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 Sep 2017 Mister J
london b blue
10 things i would like to say to my ex:
1. you really had me going for a second
2. your wounds will soon wake you
3. my mom had this perfect idea of us together, but it was never meant for me, and all you had to day was say "I love you" back.
4. i still wear your clothes, they get bigger every time i put them back in the drawer
5. my sister insisted i invite you to the wedding
6. my bipolar is getting better, i finally found the perfect way to handle it, and this time, its not the ***.
7. your mom still calls me to tell me she loves me and asks when i'll show up again
8. you don't know me like you though you did, i don't even know me
9. I'm over red-head boys, so don't come back around
10. i don't love you anymore, and i will not apologize for the epidemic of this tragic love story in which you thought i'd be the one to stay, and you'd be the one to call me weak.
 Sep 2017 Mister J
 Sep 2017 Mister J
*If I was the question
Would you be the answer?
Work in progress.
Been so out of character lately.
 Sep 2017 Mister J
too oft, so oft, the absence, the imagining, that
no such comfort exists, that remorse may n'ere complete its course,
when a time for love is beyond beyond, is a bridge too far,
a notion so fraught, a vision unwrought, that we do not
recognize the why and the wherefore to step forward
even for for the next breath small, the in of inconsolability,
a deeper welling
so consequential there is no seeing a piercing light

then come to me, come to me then, when words can be
a symphony of violins, an orchestrating examination of
thy wounded chest, and caressing slow repetition
deep moaning, understanding waves upon the shores of my arms, my shoulder, my chest, any piece that can be yours,
a shoreline of relief, and listen with great care as the subtleties change, the pastoral comes in an ever ascending
crescendo of lifting, a stabbing, resurrecting but not fully repairing,
restoring but replacing sensation, for inconsolability is a disease
difficult to defeat, deserving of being memory-recalled,
but the ability, the cure, the rhyme of
hope and upward ***** of open eyes will penetrate surely as the potion of the music of my words lay you down and rise you up,
and that is enough, to begin the renewal,
the campaign of commencement, the possibility of clarity,
it is the journey,

the changeling we call the
destiny of our designation,
which is forever the next destination


a cab driver told me of his life's up and downs,
and that he drove on weekends for one must never cease earning hope
and cabbing reminded him weekly
that it was the journey, not the destination.
 Sep 2017 Mister J
I said “no” for the first time
At first it doesn’t seem right
I felt so guilty
And kept saying sorry
I felt so sad
It felt like I was so bad
It consumes me, guilt
It felt like it was my fault
As for the second time
It was a lesser crime
Still, there was a guilt feeling
But it somehow felt freeing
To say no without explaining
To say no without minding
To say no because you simply don't like it
To say no when you truly mean it
I'm learning it though..
12 am thoughts
 Sep 2017 Mister J
Beatriz M
Let my love come in
So when the darkest days come
My light will guide you.
 Sep 2017 Mister J
Star BG
Like my poem,
and I will bow
to your greatness
inside walls of home.

Love my poem,
and I celebrate you
with warm praise
lighting a candle.

Say some words for poem
and I'll be grateful  
as I dance
with hearts song.

Read my poem
responding not
and I am still happy
to share my wandering mind
With who ever knocks on
My poets door.
 Sep 2017 Mister J
When we got together I quickly learned that
he liked to fix things;
whether it be cars, toys or even people.

But I didn't need fixing.

So he peeled me apart,
petal after petal,
until I was no more than broken glass on the floor.

Then, he started stitching.

Where he had ripped me at the seams he
sewed my wounds together and glued the pieces back
until he was satisfied.

He was done knitting.

What I forgot to mention was
that he'd always grow bored a short while later
so he eventually left me for somebody else

"who needed fixing."
- he called himself a mechanic but in reality he only destroyed -
 Sep 2017 Mister J
A new face
A stranger
One that can resurrect a withered flower
My eyes were stunned
It’s more like I’m dreaming
Please don’t wake me up
This feeling’s overwhelming
I think I’m in love
But I do not know exactly
Is this love at first sight?
Why does time run slowly?

I was jealous of everyone near you
You have hurt me unconsciously
I manage to come near you
And finally, I was with victory

Lots of things happened
More on pain than love
I became selfish
I just wanted to be with you
But it turned out
That the love I offer is not true
Nothing’s wrong with you
It’s about me
I thought I was in love
I thought it was love that I felt
I thought you were perfect

But I was wrong
Love’s not about perfection
It’s about accepting flaws
And every single thing
All I had was infatuation
But a deep, deep thing
Now I’ve realized things
I’m sorry for all the damage
All the troubles
And mess

Don’t worry, for you,
Promise, I will learn to love
my cousin asked me to write a poem about infatuation, sadly I don't think I've given it some justification, because for me, it's more of a story than a poem. anyways, enjoy reading! :) God bless
 Sep 2017 Mister J
Because I haven't smiled lately;
I've waited long enough
till the sun gets tired.
Ye all say the day gives hope and warmth,
but I am awake for the whole night.
I see stars smiling on the edge of clouds.
A lovely moon hanging on the wide sea
and yet, I feel complete.
Since then I'd often sail through the night
and be delighted by the moon.


It's not really the moon,
but the memory it has.
That was when I met someone
who's fond of the moon.
A great friend;
one that most would envy.
A caring one, a loyal one.

Everyone has a memory.
Everyone is a memory.
All of us are memories,
But you are the sweetest of them all.
I do not want you to remember me.
I want you to know
that you will always be remembered
for you're the best memory I have.

When you are sad,
look for the moon.
Look at the moon.
For the moon whispers memories,
short glimpses of happiness,
everything that was done.
Shared moments; past.
The moon remembers.

A reminder that you were not alone
and you will never be.
I made this poem for my friend who is celebrating her birthday today,
September 14, 2017. :)
 Sep 2017 Mister J
The girl that I see every time I ride the morning jeep to school
The girl that has bright brown hair
She smiles at me

The girl that I see every time I close my eyes
The girl that has bare but oh so lovely lips
She glances at me

The girl that I see every time in school
The girl that has those pretty eyes
She speaks to me

The girl that I see every time in my dreams
The girl that has a cold but beautiful gaze
She laughs at my jokes

The girl that I see to be my future
The girl that has my heart
She broke it

The girl that doesn't want to be with me
The girl that I thought loved me
She rejected me

To the girl that I love, I hope you are reading this
To the girl that gave me false hope, I hope you are happy
You left me in pieces
At some point in our lives, we were once broken and hurt because simply of the fact that we know how to love. Pain is included in the package of loving.
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