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 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
Pablo Neruda
Day-colored wine,
night-colored wine,
wine with purple feet
or wine with topaz blood,
starry child
of earth,
wine, smooth
as a golden sword,
as lascivious velvet,
wine, spiral-seashelled
and full of wonder,
never has one goblet contained you,
one song, one man,
you are choral, gregarious,
at the least, you must be shared.
At times
you feed on mortal
your wave carries us
from tomb to tomb,
stonecutter of icy sepulchers,
and we weep
transitory tears;
spring dress
is different,
blood rises through the shoots,
wind incites the day,
nothing is left
of your immutable soul.
stirs the spring, happiness
bursts through the earth like a plant,
walls crumble,
and rocky cliffs,
chasms close,
as song is born.
A jug of wine, and thou beside me
in the wilderness,
sang the ancient poet.
Let the wine pitcher
add to the kiss of love its own.

My darling, suddenly
the line of your hip
becomes the brimming curve
of the wine goblet,
your breast is the grape cluster,
your ******* are the grapes,
the gleam of spirits lights your hair,
and your navel is a chaste seal
stamped on the vessel of your belly,
your love an inexhaustible
cascade of wine,
light that illuminates my senses,
the earthly splendor of life.

But you are more than love,
the fiery kiss,
the heat of fire,
more than the wine of life;
you are
the community of man,
chorus of discipline,
abundance of flowers.
I like on the table,
when we're speaking,
the light of a bottle
of intelligent wine.
Drink it,
and remember in every
drop of gold,
in every topaz glass,
in every purple ladle,
that autumn labored
to fill the vessel with wine;
and in the ritual of his office,
let the simple man remember
to think of the soil and of his duty,
to propagate the canticle of the wine.
As i was viewing the channel,
my eyes suddenly turned blank
i found myself in a deserted place
all i felt the place was haunted

As i looked around,
i found a crow sitting on a tree
i wondered where i was

As i was walking by,
to found out my way
i sensed something following me
i was so afraid even to turn back&
i kept on moving

Suddenly i felt my back was touch by someone,
but this time i took a dare to turn back
and to my wonder i saw a wolf
it roared at me,

Again another sound,
forced me to look around
and all i saw the two handsome vampires
"The salvatore brothers"

My eyes became still
My breath was hold
My body turned cold
i became pause
and i wonder are the wolf
"Klaus or tyler"

All i could see,
the vampires & wolfs fights
vampires protecting me from their fights

My dream to meet vampires,
My imagination
My hope
all was coming out to be real

Only my wish to became vampire was to be fulfilled,
i asked them to turned me up into a vampire,
i imagined myself being a vampire
my hot look
my vampire  teeth
my craving for blood
my fights with the wolf
all i could see my dreams in reality

But suddenly i was hit from bck "ouch"
and to my wonder it was my dad
everything vanished,no one was out there
it was just a dream ??
my wish only remained a wish

"Wish i could be vampire"
U left me,
sitting on a corner
i m crying in a pain of you

In this darkness
I m searching for you
I m searching for us
but you left me
and i m in tears

Wish i could erase those memory
Wish i could erase those kisses
Wish i could erase those love
Wish i could erase those care
Wish i could erase the time
Wish i could.......

For you all emotions were just
For me it was real
For me it was my love
For me it was you

And now i dnt even exist for you
But you are still inside me &
my heart echos in pain "why"

Dying in a thought
Dying in my heart
another day without you

Couldnt you see my love??
Couldnt you see my pain??

All i imagine myself in your arms
bt when i see in real
i found you with someone else

And now i just cant  figure it out
And i m numb again
we were supposed to be forever
bt now we are just strangers

Was i not yours
Was i not worth it
was i not pretty like her
was i not.....

U would have just said me ,
i would change myself to the girl you want,baby
but you left me

Boy," I still love you"
#heartbreak# # tears# #depressed# #lonely#  #pain#
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
You branded me as Pachyderms!
But, your skin is thicker than me,
thus, my appeal never pats you!

You alter me to an exhibit ....
  .... 'Rhino show' and
  get earning from my show!

You **** me for my horn
to energies you and heal your seen!
But ‘Why don’t use your hair and nails?’

I am older than you
Carrying the heritage of  
Fifty million years!
We have the imprint of thirty million years in us!
Yours is only four million years!
You are quite junior to me in experience of survival!
“How, you claim you are supreme?”

This is my grass land
I nurture it with my compassion and essence,
My toil not only gives us food,
But we,..........
........Protect the sources of food for you too..... will get the fruits in future!........  

You never listen to me.... me........
.....Our hue and cry.....
...Unable to penetrate....
.....your rigid casing of so called kindness and charity......

Please stop your .........
.......cruelty and defacement.....

Other wise
Planet’s history will never forgive you!
Rhinoceros (comes from the Greek ‘rhino’ - "nose" and ‘ceros’- "horn"); is the one of the most threatening and endangered wildlife in the world. It is categories as Pachyderms (comes from Greek, ‘pachys’ -thick and ‘derma’-skin). Rhino caries the imprint of existence in this planet about 50 million years old out of which present species caries imprint of 30 million years; whereas human imprint is only 4 million years. Our vandalism on it is blunders to our future!  
Rhino’s horn is not attached to its skull. It is actually a compacted mass of hairs that continues to grow throughout the animal’s lifetime, just like our own hair and nails. There are a growing number of killings of Rhino only for its horn, to fulfil our faulty belief. But the Rhino habitat grassland is the source of diversity of grasses, which may provide us new variety of rice and wheat in future to face the challenges of climate change.  But our age old superstition invigorated with the availability of modern tools (an outcome of rational thinking and innovation). It is a tragedy of our civilization. There is a need for global approach and initiatives to protect this beautiful life and remove superstition. Let us try for it!
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
It is a temple
Where we pray and learn!

It is an abode
Where we congregate and share!

It is a garden
Where everyone blossom!

It is a bastion of contemplation
Each of us sanctify with thought!

It is foliage
Reflects our friendship and wisdom!

It is a castle
Where we find out our hymn to lead a life!

It is a stream
Still flowing and giving elixir of life!
Dedicated to the days of Indian Institute of Forest Management (IIFM), to our teacher, class mate and fellow friends.
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
They will come and
Bliss us!

They will come and
Animate us!
They will come and
Resume us!  

They will come
So, we decorate our abode!

They will come
So, I go for fishing!
They will come
So, she bakes cake!

They will come and
Make us vibrant! Nascent!  
We are waiting for them
Year after year................
They will come.........
Bathe us with music and chortle......
Dedicated to Uncle Harka Bahadur Thapa. I met him three years back in Samrung (a village in Udalguri district of Assam,India). He was of 91 years. He came to this village at the age of seven with his father from a village of present Dargeeling in search fertile agricultural land. At that time entire area was full of jungle, they struggle a lot to establish their village with five families (now it is 120). Uncle Hraka Bahadur realizes later on, that even though he has good agricultural earning, he had no education. So, he gave outmost priority to educate his two son (the only children), they achieve it, well establish themselves and stay in abroad, working there.  When I met him, both of them (Uncle Harka Bahadur and his wife) were very busy with preparation to welcome their sons, daughter in-law    and grandchild; after twenty years they are visiting Samrung.  Still I remember their smiling face! Truly waiting for children to see their smile is something different........
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
Hidden Secrets
I feel lost
Faceless in this
World of faces
Im uncertain of my
Path. Left? Right?
Will I end it all tonight?
How is it that
I hate what he did
To me yet I crave
The touch? I must
Be sick or completely
Insane. Whats wrong with me?
Why do I crave this pain?
 Apr 2014 Hayleigh
Hidden Secrets
Im a bit angry
you re-scheduled our session
but they need your help
more than i do right? so
its fine. ive been coping
with this for a long time
so waiting a few more
days to see you won't
**** me right? im still
a bit angry though
cause i was in the talking
mood-now i have no one to
talk to. ive been building
up my confidence and strength
all week to tell you every
thing that comes to mind, I
wasnt going to hold back on
but they need your help more
than I do right? So its fine
i'll just sit on the side line
till its my turn to play..
I wrote this to my doctor cause she rescheduled and it made me angry cause I really needed to talk to her and it felt as if she chose them over me, not that I want to seem selfish or anything but I really needed her and she wasnt there.. This is for you Dr. Lundy :-/
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