                 Rainbow forming

Colors shifting


On the streets One lonely child
( a gentle and a lovely      Child )


She in the fullness of her being

                        ( Being yours to have and hold )

Being yours to fully know

Your 's the  right to trust what you see

You can see her and set her free

As is your sacred responsibility


We ourselves are the One Sun Shining

Giver of love and life and grace

We are only fragments and pieces

But in pure surrender to each Color

All together
                                         The Human Race


See if you will that lonely     Child
( the beautiful       Child
so full of Love )


And if you want to
      You can absorb her

In her fullness

Of Color and Power

You can know her

You can           Touch

So fantastical !

This Magic Moment !

Earth ensplendored

( creation 's unfolding )

We are alive

Only in the eyes

Of those who trust in their uniqueness

In their independence

In their freedom

One pulsating essence of pure light


Each one whole
                      Each one         The only      King


Come release

Your magical powers

Come and become what you are meant to be

The happiness of the pure sunlight

And the joy of the flower in its nurturing


And the smile there on the lonely child

Who by your love

Has been set free


By your love

Has been set free
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Haydn Swan
What is it we see and so often despise,
when we view ourselves using only the eyes,
that distorted image inside our head,
the old snakes skin that we’d like to shed,

dare we look from behind the frame,
beyond the self-loathing, repulsion and shame,
our vesture is woven from the beauty inside,
so take on its mantel and wear it with pride.
I wrote this for anyone who struggles with accepting how they see themselves in the mirror, which is often very different to how others see us.  It sounds like a cliche but beauty really is what we are on the inside.
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Megan Rue
When the sky clears
and I see that first ray of light
there is hope.

Things will be better today
I can be all right.

Standing barefoot in the bitter wind
and being happy
because the sky is blue

I know could be an odd thing to do

but after so many days of darkness
the sun is a welcome sight.
The trees are restless
The cold winds blow away the night.

Anything can happen on a day like today,
a day when I actually feel okay
  Oct 2014 NuurSeraph
Viola Densden
I need to escape the past,
But how do I escape that which has made me,
That which has developed me,
As a film,
Pressed with the stains of a forgotten time
But a remembered pain.

How do I forget the past I created and in turn used
To create me and my knowledge,
The power I use to circumnavigate
the treacherous waters of the present,
A present so wilted by my distaste and displeasure
One simply cannot fall away
And out of the depression the past creates.

How can something like the past, in the past
Be so current,
Ruling the present and so Forward
As to rule the future.

How can I escape the past,
The past which built me?
Is to ask how can the house escape its builder
When without it, I would suffer no grandeur
And experience no appreciation.

The past has built me,
Moulded me,
The faint moss washing over.

My past has led me to this present,
The present I am so grateful for,
How could I wish it undone?

I am not my past...
But I am my Past's creation,
Who are you??
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