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 Aug 2019 Tai Roberts
Poet X
i admit
my life has become an
endless blur of days
and nights
conversation i never had
and poems i have yet the strength to write.
 Jul 2019 Tai Roberts
 Jul 2019 Tai Roberts
Forever is a form of infinity, is it not?
What they say about some infinities being bigger than others must be true then
Because you said we were forever
Well our “forever” was a small infinity
They were right.
 Jul 2019 Tai Roberts
My left hand is heavier now
Though I feel light
I'm floating
Like I'm underwater
But free of pressure

I am dancing and swirling and soaring
In a sea of our own creation
I am blissfully at peace

We both exhausted ourselves to get here
And I wouldn't trade it for the world

The moment did arrive
And we remain frozen
Until the thaw long awaited, due at winter,
We are here

Nearly done waiting
Finally done searching

I've found my favorite constellation
Beautiful, it covers your bones
Only a few months and then I get a new last name

— The End —