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Matthew A Cain Apr 2016
I lie awake tonight
sleep eludes my restless mind
I think and dream of a future bigger than me
racing to and fro; fantasies
tempt and
taunt me to grab the reigns of my destiny
hold fast, grip tight, and never let go.
Matthew A Cain Apr 2016
3am Girl,
tell me I'm not a fool,
to be falling for you…
tell me I won't get my heart broken,
worse than it has ever been.
second installment in the 3am girl series.
  Mar 2016 Matthew A Cain
Got Guanxi
When you appear to disappear,
a near miss in the atmosphere.
The patterns clear,
and what’s happening here,
Is the same things still,
after all these years.

Talking **** again.

Now you're back again,
acting as if nothings happened,
your trying to laugh it off again,
as if were best friends,
but I can’t pretend this won’t be a repeat like last time.

Telling lies again.

When actually,
this is just your favourite pastime;
you’ve been missing in action for weeks.
No message to check i’m ok.
No call on my birthday.
Now you’ve got the cheek to call on me,
and fall on me,
as you can’t stand on your own two feet.

Drunk again.

So don’t act surprised,
like you don’t know.
When you phone you meet the answering tone.
It’s too late too atone now that i’m all grown,
Maybe you’ll find out now what it’s like to be alone.

**Never again.
Matthew A Cain Mar 2016
look at me, me, me
And we fail to see,
Attention is the new "drug".
And thus we believe we deserve the best while aiming for mediocrity.
The "I generation"
Defined by our need to feel special
We post, tag and snapchat to feed our addictions
But nothing ever satisfies
Just one more hit
and I’ll be done with this
Just one more like
and one more time
But we fail to realize we’re slowly dying inside
as life
Passes us by.
I know this topic is a bit played out but in honesty I get frustrated with my generation because we are starving for human interaction and we believe that we will find it on the other end of a wifi connection when in all reality friends surround us talking and trying to connect but to no avail and worst yet we spend half our time staring at a screen as our life passes us by and our addictions rob us of our youth and spontaneity.
Matthew A Cain Feb 2016
3am girl
Tell me you fears,
open your heart.
I won't judge,
And maybe
I'll show you my scars
1st in a series of poems about a girl that changed my "3am"
Matthew A Cain Feb 2016
Dear “I used to know”
I saw you in the crowd and you glare at me now
Your smile is gone ever since I moved on

I’m sorry for the scars written on your heart
I know they’re in my hand but I can’t take them back

I’m sorry you still see me through a nostalgic rose-colored lens
But I won’t let you drag me back
I keep my eyes locked on my narrow path

I said I loved you then and I never lied
I planned on forever and happy ever after
But there were things I couldn’t ignore

I’m over it
I’m done with this

We had our good times
and now
we’ve said our goodbyes
It’s time to move on
It’s time to let go
Matthew A Cain Jan 2016
The air is warm and soft, the moon is bright and I dream of you
my mind is far away

On nights like this I think of you,
and sometimes I wonder if you're thinking of me too

The stars twinkle and dance in the distance and I think of how your beautiful eyes shimmer with life
The animals of the night chatter away in perfect harmony I think of our conversations spinning tales of the past and sharing dreams of the future
I close my eyes and imagine your vibrant voice

On nights like this I think of you
and sometimes I wonder if you're thinking of me too

The crisp breeze surrounds my heart and lightly caresses my skin
I think of your graceful lips and long for your kiss

On nights like this I think of you
and sometimes I wander if you're thinking of me too

I wonder when I will see you again I ache for your presence
I count the days as time reluctantly ticks by

On nights like this I think of you.
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