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604 · Jul 2017
A Seed To Arise
Michalis Jul 2017
Hear my roar,
******* bitterness,
feel my urges of temptation!

Oh, thou pain of acceptance,
Oh, thou cutting knifes of belonging..
So much for inclusion,
the most destroying illusion!

Have I been fearful?..
I certainly have!
Have I been pretending?..
To the uttermost!

yet, something disturbs me now..

My heart is torn apart,
a seed to arise,
an original to despise.

Growing through the mud here,
pass the lonely towers,
above the cities of void,
unto the edge of the universe,
and further into emptiness!

Only He can accept Me,
Only He can relate to Me,
and as faithful as the morning sun,
I’ll lay my life upon His Alter of Mercy.

Hear my roar,
******* bitterness,
but behold!
I shall drink His water of redemption!
A poem I wrote 4 years ago as I began walking in earnest towards my own freedom and self-actualization!
551 · Jul 2017
Childhood Returning
Michalis Jul 2017
Where are thou, O Childhood of mine?
Did you bury the years of despise and despair?

Anger took the best of me, quiet in a room,
diggin' deep a hole, preparing my own funeral.
I gave up living, while feeding the Demons in my mind,
I went berserk and crazy too, but oh so perfect I behaved for you.
I was a good boy, decent, easy, beautiful and chaotic inside,
my heart closed, a Spirit drowning, yet none could see,
for unfortunately it is but rather normal, that all are "mental".

Oh those years of isolation, I found the virtual and lower pleasures, my only consolation. Friends were gone, a brother out having his fun, and a family blinded by their sickness. O I pitied myself. I wanted to destroy everyone! Hatred grew. Anger raged! Love dead and I truly became a Starving Vampire! I loved the night, I lived in the dark and I could not stand the Sun and I despised the day. I, like the Vampire, needed my blood, the drug to silence the wolves inside.

Divided I was, torn inside, an Angel and Demon fought their Battle, for never did I totally surrender, to a dark and rebellious force, but never did I give in to a light and giving love. Standing with one leg on each side I never did commit, and Truth had to come in a very strong way.

Now, older, yet still a child, I receive back my lonely days. I live the Manifestation of a sick and ignorant mind, and I walk through the isolation of a desperate soul screaming to connect and participate in the World.

Hope is ahead. I am re-minding my mind to remind itself of who I AM and that such silly desires to exclude myself of a World and Civilization is nothing but destructiveness and childish ideas. I welcome my Childhood, as it lives in each of us, burning to break free and rediscover itself beyond a child's ignorant mind. I begin to see with the Eyes of Spirit and I re-embrace it all in the Name of Freedom and Mastery.

Healing. Liberating. Mastery. Responsibility. A New Chance and New Beginning.

Inspired by present childhood feelings and thoughts...
534 · Aug 2017
God's Cleansing Fire!
Michalis Aug 2017
A Summer's day, I think nay!
Where art the fruits oh to bloom?
Me dwell in a hopeless Church,
to carry my cross, blind I search,
look to your right, look to your left,
surrounded by God's cheerful test.

Mock me oh Father, shatter this fool!
The more he starves the better the cards!
Nay, pray, outsmart it all, never decay!
Fields of violet brushes thy chest,
they soften thy ego and puts it to rest!

Shake me! Crush my illusions evermore!
Turn all inside out, and bless my soul!
Repair the sick and pick out the rotten!
Challenge me, grow me, push me to the limit!
I see, ye test my Strength, how far can I go?
Oh but Lord don't you know, I can't say no?

Finish me! Break this ego apart. Hang him high!
O pain, O cleansing Fire, ye burn the shadows well.
I thrive when you provoke my wickedness!
As you flush with rivers wild my hidden mess.
Lions eat! Digest all flesh, blood and meat!

You Lord and I, in a storm delight,
a battle between the ghost and the Light.
I'm in the midst of an inner battle between my ego and Myself .. I'm starving this poor guy spiritually so he can collaborate with Me. Indeed a challenge!
416 · Aug 2017
Michalis Aug 2017
Stir not the Ether to serve thy self,
but invoke thine Paradise God's.
Here keep close all thine Thought,
For Salvation aren't easy bought.

Victory cometh for Knights of steel,
those who labor for the Lord only.
Such souls shall not feel O so lonely,
for their treasure is indeed this seal.

O Lord you reign Supreme!

Thou hast birthed a Universe grand,
and brought thine beauty in all man.
Ye love thine babes as mother's do,
yet only thee can love as you O do.

Praise, O glorify Thee!
Thou Pearls are of the Sea.

Hail O Lord,
let thine Name be discovered.
Thy Kingdom come,
and thy Will be done.
Perseverance and seal shall be my benefactors!
359 · Aug 2017
The Inevitable
Michalis Aug 2017
The times are so ever changing,
man builds on clouds and sand,
wave by wave he builds o anew,
ever to tie his worn out old shoe.

They call on Me in utter despair,
lungs and stomach can not care,
for roar ye must if thee shall see,
that he thy dog shall bark at Me!

Crave now or ever be thou silent,
for hasten ye must, a dog violent,
he rips thy reason indeed o apart,
for lo he is not thine lovers heart.

Yield O Warrior, find thy strength!
The King calls for thee to guard O!
Crown thine Father to put so high!
Kneel and receive thine initiation.

So be it, for thou walketh O alone,
until ye remove thou heavy stone.
We shall meet along thine journey,
for none can truly try to burn Me.

Inspired by the road we all walk...
325 · May 2017
Fight not thine Brother...
Michalis May 2017
Anxieties are present;
a constant fear of confrontation.
Memories old and future untold,
expecting a scene that lives in me,
a fight, a showdown, only for me,
to test my Man and be fearless.

Waiting now for a fight,
honestly it brings me fright,
young and pure I once was,
now facing the dirt of the night.

It's not that I want to fight,
but the fear of elimination,
and destruction of the body,
I want to overcome,
and be so courageous.

What's in store, I do not know,
I keep my heart close to Truth,
something greater than a battle,
is the Love that I can Be.

Fight or not,
it matters little,
but fear is fear,
and wants Love little.

A Man I am,
for boys don't cry,
in facing their fear,
they open their eyes,
looking into the fear,
knowing it little,
yet strong they stand,
for fearless is the Man,
who walks this Land,
free and tall,
yet all with Love.

And Love I AM,
and always will be.
310 · Apr 2017
Man Of Morn
Michalis Apr 2017
A Man is more,
than society's law.

The President of a land,
lives in the heart of Man.

A Woman Divine,
a Man in him can find.

Eyes blind,
makes a Man shine.

A Man is born,
to undo all that is torn,
to pick up the pieces,
and shape the Morn.
303 · Apr 2017
A Uni-vers.
Michalis Apr 2017
God's Tapestry,
is weaved by Us -
all the darlings,
that labour for -

The Melody of,
our sweet Universe,
is an Infinite song,
that doth belong,
to each and everyone.

It is a Uni - vers.

Either we join the choir,
or we sing alone.

You and I,
each a unique tone,
coming together,
in One Uni-vers.
293 · May 2017
For Love
Michalis May 2017
Love will Conquer,
it will turn,
every heavy stone.

Fear exists not,
where Love is,
and where Fear is,
Love is not.

I shall Love,
as never before,

For me,
Love is the Purpose,
it is the Reason,
it is the Cause,
it is the Effect,
it puts us to sleep,
and it wakes us up.

Love is the Power,
behind your eyes,
it is the Mover,
of your lips.

Where you are,
Love is.
289 · Apr 2017
Poor In Spirit
Michalis Apr 2017
The poor in Spirit,
those restless souls,
no meaning at all,
no purpose nor goals.

Life but a rhythm,
of repeating ways,
no surprises,
and a body that decays.

Oh, I hold these,
closely to my heart,
longing intensely,
to bring about,
a fresh new start.

Tired they are,
existence but a drag,
carrying the weight,
of broken dreams,
on their back.

not even the Sun,
deserves a Celebration.

Entangled by,
their Spirit's cry,
calling from the deep,
yet pointing at the sky.

These souls,
I know so well,
once I too,
walked aimlessly.

A day will come,
when exhausted they are,
ready to drink,
from the Spirit's Jar.

And all the way,
unto this day,
I shall be here,
ever so near,
to love and serve,
all brothers of mine,
waiting for the day,
their Spirit they'll find.
281 · Apr 2017
My Experience
Michalis Apr 2017
Like a Tornado,
I came through,
all the dimensions,
to be here,
like this.

My Station,
and Home,
are many Moons,
away . . .

I have seen,
Galaxies of Might,
that far surpasses,
any human sight.

Yet . . I am pleased,
in humility,
to know,
that it is My privilege,
to enter thine fields,
of Thought and Matter.

My Experience,
shall be transported,
up on High,
amongst the Elderly.

And so it is,
that the Existential,
learns from the Experiential,
and vice versa.
279 · Apr 2017
Heavens Of You
Michalis Apr 2017
Everywhere I AM,
sounds familiar?

Tis true,
for me,

Include Me,
in all you do,
this will bring,
Love unto you.

I AM a thought of concern,
a Fire in your heart to burn,
some silent words of the eyes,
that space between all your lies.

The scent of Me,
rules the air,
it fills the atoms,
of every square.

Save thy romance,
for the groom I AM,
make thy love,
to every Man.

So it is,
A Universal Kiss,
given to you,
from the Heavens of You.
276 · Apr 2017
Thy Kinghood
Michalis Apr 2017
Unbeknownst to thee,
Love hath an Endowment -
it bequeathed unto thee,
thy desirable Kinghood,
and lost Majesty.
270 · Apr 2017
Haven Of Mine
Michalis Apr 2017
Joy is mine,
for sleep has come -
this precious thing,
a Landscape Divine.

To rest a weary soul,
in the arms of God -
a blissful walk,
in the haven of Mine.
264 · May 2017
Michalis May 2017

What a Joy,
to feel Appreciation.

To have known,
and experienced,
human hell.

A sadness great,
in a lonely cell.

Extreme conditions,
and no comfort at all,
crying for God,
yet deeper we go.

I have tasted,
both sides,
of the coin.

The sour,
and the sweet.

Rich in pleasure,
poor in hope.

O! But now . .
A gift indeed hell is,
for what I have,
will not be taken for granted.

I can love deeper,
I can give more,
I can serve with pleasure,
I can find joy in the small things,
I can do well with few things,
I can be alone in sweet solitude,
I can feel gratitude like never before,
I can appreciate . . .

Truly appreciate . . .
254 · Apr 2017
Michalis Apr 2017
What is Happiness?

Is it something I have?

Who are happy?

Is Happiness,
or am I to find it?

Must I search,
the valleys of confusion,
the streets of temptation,
the corners of the world,

and every leaf that falls?

Is it a lover?
A moment like the other?

Who knows the secret,
to tame the wild beast?

Tell those wandering,
or forever keep silent.

If you guide without a lamp,
how so shall thine words shine?

Me, you, waves in the blue.

The Ocean Is and so art you.
Happy we are when one and two,
are all together in the Ocean Blue.
247 · Apr 2017
A Temple Of God
Michalis Apr 2017
My body is my Temple,
a Tabernacle for God -
it is His residence,
His Instrument of use.

Don't abuse,
this lovely thing,
it is thine House,
from where,
you - God bring.
247 · May 2017
A Burst Of Joy
Michalis May 2017
God's Life I be,
and O!

He's the sweetest thing,
Infinite He is in Wisdom.

I can love!
I can listen!
I can see!

I be a Brother,
that guards my Brother's Heart.

He maketh of me,
a new Man!

Behold my breathen!

God is Real,
you and I,
God's in form,
unfolding our Divine Potentials,
on Earth!


Life is but a dance,
with the woman of your heart.
She guides you always,
silently she impulse you,
tells you what to do,
where to go,
and this woman is your true Lover.

241 · May 2017
Young Tree Blooming
Michalis May 2017
Bloom thou Young Tree!
Show us thine Fruits!
This Summer is yours,
for the taking,
show us,
thine Beauty,
that we,
may feast,
upon thine Grace,
and Mercy.

Bloom for thine brothers!
Show them thine dreams!
This Summer will begin,
in a dance,
for all,
to see,
the Wonders,
of a long Road.

Bloom for hope!
Bloom for faith!
Bloom for trust!
Bloom for love!
Bloom for Victory!

Young Tree Blooming . . .
Each fruit carrying the Divinity,
of a thousand Stars and Suns.
241 · May 2017
To Serve Us
Michalis May 2017
I no not a feeling,
better than Service.

It brings me joy,
and purpose fulfilling.

To be the hands,
and feet of God,
and to be a brother,
who walks the lands.

To know how to give,
and when to receive,
in the quiet loving embrace,
of all that needs Acceptance.

A giver I strive to be,
for that is true Happiness,
to share with vulnerability,
and expose my imperfections,
I shall conquer all pride,
and division of loneliness.

I serve the Self we all are,
and therefore I serve,
the Self I AM.

This is the highest self-centeredness to be,
as you serve yourself in serving the Self,
you righteously serve the right and only Self.
235 · Apr 2017
The Spring I AM
Michalis Apr 2017

Hear Me,
be not afraid,
hurt I do not,
a water spring I AM.

Come hither,

drink of Me,
rest thou,
unburden thyself,
cling not,
I AM free.

Partake of Me,
be Mine birds,
dip thine feathers,
dip thine feet,
sooth your mind,
this tired thing,
and find thy way,
to the spring I AM.

235 · Apr 2017
A Thief
Michalis Apr 2017
Woe to the thief,
who taketh by night,
he plunders wildly,
to rob the Gods.

He seeks to find,
a short way,
little effort,
if he may?

This is true,
he lives in you,
fixed upon gold,
he cares little.

He hides well,
difficult to find,
in the sewers,
of thy mind,
behind a smile,
that seems so kind.

He wants,
and craves,
he thirsts,
and starves,
troubled he is,
and how unkind;

you let him hunt,
where failure is,
you stop him not,
and look at him now?

Pearls and gems,
we all do seek,
only the few,
canst walk anew,
towards a goal,
that is so empty,
filled with love,
and O so plenty!
219 · May 2017
Love's Education
Michalis May 2017
Unto thee,
I giveth mine,
sweet Surrender.

Take control,
lead the way,
I will lean back,
and fall in peace.

Ye are all about Love;
ye love all equally;
ye love to love;
ye love with courage;
ye let love breathe;
ye give love a name;
I am learning,

And if this is not the greatest education,
I know not what is . . .
218 · Apr 2017
Sleepy I Am
Michalis Apr 2017
Exhausted I am,
a need for rest,
this body it seems,
has need for more.

Days of sleep,
but I AM awake,
in a body,
that little can do.

Sleep O! Child!
Sleep away..
209 · Apr 2017
Love Is
Michalis Apr 2017

In whatever shape,
form, way, word, act,
that Love is expressed -
I shall be there!
196 · Apr 2017
Be You Beloved
Michalis Apr 2017
Be thou tender,
speak gently,
act kindly,
then I say,
deliverance is yours.

Be thou good,
affirm the truth,
lead with love,
disarm hate,
be awake,
then glory is yours.

Find the strength,
to overcome thyself,
be courageous,
you are not alone.

We know Beloved,
thy seeking heart,
those outbursts of,
a longing sigh.

Tis true,
We knoweth well;
forget not,
who We are.

O! Brother!
Daughter Supreme!
We ache with you,
in thy misty hour,
standing under,
like a warm bed.

Be you Beloved,
O! Be you...
189 · Apr 2018
Love's Surprises
Michalis Apr 2018
When I least expect it,
Love will reorganize.

I do my part, I give within,
I assemble myself in mud and rain,
to love all faces happy or in pain.

I include the bad and the good,
and in the tenderness of receiving,
I Love to Love!

— The End —