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Lady Roxy keeps her lover private,
hidden in a box under the bed.
The only conclusion one can arrive at,
she prefers something that buzzes instead.

Lady Roxy doesn't bother with dating,
just an occasional change of battery.
No reason to hang around waiting,
for compliments and blushing flattery.

Lady Roxy's lover does as she bids,
deftly wielded as a weapon of pleasure.
With no exchange of ****** fluids,
'tis truly her most joyous treasure.

© Pagan Paul (10/10/17)
O' Maiden of the Garden, still thy flowery swing.
Inhale dawns fresh dew, as birds take to wing.

Glide casual across the grass and dainty moss,
pause quaint, gently pick a white rose for thy hair.
Shed a tear and cry for thy saddest love lost,
walk through the mist and float away in the air.

And seated 'pon thy flowery swing,
in quiet and soft repose,
draped so nonchalant until Spring,
the silent ghost of a rose.

© Pagan Paul (10/10/17)
Part 1 of 'Rose' trilogy.
Random components in a broken box,
all there is of the jigsaw dreams.
Unaligned pieces distorting the picture,
a wooden tapestry split at the seams.
On the perimeter frame of insipid ice
molten images interlace in mist,
reaching for completion, a solid visage,
defying the puzzle a right to exist.

© Pagan Paul (09/10/17)
I miss
the forest of
        your magic
    as it winds its
                  tattooed way
through the
          serrated textures
                  of nightfall
all up inside
          my vertebrae
the soft wind
       rustling in your
outstretched to me
                   like arms
as stars burn through
       this brewing sky
in molten,
    fiery charms
They beckon to me
          in quiet      
      apertures of subtle
they sneak upon me,
when I'm sunken
in my tunnel
and sometimes
              in the
                   quiet stream
of the lonely, sacred night
I hear a whisper
whirring soft
as it permeates
            my spine
I let it take me over
                   as I sit,
     in the bath
it creeps and seethes
over my wet skin
eats out my silent wrath
I let it
       fill my senses
as I walk inside
                 the deep
and on wooded paths
of solitude's carpet of leaves
when I feel
no soul is watching
     the deer start shyly peeking,
  and lynx resume their stalking
then long slashes
                  of ache
are reawakened
           from their lair
snaking through my ribcage
choking up my hollowed air
        yet, somehow
        in the longing
of bottomless, falling space
I see in distant, faded visions:
the precious contours
of your face
and so,
like an enchanted
          secret box
I open you,
inhale the confetti
of your floating stars
wave them over and through
my strands of vein,
my tripped out,
           healing scars
your essence
my presence
   like misty mountain rains
seeps inside my pores
opens up
of seismic,
      writhing pain
Your invisibility
            takes form
and then
            in sudden,
whipped-up heat
        it pours out in
honeyed rhythm
       to our own
             invisible beat
and just like that
I get taken.
by slakes of love
rushing through my
like sweet
I sifted the dross of humanity
and stumbled upon gold
Upon white linen scarf , auburn tresses and
silken dress
Upon porcelain wonderment and starstruck shadows
against a waxing moon address
O'er the blue lake , the crystal wave
As egret and loon do quietly confess  
Mouth culled before the afternoon rains
At rest amongst broomsage , wire grass and willow
The song of curt warbler
The rumble of charcoal pillows
Shards of sunlight under evenings duress
The plight of evening shorebirds that seek the western light
The call of smitten doves , sylvan songs in the coming night* ...
Copyright July 8 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
A trillion lights in the midnight sky minus one never to be truthfully discovered nor acknowledged ...
Copyright Randolph L Wilson ** All Rights Reerved
Gray smears ,  borne of tears upon fresh painted blackness ,
collecting on sideburns and hairlines                                            Melancholy images of time in naked , telling
Red flowers in acrid rain , eyes that fade to pink reflections
in muttered backgrounds , mute attempts for help
wasted , blue day barbarians that lie in wait , behind false images
of green an gold , silver with yellow meeting amber in vain
Pain receiving color
Odor fighting turbulence
Cool air upon wrinkled , quickened skin* ...
Copyright July 21 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Pitiful October sunbeam
Warm nutmeg concoctions
Visible morning tide breath , cherry cheekbones ,
gas lamps , golden leaves o'er cobblestone
Silvered gardens , blue eyes hold pine grove
reflections , knitted scarves , Fair- day candy apple
Magenta Dusk , harvest time orb , funnel cake
wisp in the fleeting , western Sun
Barkers , musicians , cider and ale
The windy pull of nights clutter , the Autumn wail
Copyright October 10 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Cold beer fills a chilled mug
The crackle of tobacco , the creak
of a rocker , the croon of crickets ,
Alabamas distant thunder* ...

Deer run in brown grass , water bugs strike
the porch light , cars hum along the distant highway ,
cicadas foretell the shroud of night

Clocks become amplified , ceiling fans -
tickle door chimes
Drab curtains brush plastered walls , dry
corn fields trill , crackle and moan

The final slurp of Michelob as -
someones trash crawls down a forgotten country road
Copyright October 10 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
Red wine seals the cracks ,
opens the door
levels the field
good smoke brings the growling to an end
canned potato chips nourish the body
and the young soul
lipstick smeared cigarette butts ,
slim fast cans , powder cut on an
album sleeve , counting this ,
counting that
someones ***** , his majesties
**** toy
a 45 record skipping
a lizards tongue shoved into his mouth
probing , violating , poisoning
white wine fills the moat
overspills , rushes into the basement ,
flushing the vermin from nooks and
nostrils packed with feces
ignored , ridiculed , used  ... This butterfly amongst the ravens
This polliwog mingling with the frogs
Copyright October 11 , 2017 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
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