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 Jul 2015 Mallow
Sean Harbor
Your kisses are a bite of tangerine,
Sweet and refreshing.

Your eyes are an eclipse,
Gold and magnificent.

Your laugh is sunshine,
Bursting through dark gray clouds.

Your love is a river,
Beautiful and overflowing;
A night sky,
Infinite and full of light.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Lexander J
She hides from her mother
ignores her dad,
she dwells within loss
and all things sad

her stomach's sick in the morning
she doesn't know why,
oh, she locks herself away
to break down and cry

heart jitters -
throat chokes in a lump -
every time her mind strays
to thoughts of her body's little flat bump

knowing what it might be
paranoid about how much it shows,
fooling herself no one will notice
even if it grows -

alas her head swells
sick with clotted disdain
no she can't carry on -
can't carry on with the pain

so up she opens to her parents
tears flowing from both eyes
unmasking the secret
that for months she's disguised

distraught, weeping,
the sordid act now told,
her mother heartbroken
her father disgusted but bold

"There's only one thing to do,"
he muttered with a voice that was hoarse
and down the ****** route of abortion
did they both start to course

her mother weak, pleading,
begging her daughter to think again -
her father furious, saying don't be so stupid
she's only the age of ten

and so Alice had enough
buckled and snapped,
her lust for life
sorrows parasite finally sapped

off the city bridge, into the icy water
did she jump and dive -

now encapsulated within the womb of death,
that keeps both mother and child alive.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Lexander J
Two o'clock in the morning
and again I can't sleep
my IPod's playin' the internet's callin'
I wanna indulge, I wanna just weep

when you can play out your fantasies
of sordid lust and rough *** through
a video player on your phone, all on your own
or get the real thing with a text

midnight conversations of the perverse kind
desperate ***** hookers whispering in your ear,
Tommy Gunn licks Rosie's behind as she
burns your libido with that naughty sumptuous leer

as a teenager it was fun, apparently normal
but you know it's become a problem when
you're calling lights-out at twelve
but falling asleep at two-thirty AM

once you had to pay, now it's free,
festering in the crevices of the Web
swollen, bloated and growing
from its dank hiding place it begins to ebb

a drug manufactured from
the vilest sins of the mind
prefabricated drool, a vice blackened and cruel
forbidden but not exactly hard to find


now here I lie
my flesh blistered and rubbed raw
fat tears run down my face
but not knowin' what it is I'm crying for.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Lexander J
This world's black, bloated and cold
it seems our God is now cracked
worthless and old

nothing cares, love ceases to exist
yet, within this cess-pit
we continue to persist

for the human race is stubborn
never one to give up -
surviving within the harshest of places
'til death forces our eyes shut

we live on massacre, feast upon woe
at one point we found happiness
but refused to let it grow

we **** our enemies, and ourselves
stock the deadliest weapons
upon supermarket and high-street shelves

we punish the innocent, worship the liars
pretty killers and fascists -
we lend a hand to simultaneously
reduce this civilisation to smouldering ashes

freedom fighters, ******, drugs
this sick infatuation with *** -

thanks, but no thanks
I don't wanna live 'cause no doubt I'll be next.
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Martin Narrod
Fiery free moments
Are coming for me
They took us to London
Then New York City

As clear as the gel pens
You had while you lived in the sticks
Along with Slip'n'Slide
All the boys you played with
Always paid for your tricks

When the bizarre ill-willing troche
Trap men in their snares, and everywhere
it seems everyone's begin to stare.
Into my eyes (As a tug boat and its bride)
My dad's corduroy ties (In the closet upstairs in the basement)
You wouldn't dare, would you? You wouldn't dare

I embraced the tide that took away our guts
                                                              our stuff
                                            when        enoughs enough
                                                              enoughs enough

So carry around your game in handwritten pamphlets
While you delve into the reasons you didn't want them laminated
When I spoke to Commander Owens ("Let's say the town didn't go wild")
But rather you and I I
Left too long perhaps another time

Remember, Remember
Recital time's at noon
The pianists' laminate cut off the last bar and he's starting in 2(2)
The priest asked Justin if he'd come in earlier too
Venomously he cast aside the bride and groom
So we played Slip'n'Slide for the wedding party in our living room

Dancers start on the left then double-back with the left inside
Turn their bodies, dip their hips, restart and double-back to the right
But before the wedding party, she proposed to him with his favorite song
In the San Francisco Airport arrivals, when he turned the stereo on
Parked at curbside pickup laid down and started Slip and Sliding.
Copyright The Redwalls(TM) 2015
Written by Martin Narrod and Justin Baren
 Jul 2015 Mallow
Georgia Gordon
Take my hand and let me lead you through the garden of flowers
Lay your head down in the daisies and look up to the dancing dogs and laughing monkeys in the sky
Raise your hand to feel the air rush by

These are the times of our life that allow us to rest our weary hearts and minds
To unclip our baggage and though it still lies beside us we are light and alone for a short while
For all the troubles and challenges of life there are moments of calm
There are moments of quiet
They are the raft in the middle of a vast ocean and although you know it will eventually break and float away
It will carry you through a few waves

Take my hand my friend and let me lead you through the garden of flowers
Lay your body down next to mine and in the breeze and the sun beams let us be quiet
See the sky and hear the grass sway
Let time be but a memory of a past life that has been mislaid
 Jul 2015 Mallow
 Jul 2015 Mallow
I am the moon and he is the sun and when we get together we have bundles of fun

He doesn't read the newspaper or drink caffeine 'till he dies while I cook breakfast and fix his tie
I don't clean the house and ignore his lies while he's upstairs in bed with someone else's wife
He does however like to go on long drives, surf through the desert with wide amber eyes

I do conclude that I enjoy this as well, being in the passenger seat as the radio tells:
  Of the news you can't read in the newspapers
  The health hazards of drinking too much caffeine
  And the scandals that go on beneath politician's sheets

We like to feel free for a moment
Away from the commotion and buzzing omens
The people that say "It will never happen, you're over and done"
But I am the moon and he is the sun, and when we get together we have more than just fun
 Jul 2015 Mallow
My sunshine
 Jul 2015 Mallow
You're my sunshine,
My only sunshine,
You radiate your love into my veins,
It hurts so good, I can't complain,
Your beauty, every so blinding.
But you yourself, you are binding,
Binding yourself, just rotating,
One day we'll get close, hallucinating,
But when we do, i'll be the one evaporating.
my sunshine
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