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I wish I could speak words that assuage
But I’m nothing but an introvert
I’ve accepted this and that’s ok
I’ll type the words out in hopes of an alert
That you have read and agreed
At least that’s something I want to believe
But who am I kidding you don’t follow me
So I will admire from afar and dream
Of you
My sweet
You can't plant seeds and then stray
Your seed is planted but I don't want to stay.
**** me up and make me bleed
The blood that
Is your
O' poor frog
flatten, grotesque and dried
with a bit of bone glisten white
You remind me of

I too have jumped in front of a speeding car.
A gardener grows food that feeds
And a peacock of beauty
Flora that inspires

A poet grows words that ease
From the seeds
Of the beauty
The gardener sowed and admires

— The End —