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Never fall in love with a poet
for their words are sometimes lies
on occasions they're a shield
on occasions a disguise

They will take you on a journey
upon which they bare their soul
in a bid to ease your burdens
in a bid to make you whole

But in every word they choose
for the stories that they tell
lies a little piece of heaven
and a little piece of hell

Tormented souls we poets are
sometimes quite broken and despaired
in search of lost expressions
missed by others who once cared

Never fall in love with a poet
unless you're prepared to share their pain
to hold them close on the darkest nights
over and again
Follow me on Twitter @athomashawkins
 Jun 2017 Loud Falls
 Jun 2017 Loud Falls
Every time I miss her,
I suffer from a single thought
every time I kiss her -
she loves me,
she loves me not...

Travelled from a distance,
a single glance just to be cought,
for my precious mistress
she loves me,
she loves me not.

Questions like these warring -
for my sanity they fought
Her feelings never showing,
does she love me...
...she loves me, not.
 Jun 2017 Loud Falls
If you've ever woken up in the dead of night
Feeling like you had to scream and howl
And you frantically start to gasp and write
Knowing you need to get everything out
Only to try and show it to the world the next day
And run when someone looks near you
Well, then you know just how my day
Looks if seen from my view

If you've ever written lyrics for all
To see, posting work anonymously
Feeling like you could swim over falls
And live your life courageously
And then you awake in the late evening
Because it's either the world's end or a branch on a pane
I don't have to explain exactly what I'm meaning
Because you and I feel the same

If you've ever known you're going mad
Even though you try to deny it
And then you wonder if it's actually bad
Later, you actually know it
But you don't dare to say anything
Because it will destroy your path and dreams
Then, I think you'll understand
Just what the hell I mean
 Jun 2017 Loud Falls
What you know
 Jun 2017 Loud Falls
I said I wrote poems
N' that I've been stuck in time as of late
You said to write what I know
Who I love, who I crave, what I hate
N then they'll start to flow

I don't know,
But this: I am sick.
Of trying. Fighting. Loving.
I don't know,
But this: I am sick.
Of crying. Shouting. Hurting.
I don't know,
But of this: I am sick.
Of giving my all and getting none back.
I've got a world on my back and no ground below.
I know.
 May 2017 Loud Falls
I wonder what the dinosaurs thought
When the asteroid fell and wrought
Destruction and chaos
For fate may befall us
In a century, we too could be caught
I just saw the second news article this week (first was Washington Post) saying that if humanity doesn't get the planet together or colonize another planet in 100 years, we're extinct.
Dry your eyes.
Fix your hair.
Wipe your runny nose.
Who knew.
Things may improve,
So, don't read the news.
Go about your daily business
As if the sky were blue,
As if you didn't know,
As if you don't care.
 May 2017 Loud Falls
Back in the old days
We saw oceans and mountains
As the total end
Peoples and lands were cut off
Over a blue plain
Until brave explorers came
And made a new way
So now, we simply travel
From land to land with
With the ease of a dolphin's stroke

So I truly hope
That one day, the cosmos will
Be as the sea is
For we too once thought
That the sea was an impase
So perhaps space flight
Will be like island hopping
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