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Is poetry like rubbing salt on already open wounds,
or is it what heals them?

Is it the cure to the poison present in our soul,
or is it, instead, the bane of what we feel?

what if in lieu,

poetry is what keeps mankind alive
through words once unsaid and unwritten.

It carries on our prophecy
and alleviates the vague suffering
present in the deep pit of our insufferable, mortal minds.

is the way our soul inevitably bleeds.
that would mean our soul has bled too much.
Even if you burn my heart
until there's nothing left but ashes,
I'd still adore the flames
that ignite us for eternity.
the faint glow would put me to sleep, despite falling apart within.
From our first breath, the seconds slip,
Spent in a currency we scarcely grip.
We waste it on what’s broken, worn,
While neglecting the beauty newly born.

Too often, we fixate, we stall,
Forgetting to build, to love, to call—
Moments that ripple, memories that bind,
Treasures more lasting than what we leave behind.

Time, the one gift we all possess,
Dwindles down with each caress.
And when we exhale our final sigh,
We’ll wish we’d spent it not asking why,

But shaping moments that outlast death—
For time, not life, is our final breath.

— Sincerely, Boris
I'm tired of writing letters
I'll never send
expecting they'll give me clarity
but leading me to a dead-end

J'ai fatigue de lui
is how you say it in French
it's not a language you understand
so I'll say this instead:
Estoy cansada de ti
I'm tired of you
and of the energy you bring

I'll write my poems about you
in old notebooks
I'll use the pages to write letters
I'll burn
but you'll never get
Just because he's good-looking
doesn't mean he belongs in your life

Just because he's handsome
doesn't mean he's yours

Just because his looks blow you away
doesn't mean that he wants you too

Just because he says nice things
doesn't mean he means them

I think about that a lot
just because I hope it's not true
I think about it a lot, as much as I hope I cross your mind
I have the idea that if I write about you
like I have nothing else to write about,

the universe will bring us one step closer
Truth is
I still do
I still think about you
Like an itch I can’t reach
But there’s nothing there
I don’t know why
I think about you
I’ve accepted
No loss
No win
I’ll tell myself to stop
You’ll never know
Because the one you think about
Isn’t me
When I hear a song
That reminds me of you,
It becomes my favorite
I saw you today
I see you all the time
In all the things
You’re in my head before I go to bed
And In the cars and in the trees and in the mountains and in the sky

But i actually saw you today
And you saw me too
And I know this because we locked eyes
We locked eyes for just a second
And in that second I saw all the things that I want and can’t have
Staring into those dark dreamy eyes

The same eyes I’ve cried over every day since the summer ended
The same eyes that held such love in them just a few months ago
But they were just blank

And just like that the second was over and you turned your head and looked away

You saw me
I know you saw me
You had to have seen me
Please see me
we buy things with cash
to win people's hearts, kindness
is the ¢urrency
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