Today the light might not shine
But keep in mind
This is just a test
That I suggest
You to talk it up on the table
Cuz maybe you should erase what's painful
But don't you ever feel worthless
Cuz that's nothing but wordless
If you feel worthless
Right now
You are asking how
You shouldn't be asking yourself
Cuz the god above us
Put's us some type of quiz to see if you still taste
The faith
As longest you stick with that person
Every is gonna be perfect
You'll see that it's worth it
Don't you ever but yourself down
Cuz that only makes your buddy frown
Sometimes we can't tell how we feel
Cuz that's only gonna ill
The things up
Keep in mind that today the light
may not shine
But the sun will fight
It's way to make the darkness get bright
Life is just sometimes hard
But later on life is gonna reward
You with something
So, don't you ever feel like you're nothing
Cuz you are something
Just know that the ups and down are bouncing So, don't you go drowning
Into your own thoughts
So, right now what you should do
Is pray to god to help get threw
Cuz that's what it's about trusting god who is above us
So, today the light may not shine as bright
All you gotta do is keep your sight
At the sky
Cuz perhaps
You'll see you'll be able to relax
As you see how strong
You are because you have been standing for so, long
So, be the wall that she can lean on
Cuz you'll be the number one
Reason why not quit
This poem is dedicated to someone who is my friend and who is going through something with someone. So, don't give up my friend cuz you are strong all you gotta do is have faith and when you have faith you'll see that everything will be okay. :)
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