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Upon walking in the market a guy noticed a disheveled young woman sitting alone on a bench.
"Penny for your thoughts miss" he asked, raising his eyebrows.
"It'd take a lot more than that to get whats on my mind, sir"
"Let's start simple then" tossing her a penny.
"Well," running a hand through her golden blonde hair "the weather is finally getting better."
"Yes" he agrees and tosses her a nickel.
"5. Its been 5 years since my husband left, and took the kids."
With a frown on his face he throws her a dime.
"10. The number of days any man has stayed with me since."
He walks up to hand her a quarter, placing a hand on her shoulder for comfort.
"I am 25 years old sir. Almost a quarter of the age you are. And simply just not living the life a 25 year old should."
"Well. That's too bad. But I have a gold dollar in here that wants to hear more. So, may i ask, change for thought my lady?"
"If it's anything to say, 141 is the most anyone has ever invested in me at all. I didn't know i was worth so much. Thank you"
Reads more like a story then a poem. Idk 2:31 am
a synagogue,
a church,
a mosque
or a temple
doesn't** have.

 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
A poet's heart has called to me
Beckoning, I come willingly
A soul so open I can see
The imperfections
Reflecting mine in harmony
Shining reflection

So bare and raw from years of pain
Scorched from all the dragons slain
Still, a peaceful core remains
With hopeful of laughter
Seeking love without disdain
For ever after

Through the blood poured on a page
Soaked from all the tears of rage
Gathered wisdom of a sage
The words are calling
Freeing birds from in a cage
No fear of falling

To the Scribe:  I offer you
An honest soul to shelter you
There is nothing left for you to do
Your words have won me
Wounds have healed, and hearts renewed
Bestowed upon thee

So take my humble offering
Hold it close and hear it sing
Perhaps some very special things
We'll brew together
As souls are tied upon a string
Forever tethered

With words so strong to pull me in
Bleeding tears right through the skin
Boring passion deep within
We have united
Lovers heat burns oxygen
Through words requited
I'm looking for an answer
As I move from town to town
I leave a trail of empty bottles
For the voices I must drown

Nothing in each bottle
Not an answer in the glass
But, I'm still looking for an answer
To a question life has asked

Bottle after bottle
In each tavern and each bar
I travel round by greyhound
I long sold off my car

I leave a trail of empties
And of cigarettes and dope
Looking for an answer
Looking for some hope

I'm sure it was a question
And I know I heard it clear
I think I was on my seventh bourbon
Or maybe my ninth beer

I can not quite remember
Where I heard the voices first
Were they asking me a question
Or responding to my thirst
I'm looking for the answer
To a question, that I think
Was asked to me by voices
That I heard once in a drink

The voices are much louder now
They will not quiet down
I have to find the answer
I just have to find the town

Nowhere in my memory bank
Is there space for one more voice
I have to find the answer
Or I have to make a choice

Do I keep on looking for
The answer in the glass
How do I turn the voices off
And put them in the past

I know a million taverns
Like some folks know the stars
They look up to find their answers
I just keep looking for the bars

I leave trail of bottles
And I look in every glass
'cause somewhere there's an answer
To a question I was asked

I can not quite remember
Where I heard the voices first
Were they asking me a question
Or responding to my thirst
I'm looking for the answer
To a question, that I think
Was asked to me by voices
That I heard once in a drink
 Apr 2014 Michael Amery
His situation was dire.
Despite having taken shelter
Inside that ring of fire,
Fuelled with whiskey and ****,
And ****** with flesh,

She still held in her beautiful hands
The end of the rope around his neck.

Stepping into, and out of the flames
With unbelievable, unnatural ease,
She would tighten and loosen
That noose of her deadly love,
As and when she pleased.
For Hank Moody (Californication).
Soaring into thoughts unspoken
Chasing ghosts, and things unbroken
Finding devastation isn't always what it seems
Sometimes, what seemed just a notion
Lost somewhere in all commotion
Never really faded, for we feel it in our dreams
With every cloud we dance upon
As darkness flees before the dawn
And laughter comes much more than just a voice inside our heads
We bleed the words, we write the songs
With every right and every wrong
Until our inner muse is satisfied with what we've said
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