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I want to talk about brain cells
when you see that flash in your eye
thats you bouncing off the cell walls
and it's die'in
and god knows I have lots of those
and in the brain will never be replaced
for after 22 you brain starts die'in
but some good news
I am much more wiser than I ever was before
if I can remember what it was
did you see that flash
it just happened again.
True story      P@ul.
& all this time,
it was i who was selling myself dreams.
imagining a future with someone
that was only in love with me

in my dreams.
 Aug 2015 Isabel Rose Barrueta
I long for something new.

I want so much to no longer *long for you.
Or for you to long for me too...
And                  Iwo            ­   nder
Ifwe                  eve               ndes
Erve                  this               beau
tiful                   pla                netw
Tev      ­             ery                thing
Alit                   tleb               itdiffe
Ren                   tlyt               hanI'd
Bee                   nta                 ught
For wolf spirit. Hope you enjoy it!
you know sweetie, I'd love to forgive you
I'd love to believe that
your intentions were the best
however I can't seem
to get this particular dream
out of my head
see, what I dream is
you saying "sorry, you were right"
"I didn't mean any of it"
"not even that one night"
I want to be validated
in my grief, I suppose
I want a reason behind
why this hurts so bad
after so long
because frankly you don't deserve this from me
you don't deserve anything from me
you made promises that you didn't even try to keep
you spat lies into my face
and apologized for things
that you planned on doing
the very next day
so don't you dare tell me
you're "sorry"

now I don't want an apology
instead I want nothing but guilt
and shame
for you
because just for once in your life
I want you to take responsibility
for the mistakes you made
and the choices you made
and the times that you actively decided
to douse my wounds with salt
I want you to feel the burning
that's been in my blood for the past ten months
if I have to burn,
well, baby,
you're gonna burn too

— The End —