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LifeBeauty13 Aug 2016
The feelings of light and dark in my soul
Swirling thoughts that have stole
The beautiful stars hidden in the twilight
hiding the powerful light
that could illuminate my silence
a prisoner no more behind the enemies fence
A virtuous Power bestowed upon me an anointed pen
Giving me an understanding of my goodness and sin
to light the clouded looking glass to see the depth of my nature honoring my anointed pen to begin the healing in my venture
This pen opens the hurts,wounds,and pain
helping me from ashes to beauty,never staying the same
Behold I see more of this looking glass,I don't have to live in the fear
I just have to be brave,of great courage and stand and fight right here
Since I have been writing poetry I have changed so much.It is helping me to face things that I didn't even know I had hidden and it is a blessing because I can start the healing.
LifeBeauty13 Aug 2016
Seeing you and those butterflies arrive
they only come when I see your eyes
your words make me laugh and smile
your accidental touch transports me for awhile
How to make you mine
seeing you warming your charms to another
this rips me in two
Can't you see me more than a friend
You admire my beauty,I make you laugh and engage you
What else must I do?
These butterflies won't leave me alone
now it is a torment my heart moans
Heart beats fast and I feel faint
The butterflies no longer bring me joy,but sorrow
Day by day hoping the butterflies finally leave  
And I can finally take a new breath for tomorrow
Unrequited feelings can be the black hole of the heart.
LifeBeauty13 Aug 2016
Who will comfort me
You say you,but I can't find you
even when your next to me
Why did you stand so stern next to me in
our beginning
What has changed
My soul,spirit,and tears are the same
just filled with more years and experience
You encourage me and say you will never leave me or forsake me,
but God promised that
And I have been bruised with such pain of your absence
Being alone and together is a slow death of the heart
No more empty promises
I want your word,your personal truth
Because I need our love to be built on trust
And I can't believe without truth
I have learned you can't be my everything,
no matter how bad I yearn,ache,and desire
But you have a part to play and you must practice
It all depends on if you really love me,
if you me.
Loving is more than the good or even the bad
it is about building a life together.
So show me...who will comfort me
Loving someone hurts,but I have to work through that to get to the blessings.
LifeBeauty13 Aug 2016
I am so sorry I brought more than me to this marriage
Bringing all those years of tears and scars
Memories I wish I could burn in the heat of the sun
Never to feel those emotions control my heart
To have faith in you without the endless reassurance of your love,
year,month,day, and insecure moments

They said they loved me too
Never to leave me
Acceptance of me-past,present,future
I felt safe...for awhile.

Yet you say you will never leave me
That you really see me...
You tell me I am your home.
If I could just be loved like I have never been hurt
But I was.
I will trust,rely,and adhere to your love
I choose to honor you and our vows
Releasing my faith in my God that he chose the perfect puzzle
piece for me Spirit,Soul,and Body
I love you my Love
I put my faith in your eyes,your tender caress of my tears,your embraces when I'm afraid,and cheering me on
whether I succeed or fail.
And as each day passes your love heals my scars
and I don't need the sun anymore,
Your love made me forget.
To love and be loved is the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.But the rewards are beyond what I dreamed of.
LifeBeauty13 Aug 2016
Impossible.That is what it feels like.
How can darkness be this dark.
I can see the Light,but the enemy tells me I cannot reach it.
I feel this sinking feeling deep inside me.
I am so scared,can you understand?
Am I the only one who feels alone?
I feel weak,tired,hopeless...
My emotions swirl around my soul giving me a feeling
no words can describe.
But I still see the Light,I hear the Voice that says I am not alone,
I feel the pain, yet I know deep,deep, inside me their is a higher truth than my dark signings,there is Hope,Faith,Love.
Please show me how to get out of my own way.
I need Truth, I not only need that Light, I hunger and thirst for it.
I need that Light to envelop everything that I am
giving me what I have always yearned for, to fill the emptiness
and heal my scars.
I need to heal and finally be whole.
LifeBeauty13 Jul 2016
Your mercy,grace,love I adore,
without it I am completely forlorn
For you my senses are completely dazed,
the depth of who You are is an eternal maze,
looking forward to the miraculous reveal
because you saved me I cannot hide my zeal
without you I am nothing
with you I am amazingly something
I praise You for Your magnificent light
helping me to make decisions and choices right.
You love me just as I am,
being the sinless sacrificed lamb.
You have raptured me with your endless love
Dreaming of you always and the beauty You are created of.
I will love You forever and will never let go.
LifeBeauty13 Jul 2016
Who am I?
Inner most me I cry
I feel like I don't know.
So much of me I just can't show

Me the three part being
Recognize not the song I keep singing
Deeply feeling so shoddy

What a jest,me evolve
Difficult equation that I cannot solve
Yearning to change,never the same
Make the pain leave,stop the blame

Where's the Light, searching for hope
Need strength to loosen the rope
The waters have over taken me in it's mighty tide
Faith lead me on this roller coaster ride

So who am I,learning a step day by day
Being alone my choice don't have to be this way
Life and beauty can be a part of my path
Saying no to the war that has tried to claim me and it's terrible wrath
I feel at times so tired,but I have to keep fighting. I can't give up.
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